So... so... so...

Xinnai felt that if she gave him someone, then maybe all the female generals in her camp would be gone.

Who will be the boss then!

Whoever wins a woman wins the world. This is not applicable in other worlds, but it is an iron-like theorem among the Oda Army.Because her generals and her subordinates are all women...

A whole squad of musketeers.

Shinna rode a horse in front, and their direction was exactly the Zhengtokuji Temple requested by Saito Dozo.

It's just that there is one more person in this team, and that is Ye Shenyue.But it's strange that he didn't bring Chiyo or Goemon with his bodyguard dogs.

"Aren't you coming?"

Xinnai rode a horse and looked at Ye Shenyue below, "First of all, let me tell you that I don't have any appearance fee for you this time!"

"...Please don't be so stingy. My ideal is to have one country, one city, and beautiful women, so your obstructive behavior is meaningless. This time I don't want girls in your camp."

Ye Shenyue pushed her glasses up, as if everything looked down, "This time I'm here to compete for military industry, after all, girls also want cities, my status is still too low, and I'm too far away from the big name, so This time has to come."


Oda Nobuna originally thought that Yagami was here to fulfill her duty, but she didn't expect that she wanted to snatch the credit, but that's fine, "If you can get Mino from Saito Dozo without any effort, Then I agree to promote you to be the guardian of the building front."

"That's what you said!"

Yashenyue turned over on his horse at once, and there was only Shinna on the horse beside him, so the horse he turned over was only Shinna's horse, in other words, he was actually riding with Shinna.

"Hey... what are you doing up here? Hurry down..."

Xinnai tried hard to push Ye Shenyue away, not to mention that her relationship with Ye Shenyue was not enough to hug and hug in public, even...even in the public, she couldn't move.

"Look at this!"

Yagami picked up the binoculars that Shinna had put in the horse's bag, and let her look through the binoculars to the woods ahead.

"that is……"

Xinnai was still trying to pry or want to push Yashenyue away, but she was stunned at this time, "To actually do this...then..."

"The musketeers, light the fire line of the gun! Let's see who's afraid of who|!"

What she saw through the telescope was that the people on Saito Michizō's side were ambushing in the woods. It seemed that they also wanted to use their troops to be deceitful, but if they attacked them, then the musket explosion would also involve them. Come in.


This is to see who is more ruthless in the game.

Ps: By the way, is the protagonist of these chapters still M?This is the author's improved writing.

Chapter 0316 White Delicate Meinong (two more)

Zhengde Temple.

Saito Michizumi and Akechi Mitsuhide sat on one side, while Yagami and Oda Nobuna sat opposite.

Now that it has been agreed to negotiate, it is actually just four people staring at each other with eight eyes.Shinna and Saito Michizo's compliments and inquiries made Yagami almost fall asleep.

However, Ye Shenyue was not idle either. He was watching. He was looking at Mitsuhide Akechi, the advisor of Saito Dosan, who was sitting across from him. This was a strange era. As long as the famous generals were girls, they were majestic and majestic in history. Akechi Mitsuhide, who led the change in Honnoji Temple, is also a girl.

This is a beautiful girl swordsman, with kumquat flowers, it really is a girl's flower.

But she looks a little old-fashioned, and she seems to be bound by various ancient rules and regulations.

However, Ye Shenyue rubbed her chin, filtering all kinds of information about Mitsuhide Akechi in her mind, but finally came to the conclusion that this is a very serious and... very capable person!

Can make plans, fights, and warm the bed!

This is a talented person, much better than a certain Imagawa Yoshimoto who can only warm the bed.Yagami couldn't help but pushed her glasses. In this world, there is an existence like Asakura who hopes to gather girls like the Tale of Genji, and of course there is an existence like him who carries a man's dream.

Although it is easy to destroy a country with his combat power and become a daimyo or something, it is estimated that Kagura in the world of Inuyasha likes this kind of empty life, but if he does, it will be too boring.

He stayed in this world for a little longer instead of reaching his goal today and being sent back to his original world.

"This is a strange and impolite person."

Saito Michizane and Oda Nobuna did not relax in the dialogue with Akechi Mitsuhide, because the man opposite had short hair and a strange decoration (actually glasses). When his fingers pushed the decoration, she felt in her heart. There is an unpleasant feeling, that kind of feeling is like being stared at.

"So Saito Michizo must think that Shinna is an idiot, as rumored by the outside world?"

Shinna stood up. Today, she was dressed up because she was meeting with a big name from a country (actually just a city). The girls were still the most beautiful in kimonos. At this moment, Shinna had a lot more femininity.

Well, it can't be said to be a woman yet, it can only be said to be beautiful and girly.

Oda Nobuna claims to be Owari's No. [-] beauty and girl, and she's really pretty.

Seeing that they could no longer talk, Ye Shenyue also stood up, and it was finally time for him to appear.

"Dao San, you should honestly admit that, as a veteran who has been through many battles from a merchant to a daimyo, it is impossible for you to not know that the world needs to be unified now, and the rulers are unified. It must be Shinna, because Shinna has a vision that this world...the world doesn't have! Because...when you were still fighting in the nest and everyone wanted to be a great name, Shinna had already surpassed you...because, she What you see is the world!"

"Ye bastard..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly stood up to speak for her and she was speaking from her heart. Xinnai was very excited and moved.

It's just that it's not over yet, and Shinna's eyes widened.

Ye Shenyue's hand suddenly reached into her mouth, and then she took out the globe in front of everyone... Yes, the globe that Shinna put in the room!

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