Inadvertently insert willows and willows.

The two looked at each other, and a pink atmosphere permeated their surroundings.

So comfortable, this kind of treatment...

Ye Shenyue's face was also a little red.

The purest and natural fragrance belonging to the girl is also more intense than before, and it seems that the blood of people is also boiling.At this moment, Ye Shenyue's eyes are fixed on the thin fragrant lips of the girl who is close at hand. There, something seems to be calling him, calling him, kissing!

"Yes... I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

Just when Ye Shenyue really wanted to kiss her, the girl's face was so red that she couldn't go any further. With some strength, Taeko quickly left Ye Shenyue's body and wanted to run away.

However, within two steps of escaping, his body was paralyzed again, and his legs were still paralyzed.

"It's me who should say it's bad. Let me knead it for you, it's all because of me."

In Ye Shenyue's eyes, Taeko's voluntary surrender was not a relief, but there was a pity in her heart. The previous time with Mihara, she didn't feel anything, all she had to do was feel pain, and the pain on her face was covered up. The beauty of the four lips meeting.Moreover, the two of them just simply touched their four lips, and there is no emotion, and the atmosphere is the keynote.

"'s not the fault of classmate Bu."

Tiaozi blushed and watched Ye Shenyue's palm stretched out to her lap, but it wasn't taking advantage of her, she was rubbing it seriously. God knows what a huge test Ye Shenyue is going through right now. Touching a girl with your hand is still very cute, very gentle, and a very good wife and mother-type girl's legs!

How exciting is this for an otaku who has never even held a girl's hand a few times!

Step classmates, still as gentle as before.

Taeko raised her head and saw that Ye Shenyue was using her skillful strength to unblock her stiff and numb legs, and thought to herself.

Of course, if she knew what Ye Shenyue was thinking at the moment, she would probably... run away immediately.

Ye Shenyue was persuading herself in her heart that "the one who takes advantage of the negative side" can't do it now. She can't take advantage of it. Taeko is doing this for him, but she can't take advantage of others now.After taking advantage of it, it feels better!

Ps: Regarding amnesia, I have already said that the protagonist wants to retrieve the lost memory. The lost memory does not refer to the original memory of the protagonist, but the memory that entered the animation interface. That is to say, the protagonist has first entered each Anime interface.This time, I went back to find memories.For example, Xianjian met Qinger and lost his memory, and then the protagonist entered the era of Linger to find the memory of entering Xianjian before.OK, no spoilers.

Chapter 0009


The sunset has finally all set!Yagami, who was alone in the classroom, finally regained her spirits.It turned out that he was ruthlessly abandoned by Mihara on the way to the infirmary, and then a worried Taeko passed by. Because he was not strong enough, he could not be sent to the infirmary, so he had to move him to the side of the big tree to enjoy the shade, and then It is the lap pillow that Ye Shenyue dreams of.

However, what makes Ye Shenyue sigh very incomparably is the sunset hanging high, even if it is just a sunset, it can still turn zombies into mummies!The original plan to send Taeko home to enhance the relationship was also put on hold, and it was all to blame for the sunset!

Now, when the sun has completely set, it is time for Yashenyue to go home.As soon as she thought of the very cute Yuu at home, Ye Shenyue's blood became restless again. This feeling was not even with Taeko, and she had a feeling with Taeko. It was also caused by physical contact. Thinking of You's appearance, his blood is surging. Could it be that he is really loli control?

Ye Shenyue couldn't help clenching her fists. When he reacted, it was darkness and desolation.

There are erected tombs, some of which are not marked with names, and most of them are buried here with the bodies of their family members who cannot be found.A terrifying message was constantly pervading the entire cemetery, especially at a time when even the moon was only half left.

A sense of coolness strikes.

But, but, this kind of terrifying, changing the cemetery where the girl would scream, Ye Shenyue actually felt a kind and comfortable feeling.

Stepping on the soil of the cemetery under my feet, a feeling of stepping on the soil of my hometown came, so comfortable, so comfortable!

Nima, where the hell is this!

Not the time to be led away by feelings!

At this time, Ye Shenyue, when his thoughts were flying, unknowingly came to the cemetery, and when he was awake, that strange intimacy swept over.

As an otaku, Ye Shenyue, who not only watches anime, but also loves movies, suddenly remembered the bloody and terrifying plots in various horror movies, for example, a masked murderer suddenly appeared in the cemetery, dividing people into corpses, etc. of.

"Kakaka..." Suddenly, the loud noise really came, it was really the sound of a chainsaw, followed by a cloud of smoke.

Ye Shenyue's sixth sense was fully activated, and it seemed that something terrifying was coming to him.A huge and terrifying shadow leaned towards him!

"Clap!" With a tragic clap, Ye Shenyue was photographed to the ground, and at the same time, he also saw the thing that slapped him and vomited blood, it was a huge bear!The bear was showing sharp white teeth and claws, which were dripping with bright red blood.That's his blood!

Look at the horror of the bear, and, from behind the bear, "Don't run! Little bear!"

The young girl shouted in embarrassment, and Ye Shenyue finally understood that this time, it was actually Haruna's appearance!

Sure enough, at the moment Ye Shenyue blinked, a petite girl in a beautiful princess robe descended from the sky. Of course, what came down was the pink chainsaw that she held in both hands and kept turning, as if it was about to fall apart. , rushing towards the angry bear.

Such a big bear is also called a bear?Haruna, your nerves are too big!

Ye Shenyue was deeply complaining. Of course, now is not the time to complain. If he remembers correctly, the bear will "fork" him and take him as a hostage to stop Haruna. However, that guy, Haruna, must be It will be cut with a knife!

Divided into two halves!

Even zombies can't be so immoral!Besides, I still have to endure the pain of being dismembered!

I haven't lost yet, how can I taste the punishment of being dismembered?Alaya!This unscientific!

Ye Shenyue only knows that now, there is only one way, and that is to escape!He didn't want to be dismembered by Haruna!


The angry giant bear couldn't escape even if he wanted to. His sharp claws grabbed it like Ye Shenyue's body. Although it was Megalo, it was still conscious and could at least grab a shield!

"Fuck! Isn't this playing with me!"

Ye Shenyue felt terrified when she saw the attacking bear's paws, so he didn't want to be dismembered!Speed, speed is not fast enough, the speed of human beings can't run the bear's paw!


Just at the critical moment, Ye Shenyue thought in her mind that he is no longer a human being, so he can naturally use a plug-in and drive a speed that is not human!

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