Shinna nodded, meaning she already understood what Dao San meant.This is indeed the case. If troops are suddenly dispatched, the Oda army may be wiped out, and the gains will outweigh the losses.However, Shinna's white continued to play, "But even though I know this will happen, I won't admit defeat. Let's play another game."

No matter whether it is playing chess or fighting, he will never lose. This is Shinna's determination to show his determination.

"Hahaha, I like this kind of unyielding temperament... Sometimes I really think that Xinnai really has a fate with me..."

Saito Michizane laughed.

Is it really related to me?

Ye Shenyue was lying on the side and listening to their conversation, and suddenly remembered some two Western gods in a certain mythology. When they saw something good, they started to make an awesome declaration, "Donor, please be slow, this thing and I have fate."

Well, at this time, only Yagami is still so idle, because he told Shinna that Saito Yoshiyuki would betray the news, so she quickly went back to find Saito Dosan, and then let Dosan related to him. The staff arrived last.

In this way, Saito Michizumi's life was saved.

"Reporting to the lord, the head of the Asai family, Nagai Asai, asks to see you."

However, at this time, Singer, who had not seen him for a long time, came to report.

Because of the laxity of these days, Singer did not put on the armor but plain clothes. Even though it was plain clothes, the clothes were purple... But it was also because only the fabric was prominent, so the weapon of Singer was in the night god. Moon's observation is also exposed.

The peaks and peaks that roll along her side as she sits are most beautifully displayed at this angle of Yagami.

Lolita is good, but girls are also good.

Yagami pushed her glasses, then stood up, "Nobu Na, I want to entertain this Asai Nagamasa!"

"You're going? He's a big name. Would it be rude if I just sent you there?"

Shinna looked at Ye Shenyue strangely, because Ye Shenyue had never been so proactive before, of course, there were exceptions, but it was all for the beautiful girl, or for credit.

And now he has not offered any compensation, which is really abnormal.

"Could it be that……"

Singer and Shinna glanced at each other, and then both saw the surprise and surprise in each other's eyes, "Could it be that Loli can't satisfy you anymore, you actually put the poison on the body of the beautiful boy!"

I don't know if they did it on purpose or not, but the Shengjia suddenly stayed at least ten feet away from Ye Shenyue. The place was so big and she had a strange idea when she avoided other people.

"Asai Nagamasa is a beautiful boy with a very handsome appearance. Even if he doesn't pay attention, there are rumors that some people seem to be interested in him."

Saito Dozo also stopped making moves, he added.

Saito Dozo didn't make it clear, but everyone already fully understood that there are such things as men and men in this world, just like some stupid sister of Shinna likes Lily, so there is already a car in front, so come another man. Men also accept it very well!

"...I don't make a base!"

Ye Shenyue still doesn't understand that these people have already characterized him as gay, "Except for this Asai Nagamasa, you have to think about it, Shinnai, this Asai Nagamasa may have come to form an alliance with the Oda Army, And how to form an alliance is of course to marry you, so...if you summon him once...then..."

Ye Shenyue continued to push her glasses, at this moment as if the goddess of wisdom smiled at him, and her mind became extremely clear, "In the current situation, although you are not directly confronting Saito Yoshiyuki, if he joins forces with Imagawa Yoshiyuki Wasn't Yuan and the others beaten so badly? So this Asai Nagamasa may have taken a fancy to this point. It is assumed that you can't immediately refuse her all coming... So if you meet and then immediately refuse... Then the survival of the Oda army Chances are..."

"It makes sense, this Asai Nagamasa may be here for this. But I think if he is trying to form an alliance, he might still use Shinna."

Saito Dozo said while rubbing his beard, which was turning white.

"Um...I know..."

One side is a marriage proposal and the other side is a direct rejection to become an enemy...

Well, this time, Shinna-sama has turned into an orange, and you can squeeze it however you want.

"But, you must convince him to let him... at least not against our Oda army, at least not now, Imagawa Yoshimoto's side... eh..."

Shinna was annoyed again.

"No problem, if I succeed in making Asai our ally, then in terms of promotion..."

Well, Xinnai still underestimated Ye Shenyue. This product was not brought up just now and is brought up now because the analysis is now complete and it is more convincing and successful.

"Okay... If you can do it, then I'll let you do it... er... I'll give you a beautiful girl..."

Originally, I wanted to talk about promotion, but after a few more promotions, I will become a famous name. If Yagami is let go, then Shinna really doesn't have much confidence to fight the increasingly severe situation.

So the beautiful girl... As for the candidate for the beautiful girl...

Yagami's familiar and unfamiliar black belly flashed on Oda Nobuna's beautiful face.

Chapter 0318 Beautiful boy and beautiful girl (four more)

There were three people approaching, all young swordsmen, but the blue-haired boy in the middle stood out, with a straight body and clean face, with a hearty smile on his face.

"Sir, we will definitely succeed this time. As long as we tell that idiot Oda about her situation, they will definitely be used by the young master obediently."

One of the swordsmen said.

The one in the middle had a smile on his face, "If it was really that easy, there would be no challenge. I thought Oda Nobuna, who was called an idiot, had some skills. If it was really that easy, I would really look up to her."

It was Asai Nagamasa who spoke.With a long sword in his hand, he looks good.

It's just that they stopped while walking.

"Sir, what is that guy doing?"

One of the swordsmen pointed at Yagami, who was sitting on a tree with a fishing rod hanging on the ground.

"Looks like fishing."

Asai Nagamasa looked strangely at Yagami Yue who was holding a fishing rod, "This guy must have a problem with his brain."

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