"Well? What else?"

"The 4th student of the Martrez School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's facilitation class is a gifted student! It's just...because of a little problem, and then...then, you know these things, just return my magic power. give me!"

Speaking of talented students, thinking of the purpose of her trip, Haruna's face suddenly turned red, but she still used an angry tone to cover it up as usual.

"In other words, you know magic, you are a student of the magic school in the magic world, and you are here to complete the task and earn credits?"

Ye Shenyue secretly rejoiced in her heart. It turned out that she would also be embarrassed. Yes, Chunnai is indeed a genius, but that is relative.Because I can easily achieve everything, I get bored with everything and don't go to school, so I can't keep up with others and become the tail of the crane!

A genius turned into a crane tail!

Anyone who mentions this is a little embarrassed.And this time, it was for the credits that he came to Japan to hunt down Mei Jialuo.

"Okay, I know the general situation, but I don't know how to return your magic power to you, even if you cry, I can't help it, I'll go first."

Ye Shenyue let go of Chunna, shook her head and said, just when Chunna was confused, she added a sentence at the right time, "This cemetery, it seems that something will come out later, if you still have magic power, you don't need it. I'm afraid, but...well, at this time...forget it, take it as if I didn't say anything," Ye Shenyue stood up and patted it, the wound that was slapped by the bear's claws has healed.

"You bastard!"

Haruna continued to cover key parts with her hands, and quickly trotted to Yagami's side.

"What? Is there anything else?"

Ye Shenyue was secretly happy, but she still had a puzzled expression on her face.

"Let's go, go home with you! I will slowly restore my magic power at your house!"

With a little pouting, Haruna was a little dissatisfied. At the end, he added a sentence, "Hurry up and take off your clothes!"


Going home with him is the right thing to do, but...why take off your clothes?Could it be that the current Haruna has been possessed by the silver demon?Want to take away his pure body?

In the end is to accept it?Still accept it.

"Where did you think about it! Did you let me go out like this!"

Haruna didn't know where the explosive power came from, and jumped directly on the shoulders of Yagami, and shouted with extreme anger.

"Okay, okay, just take it off for you to see."

Ye Shenyue didn't admit that he was thinking wrong, but the little Chunna was really cute.

Chapter 0011 Make Money

"Step, pervert step, fool's step, erotic step!"

Vibrant and energetic voice.

Chunna puffed out her cheeks, her two small hands bent into fists, but she couldn't hit Ye Shenyue.Haruna's head was held down by Ye Shenyue, and her little hands were not very long, so naturally she could only be angry.

Looking at Haruna's depressed and angry expression, Ye Shenyue felt relieved in her heart, and sure enough, she made such a move against Loli.Still very effective.

However, she still had a serious expression on her face, and said to You who was sitting quietly, as if nothing would disturb her, "You, she is Chunna, and will stay with us temporarily in the future, Chunna, and Youda. greet."

Ye Shenyue was finally willing to let go of Chunnai, and Chunnai glanced at Ye Shenyue angrily. She had never been so angry before, but when she saw Ye Shenyue's palm that seemed to be reaching out again, she immediately knelt down and sat down obediently. , a small mouth, and then "Hey..."


With a soft sound, Ye Shenyue's fist moved away from Haruna's head, "What kind of hello are you calling!"

"Uuuu... Perverted steps, erotic steps, violent steps, they will only bully me!"

Chunnai's two tender little hands pressed down on the place where Ye Shenyue had knocked, and it was really pitiful.

"You didn't find it yourself."

Ye Shenyue knew that his strength had dropped a little, it was so light, and it definitely didn't hurt as much as she showed her!

"Uuuu... Necromancer, I'm a student at the Belief School of Magic, student number 4, Haruna, please give me more advice in the future."

"It's almost there."

Ye Shenyue nodded, but at this time, Yu Xiang Haruna nodded, and suddenly wrote another sentence in the small notebook, "Is dinner ready?"


Ye Shenyue is a little tangled, it seems that he still has to continue his excellent career as a "Queen's Chef".

"Idiot step, give me the phone!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue walked into the kitchen helplessly, Haruna immediately chased after him and asked him for a mobile phone.

"Give you."

I simply taught Haruna how to use it. She directly dialed the number to go to her senior teacher to report the current situation. After all, she was still trying to earn credits, and her magic power suddenly disappeared, so she might be criticized, but Ye Shenyue did not. It's a bit tangled. How to calculate the phone bill? China Mobile will charge more for every province. Then the communication fee in Japan will go across the world. This fee... How expensive is it?

Cut the carrot with a knife, Ye Shenyue frowned, as an otaku, what he really likes is the world of the second dimension, he is fortunate enough to come to the second dimension, and even saw his favorite anime characters, but, When he really experienced it, he discovered that you and the others are all three-dimensional and alive.Similarly, this life is also real, what is the most real?

The real thing is money.

Although he has inherited the aura of the protagonist, he still has some money, but he still needs more money for the great Crystal Palace in his mind!If you have no ability and no money, if you go to a mistress like this, you will definitely be told by others, but if you have money, you will be envied instead of being talked about.

Money is king!

Ye Shenyue remembered that not only Yu, but also Haruna and even Sera liked to eat pudding, and even fought over the last pudding in the refrigerator. The harem needed harmony, so how could the fire start first?

If there is enough money to buy all the puddings, can they still fight?

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