That is, relying on one's own will, increase the speed to a realm that the body can't bear!If it is a living person, it is unbearable, and the body always has the function of self-protection and limitation, but, but, he is a zombie!

Zombies are not human!

As fast as you want, as fast as you want!

Ye Shenyue's mind sank, and a burst of power came from her feet, it was a complete power!He can run, run faster!

"Crack! Huh?"

The bear's paw waved, and it was empty!

Obviously the ant was in front of me just now, how could it be?

However, before the bear could react, Haruna raised the chainsaw and slashed at the giant bear, starting from the beginning and cutting in half!


Seeing that Chunnai's small body was in shape, Ye Shenyue finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been caught, and he would have to repeat the cup that was cut in half by Haruna!

"So there are still people there? Then erase your memory."

Chunna slaughtered the giant bear, and was proudly posing when she heard Ye Shenyue's breathing, raised her brows, and walked directly towards Ye Shenyue.

The slender hand stretched out, facing Ye Shenyue, her small mouth said something, a mysterious purple light flashed, and then...disappeared...disappeared her own clothes!


Ye Shenyue blushed. Just yesterday, he was still a house man who stayed at home, and he was even more curious about women's bodies. Today, he not only kissed, but also got a knee pillow, and now, he is even more... saw the whole picture.

Without any cloth cover, completely naked!The whole body was white and tender, and when Ye Shenyue's gaze moved downward, there was a burst of excitement in her nose.

"White Tiger..."

Ye Shenyue cried out absentmindedly, and the nosebleed left unnaturally.

Chapter 0010 Teasing Haruna

"White...white tiger? What is that?...Yeah!"

The hair on Haruna's head moved, a little unclear.When she saw the blood flowing from Ye Shenyue's nose, she suddenly had a bad feeling, and looked down...

The girl collapsed in an instant. She just wanted to erase the boy's memory. How could it be that it was her own clothes that were erased.

Moreover, the magic power in the body has disappeared together with the disappearance of the clothes!

Haruna covered her sensitive parts with one hand, and shouted angrily at Yagami, "Give me back my magic power! You thief who steals magic power!"

In her small heart, there is only this boy's ghost. The head called a genius is constantly running. Before killing the bear, and after killing the bear, there is no difference. It is when the memory of this boy is erased. , the same thing happened!

In other words, the thief who not only stole her magic power, but also her clothes, is this boy!

" made it yourself..."

Ye Shenyue can only know that when she is there, Haruna has kicked her little foot over when she is talking about "lively" and "violent"!Still kicking!


There was a soft sound, and it was Haruna's voice, who was holding on to her madness.

"Little girl, just be obedient to me, don't lose your temper!"

Ye Shenyue directly caught Chunna's little feet with one hand, because Chunna's little feet were really too small.Ye Shenyue hugged her directly for convenience.

I couldn't help but touch it, it was really smooth!

" pervert, let me go!"

She was suddenly caught by Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue touched her feet. The numb feeling made Chunnai's small body appear pink.

The girl's heart at this moment is completely ashamed, ashamed and annoyed, when has she been so frivolous!Her small body trembled as she wanted to break free from Ye Shenyue's "claw", but she lost her magic power.The rest of the strength is like a little girl, how can she break free, Ye Shenyue pulls Haruna's small body into her arms, "You say I'm a pervert? Then I didn't do it. What a perverted thing, it seems that I am sorry for this title!"

"You...what do you want to do! Change...change..."

Haruna struggled hard, and her little heart beat faster, but, no matter what, she didn't dare to continue calling Yagami "perverted".

"Okay, whatever I ask, you can answer honestly, should still kiss for the first time~~" The smooth little loli struggled in Ye Shenyue's arms, inadvertently rubbing her limbs. The rubbing made Ye Shenyue's heart feel very dark, and he even felt that his body seemed to have some kind of evil impulse!

I was actually caught by a "loli" iaoou!Is he really just a loli controller?No, no, no!

Ye Shenyue immediately held down the struggling Haruna and made a serious expression, but after speaking, it became silvery again.

"Sure enough, it's changed...changed... ah, then you ask!"

It was also the first time that Haruna had been so close to a boy. She had to know that her Billie was a successful girl, and the proportion of boys was less than [-]%, and she was a gifted student, so she would not contact those who were looked down upon. boys.

So, this time, it was the first time that she was looked down upon by a boy and held her in his arms. That confusing aura always made her body feel hot.

Of course, this was not the time to be confused. As soon as she heard the word "first kiss" from Ye Shenyue, the girl's heart that was about to collapse really collapsed.Can only nod honestly.

"Who are you? Where are you from? What was the one just now?"

Ye Shenyue, who has known the plot for a long time, naturally asked it knowingly, but no one can tell the news of the plot. If everyone knows the plot, then what advantage does he have?

However, even if you know the plot, just because you know the plot, you should train the violent Haruna well.But Ye Shenyue knew that Haruna was a violent factor, and she would be beaten by her in almost every episode in the original novel!

Ye Shenyue is not an M, she doesn't have that tendency.So, since he came to this world, he has to tame Haruna no matter what he does. Although he is a zombie and has strong resilience, if he is beaten, he will still be in pain!


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