Sure enough... it was taken first.

"There is no hope in Mino, so follow me back to the Oda Army, there is a place for you to display your talents. Moreover, Shinna thinks the same as you, she doesn't like killing, and what she longs for is a unified The world. Since it has the same goal, why not"

Ye Shenyue had already hugged Takenaka Banbei's sister while she was talking. Rouran's loli was really different. Ye Shenyue looked at the two next to her, and was finally satisfied. Now the three loli have all joined together. Done.

"That can't be done!"

However, at this time, the sound of decibel exceeding the standard sounded, and then a few people walked in, led by Saito Yoshiyuki.

Saito Yoshiyuki has a huge stature. No matter whether he develops horizontally or vertically, Ye Shenyue is not his opponent. Such a person... is really a real man?

So much sturdy...

Well, if you look at the majestic Saito Yoshiyuki from an aesthetic point of view, he can also find a wife, but... Now this look is scary even if Lolita sees it.

Ye Shenyue was very satisfied with the appearance of Saito Yoshiyuki, because Takenaka Hanbei's sister had already hid behind his trousers, she was relying on him... she was relying on him!

Chapter 0321 The weakest half soldier (one more)

Once, once.

Ye Shenyue remembered that there was such a loli who once hid behind him, but it was an arrogant loli. She hid behind him because she was relying on him... That's weird, obviously she was using him as a shield!

That's Haruna-chan!

But now this loli is different. This is Takenaka Banbei, a weak girl onmyoji, and she is also a military teacher with out-of-standard intelligence.A great strategist who can do meritorious deeds even when thrown at Shinna.

And he, Ye Shenyue wanted to protect her.

"Who... what do you want to do? Don't think about bullying Banbei, she's already mine."

Ye Shenyue's words were so arrogant and righteous, and she wouldn't blush. Maybe he didn't know what blush was for a long time.

"Fart, she is obviously my military advisor and belongs to me Meinong, this is loyalty!"

Saito Yoshiyuki had a dissatisfied expression on his face, if he hadn't come first, maybe the military advisor would have been abducted just like that, "But this is the first time I have heard that the military advisor is a girl, but...don't worry, even if it's a girl, I don't care. Will reuse!"

Saito Yoshiyuki's eyes reflected strong self-confidence. If ordinary girls are appreciated by saying this, why not smash their bones to repay their gratitude?

But... Or because of Yagami's preemptive deception, so... Saito Yoshiyuki can only take a back seat.

Although it is not possible to judge a person by appearance alone, the fierce Saito Yoshiyuki still frightened Takenaka Hanbei.Little Loli's finally stable expression became flustered again.

"Heh... Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be the anti-father Saito Yoshiyuki... Your father, Saito Dozo, is a guest at my Shinna's house."

Ye Shenyue touched her head to reassure her, but she didn't have a good face when she met Saito Yoshiyuki.Ye Shenyue is mocking him for rebelling, and his son betrayed his father!

"Damn guy... You really belonged to Oda's group. Dosan gave Mino to Oda Shinna and chose Shinna. This is a wrong choice, and I will definitely make him regret it!"

Humans are like that, who doesn't have any weaknesses?Once caught and stabbed to death, no one can stand it, even though Saito Yoshiyuki, who is very popular in the bodybuilding industry, couldn't stand it, and immediately became angry, "This time you have thrown yourself into the net, then Get ready to be dismembered!"

"You idiot, you deliberately angered him at this time!"

Sister Nagamasa had a chance to speak after being left in the cold for a full minute, but Yoshiyuki Saito, who was opposite her just spoke, saw the Peugeot on her long sword.

"This is the beauty of the Asai family...and you're still so must be Nagamasa Asai, come here and capture him alive!"

Although Saito Yoshiyuki is huge, his observation is still meticulous, and he can see through the identity of Asai's sister at once.Although her sword is engraved with the family crest, it is easy to reveal her identity...

I usually just pretend to show my identity... But this time I shot myself in the foot...

Poor sister Nagamasa, she is full of remorse now, she would not have spoken casually if she had known, and maybe Saito Yoshiyuki would not have noticed her.

She...was totally involved.

I finally came to Meinong in order to find a military advisor, but because of her own negligence, Ye Shenyue took the lead, and now she may be captured alive...

I'm afraid she is the most innocent at the moment...

Sure enough... people, you can't be so greedy and not so selfish...

Looking at the soldiers who kept pouring in, she suddenly felt that it was becoming difficult to escape...

"Abe Onmyoji, it shouldn't be difficult for you to stay and trap them, right?"

Ye Shenyue hugged Banbei's little Lolita and looked at the former ghost road.

"With my ability, of course."

The former ghost nodded, but his eyes seemed a little strange, or surprised, because he was the soul of Abe Seimei, the most powerful onmyoji of that era, but he eventually became a shikigami, and no one knew him.

"Then... please."

Ye Shenyue nodded, then holding Takenaka Hanbei with one hand, Nagamasa sister, who was in a dilemma with the other, wanted to leave.

"Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy! This is Sun Tzu's Art of War! Inuchiyo, Goemon, let's withdraw!"

"it is good!"

The two loli nodded, as long as they were given time, they could still take Ye Shenyue out, even though the small room was already surrounded by people, there seemed to be a circle outside.

"Hmph, do you really want to leave? Takenaka Hanbei, don't forget, your uncle is still in my hands!"

It's not an exaggeration to say that there are a lot of people here, so in front of Saito Yoshiyuki, Yashinyuki and the others said it was a joke to escape, but he still wanted to force Takenaka Hanbei to stay.

So moved on to the last trump card.

That is Takenaka Hanbei's uncle. If she just leaves this time and abandons her relatives, her reputation will stink.

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