"That guy... there must be no salvation... there is no salvation..."

Oda Nobuna shook her head vigorously as if she had been hit, "I thought that Lolita couldn't satisfy him anymore, and then he went to find a man... Now he even steals people..."

"I knew that guy would always take this step. When he stretched out his sinful hands, it already foreshadowed that he would become such a person..."

Singer shook his head with a disappointed expression.

"The strong man broke his wrist, it's time for the strong man to break his wrist. 5 points."

In the end, even Niwa Nagahide shook her head. She was making the strictest and most correct reminder to remind Shinna to expel Yagami from the Oda Army.

Although Ye Shenyue is a great help, his private life is so dissolute that he even did things like stealing people!

"Uh...what are you talking about?"

Akechi Mitsuhide, the only one who kept his mind clear, showed a puzzled expression, "I heard that they are going to Mino to steal Mino's military advisor."

"military adviser!"

Saito Michizō, who had returned to the courtyard, looked at the girls who had come to ask him specially and nodded, "Meinong does have such a military division, who is proficient in Zhuge Liang's art of war and the eight formations of Qimen. It can be said that Meinong may not have it, but She must not be without! She alone can resist the entire Minong!"

Dao San's evaluation is very high.

But everyone's expressions didn't seem so intense, at least not as he imagined.

"So that's what it is...it scared me."

Shinna patted her chest and said.Let's just say that Ye Shenyue wouldn't have gotten to the point of stealing people no matter how bad she was!

"It turned out to be trying to steal the opponent's strategist before Saito Yoshiyuki goes mad. This strategy has 100 points!"

Niwa Nagahide gave it a very high evaluation, although Sister Changxiu only gave 5 points before "unreasonable".

When a small truth is revealed, there is an absolute contrast.

"But...will it be dangerous for him to go to Mino?"

Singer showed a worried expression. The most disappointing thing just now is that she is also the most worried about her now...

"Inuchiyo and Goemon follow him. He can be kept safe, and he's not a weakling himself."

Akechi Mitsuhide added.

Akechi Mitsuhide-kun once again felt his humble sense of existence... Obviously... she should be the most concerned about the news she reported... But now... I still feel that I have to make a career... otherwise, I will even have a sense of existence. Can't even bring it up.


On the other side, although it is the other side, Yagami Yue and Nagamasa sister have already entered Mino, or they have groped for the address of the military advisor.It was a deep place... How deep... It should be said that it is a bit gloomy, and most people dare not go in...

"It turns out that Mino's military advisors live in this kind of place."

Sister Changzheng stood with a calm expression on her face, well, this sister is acting cute again.

"But Changzheng, don't you think it's a little gloomy here? It seems that something will appear at any time..."

Ye Shenyue deliberately made a frightened expression.

"Hmph... I'm afraid at this point, I'm still a man... Even if I'm... even I'm not afraid."

Asai Nagamasa originally wanted to say "even a girl", but before he could say it, he immediately realized that he was almost wrong.


Ye Shenyue looked at her strangely, "But I always feel that the frequency of your heartbeat seems to be one-fifth faster."

Almost a fifth?

Nagamasa Asai looked at Yagami like a ghost, someone who could even hear and count the heartbeat...does it really exist?

"Inuchiyo, I'm afraid Goemon will be scared if he finds something like a ghost and shoots him down."

Yagami turned around and touched the hat of Inu Chiyo's tiger. This expressionless loli was indeed Saigo, as for Goemon...

She is more lively, Ye Shenyue, and she is really worried that this guy will be afraid of these things. After all, the shikigami of a certain military division here also likes to pretend to be a ghost, and the name is "Former Ghost" "Okay."

The expressionless Loli nodded.

"Hey... Boss, I won't be afraid, I'm also a dignified ninja... how can a ninja be afraid of these things... um... bit my tongue..."

The silver-haired loli, who was still wearing a black ninja uniform, covered her mouth again habitually, and it seemed that it was hurting again...

"...Why...why would I follow such a guy!"

One, two, three were like this. Sister Asai Nagamasa suddenly felt how unreliable the people around her were, and she had to rely on herself in the end.

But it's okay to rely on her, because she decided to come together when Ye Shenyue proposed "robbing the military division of Mino", hum hum... When the time comes, it must be her Asai family who grabs the military division!

Sister Changzheng's selfishness has always been the heaviest.

It's just that Sister Changzheng seems to feel a little depressed when she really faces the military advisor.

"Want me to join you? It's very simple... Then let's play a game. These are four buns, there are poisons in them, but there is also the one that's okay. Whoever finds the one that's okay first, then I'll go with you."

The talking sergeant was a very young man dressed in traditional and ancient priestly clothing.


Sister Changzheng looked at the four buns on the plate, and nodded, "That doesn't stop me..."

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