"You know? The real Japan is only this area... In the eyes of the whole world, it can't be too small, but you who are fighting for this small area are even more insignificant! Saito Dozo, do you know that if you choose If you're on the right path, then your name you'll be on...maybe it will be remembered in history!"

Ye Shenyue returned the globe to Shinna...because it was really something taken out of her room, so it could be considered a return to its original owner.

"Famous in history..."

Saito Dozo is already an old man, but his body is still very straight. He smiles in disappointment, "Boy..."

With a clatter, he suddenly pulled out the long knife he was carrying with him and slashed at Ye Shenyue's body. No one could react. Only those in the play knew the length of time at this moment.

But Ye Shenyueli ignored him, smiling calmly as if she had grasped the truth, and no one was afraid.

The knife stopped, and the blade stopped at a distance of one centimeter from Ye Shenyue.

"Sure enough, you are not afraid... It seems that you really said these words sincerely."

Saito Dozo sighed, "I'm really old, but... maybe I can really make a name for myself... Because I made the most correct decision."

"Dao San... Could it be that..."

Akechi Mitsuhide suddenly thought of Dosan's meaning.

"I decided to give Mino to Shinna. As for the reason... Then please ask Shinna to recognize me as a foster father and transfer Mino to his adopted daughter!"

Saito Michizane laughed.This time, indeed, he really took the right step.Although there will be many, many problems because of this.

"You scared me just now... If Dao San really hacks, you will definitely die..."

On the way back, Shinna had an expression of lingering fears, but this expression only lasted for thirty seconds, "But this time I really got Mino effortlessly, and it's good to be a teacher..."

Shinna looked very happy.

"However...how do you have my globe? Could it be that...you directly trespassed in my room...that's a girl's room...no one is allowed..."

"Hahaha...Why is the weather so good? Shinna, your kimono looks pretty good..."

Ye Shenyue pushed her glasses to show her most realistic acting skills.

"Don't try to divert the topic! It's about my reputation!"

Xin Nai jumped off the horse and wanted to catch Ye Shenyue, but Ye Shenyue got on the horse one step faster than her, and it was fun to get off one by one.


"No matter what, I helped you get Minong on the bright side. You have to make me the front guard of the building, or I will ride back and let you walk."

The reins are in hand, and the moon is full of energy.

"...you really are... a bastard!"

The leader of the Oda Army looked ashamed and angry, but, "What you mean on the clear side is..."

"It means Mino... It's not over yet! Saito Michizō is also old, but he is not only your righteous daughter. He also has his own son and daughter, so let's just talk about the daughter, as the general. The person who took over Meinong suddenly got a duck that flew away, and he was not given it by his father, so that son...will he just let it go?"

Ye Shenyue helped Xinna analyze, in fact, the fact is the same, if according to the original plot Saito Dosan's son Saito Yoshiyuki is really upset, and then he almost even committed such a thing as father-killing.

"I have to go back quickly! At least, at least I can remind Dao San to be careful."

Shinna just wanted to mount Ye Shenyue's hand and let her grab it. "I'll accompany you."


I don't know if it was excitement or what, but at this moment, Shinna, who was wearing a kimono, had a blush on her face.

ps: There are two more.

Chapter 0317 The sudden arrival of Changzheng sister (three more)

"Saito Yoshiyuki rebelled!"

"And the Mino trio also rebelled!"

The news came only a day after Saito Michizō took Shinna as his righteous daughter and publicly stated that he would give Mino to Oda Shinna.

"Oops... the last thing I didn't want to see happened."

On the chessboard, Shinna continued to play chess with her salty expression, "Okay... I'll play here!"

Shinna held white and killed a piece of Kuroko in one fell swoop.

"Tsk tsk tsk... it's still a long way off..."

However, the old man's black chess was the dragon that attacked Shinna all at once.

"Not good...to focus too much on immediate interests..."

Seeing Shirai Shinna being eaten was a little heartbroken.

"The real superior is attacking the heart, and he has a unique vision to see the overall situation. Even if he loses a thousand and eight hundred, as long as he can lure the enemy into it, it is worth it."

Saito Dozo said, he was talking about the scene on the chessboard, but as long as you are smart enough to know that he is talking about the current situation.

Yes, his son rebelled and occupied Mino. This is a loss. Mino can't get it for the time being. It's just that if Shinna goes after him immediately, he may be attacked by Yoshimoto Imagawa, who is eyeing him. I always want to take the other party's territory, so I keep my eyes open and ready to take advantage of it. If I see Shinna and Saito Yoshiyuki fighting together, these guys will definitely send troops.

Therefore, the meaning of the current Dosan is to let Shinna hold the troops and do not send troops to Mino.

But his original name has already announced to the world that he has given Mino to Shinna, so as long as Shinna can hold back his breath, then it is possible to take Mino back when it is convenient and safe in the future.

"In the end, I gave my foster father a lesson, and Xinnai was taught."

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