Sister Changzheng has a look of determination, because she has all kinds of bitter history, even in this world where women's famous names can also exist, but she has to disguise herself as a man and live as a man.

Who knows how hard it is?

"I'll come first!"

She grabbed the steamed bun on the left, but Ye Shenyue grabbed her hand just as she was about to bite.

"Here's chili peppers. It smells so strong."

"What about this one?"

Changzheng put down the first bun he picked up and picked up the other one, but Ye Shenyue stopped her again.

"This is a stone. You can tell at a glance. This is just a trick. Not only is this a stone, but the last one is a pepper. In fact, there are no normal buns in it!"

"why is it like this……"

I thought I could impress these masters with my sincerity, but... I seem to be wrong, I feel like my sincerity has been trampled.

"You are teasing me!"

It's true that she's teasing her, not Ye Shenyue, because Ye Shenyue didn't participate, isn't it...

"Hahaha... of course I'm teasing you!"

The former ghost's human figure suddenly changed, and then turned into a huge white wolf, saying, "I just want to see how you humans are being played."

I have to say that the former ghost is still very powerful, and the transformation from a human form to an invisible giant wolf is really impossible for ordinary people.


What was surprising, however, was that Sister Nagamasa, who was still angry just now, hugged Ye Shenyue all of a sudden.

"Uh... Sister Changzheng, you are so old that you are still afraid of the soul!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged helplessly, Sister Changzheng has always been such a man. He almost thought that Sister Changzheng was not a woman except her body. It seems... this mind... It seems that she is also a woman.

Chapter 0320 Finally got the third loli (two more)

"Quick... Quickly help me kill it..."

The poor sister Changzheng didn't even respond when she was called, and she begged for mercy at this moment.Not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, just afraid of ghosts...

Sister Changzheng is like this, so what kind of a witch who has to face ghosts and spirits every day who has been trained in hell?


Inuchiyo stepped forward at the behest of Yagami Yue, and in the strange eyes of the former ghost who had transformed into a giant wolf, he raised his gun like this, and then took a shot.

Then, the former ghost fell to the ground and was killed just like that.If it's too weak to be killed, it's fine, but the corpse also disappeared.There was no trace at all, as if it had never appeared.


Sister Nagamasa looked at the ground that was completely empty, but at this time Goemon felt that Inuchiyo had taken his job and started the offensive. A hand knife opened the cabinet in front of everyone.


The person hiding in the cabinet revealed her figure. This was a very small loli, with a beautiful face and a petite body. She was wearing a green onmyoji robe with a green neckline but a white dress.

At this moment, the little loli showed a panicked expression. She was Junshui, Takenaka Banbei, whom Ye Shenyue and the others were looking for.She is the deity, just for fear of being bullied, so she summoned the former ghost as her stand-in.Only now it has been discovered.

Loli panicked.

"Don't be afraid, I won't bully you, you see I have two loli here, so I won't bully loli."

Ye Shenyue showed her purest and purest eyes, her eyes were so soft, and after thousands of trials, she had well hidden her lolicon characteristics. At this moment, Ye Shenyue is...

Big brother.

"Really? You won't bully me?"

Maybe it's victim paranoia, so this loli seems to be a little nervous, but the innocent expression of the night god and moon, the harmless loli still gave him a lot of goodwill.

"Of course, you're so cute... how is it? Little sister... do you want to come to my brother's place? My brother can teach you a lot..."

Ye Shenyue touched the head of Takenaka Hanbei, and it was indeed a weak loli who felt the pleasure of bullying her...

"But... cute or something..."

Loli's face was slightly red. This was the first time someone said that to her, or... In fact, she had been hiding and no one saw her...

"...Hey... We're here to find Hanbei Takenaka, why are you lying to the little girl? No... Where did Hanbei Takenaka go?"

Asai Nagamasa's displeased voice sounded, but she just thought about it, she was too selfish, but she couldn't wait to kidnap Hanbei Takenaka, and then returned to her Asai house, and then she took in a big talent, she It is for this step.

"That... I'm sorry, I... I'm Takenaka Hanbei."

However, the little Loli has recovered a little speech ability under the appeasement of Ye Shenyue, but the words she said made the elder sister Nagamasa, who is good at playing swords, as if she was stabbed by ten knives.

"You... what did you say?"

My sister's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it. In fact, her mind was spinning very fast, and she also realized in her thinking that she was an idiot and let go of the opportunity to build up a relationship with the military advisor, and was thus taken advantage of!

Got pre-empted!

"Hello, I'm the former ghost, the master's shikigami."

Perhaps it was the kind-hearted sister Hanbei Takenaka who summoned the former ghost again, and sister Nagamasa... almost fainted.

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