Akechi Mitsuhide added.After all, she once served Saito Dozo in Mino, so even if she left there, she still had the means to find out the news faster than everyone else.

"Looks like that guy Saito Yoshiyuki also finds it difficult..."

The enemy's unhappiness is their own happiness, this is the basic philosophy.

However, at this time, Singer came in again and reported.

"My lord, that guy is back."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, "So did he bring back Meinong's counselor?"

Shinna-sama seemed a little excited, and it seemed that someone's plan to steal people seemed to be successful.

"This...it's hard to say..."

However, Singer was a little hesitant. "What he brought back was a little girl, wearing an onmyoji costume, looking very weak, and being held in his arms by him."

"In my arms? And a little girl?"

I don't know why the order that Shinna-sama cares about is so strange, she looked at Miss Akechi Mitsuhide, "Your military advisor to Mino is..."

Maybe... Nobuyana was defending Yagami in her heart.

However, Guangxiu shook his head, "It is said to be a handsome young man wearing the costume of an Onmyoji."

She hadn't seen it with her own eyes.


Xinna patted the ground, "I understand! This guy should have captured someone's sister and came to threaten him... It's too..."

"The hostage-taking is unreasonable, but it is beneficial to our side, 70 points."

Sister Niwa Nagahide never forgets to score.

"But looking at their closeness...it seems..."

It was time to retire, but Singer still added. "I faintly heard that little girl calling Ye Shenyue her brother..."

"It is said that the military advisor Takenaka Hanbei has only one uncle and no sister..."

Akechi Mitsuhide-san frowned and added, and then seemed to be telling the truth.


Silence first.Then it exploded.

"Don't...don't stop me...that guy really went to steal people...it must be like this..."

Akechi Mitsuhide and Niwa Nagahide hurriedly grabbed the angry Lord Shinna. At this moment, Lord Shinna was still wearing a robe and wearing only black underwear. How can she be so bold?

"Yo... everyone is so lively, could it be that something amazing happened?"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue came in with Takenaka Hanbei's sister, and saw this scene.

Shinna is still as lively as ever.The other people are also very lively, and it really is the most fun to stay no matter where you are or stay in the Oda Army.

stunned.For almost a moment, Yagami felt that these girls were stunned, as if they were seen by Medusa's eyes, and then became stiff.

"Sure enough... as expected, he came back from stealing people!" Lord Shinna didn't know where the strength came from, but he suddenly broke free from the Shuangxiu Hela from the masters Niwa Nagahide and Akechi Mitsuhide, and then rushed directly to Ye Shenyue In front of him, the words turned into real cannonballs, "Agreed...Agreed to control Nagai Asai...Agreed to steal the military division? Which sister did you steal from Saito Yoshiyuki? No... Dao San's daughter has come to us... so this is it?"

Shinna was about to get confused.

"At the beginning...the first time we met, at Banbei in Shimotake."

However, Takenaka Hanbei sister suddenly grabbed Yagami's arm and asked Yagami to let her down, and then... and then nothing.

Silence, a greater silence than before.

Akechi Mitsuhide-san's eyes widened, and then the other girls were also staring at Sister Hanbei.

"Did I hear it wrong just now?"

Oda Nobuna looked at Niwa Nagahide, Niwa sister is the eldest and the most sensible, but this time Niwa sister shook her head, "Hanbei Takenaka was introduced by her just now, if it is true Yes...then Ye Shenyue's line can be rated 100 points."

Sister Niwa's wrist swayed gently, and the colorful fan also showed a different momentum. Perhaps, Sister Niwa felt that...it seemed that Yashinyuki was worth the trip.

"So...that means..."

Shinna still finds it unbelievable, the so-called Mino's most powerful military advisor, the person who can resist Mino alone... is actually... such a loli, and... seems to be a little afraid of life.

Which weak loli is this from?

"Really...I'm really sorry...because I...because I'm timid, so I always let my shikigami pretend to be me...a former ghost!"

Sister Hanbei Takenaka took out a rune from the small bag she was carrying around her waist... The words on the rune flickered and Abe Seimei, dressed in the pure white clothes of an onmyoji, suddenly appeared.

Holding his black goose feather fan, he said, "The first time we met, Shimo-mae Oni is the shikigami of the master Takenaka Hanbei."

"It seems... it seems that it is really Takenaka Hanbei..."

Akechi Mitsuhide knew that Mino's mysterious military advisor was a former ghost, and now the former ghosts have appeared. That is to say...the little silver-gray haired loli sitting on the ground now is... Takenaka Hansei guard!

"For the first time, I am Oda Nobuna, the actual leader of the Oda Army. I welcome the strategist to join our Oda Army. Of course, your identity is also the Oda Army. I hope the strategist can help me and let us create a harmonious Japan together."

Although surprises and misunderstandings overlap, but now they are all resolved, Shinna-sama is the leader, if he doesn't have this kind of heart, he will not bring Yagami, who is intolerable to ordinary people, to her Oda army. .

Shinna's etiquette was 90%, and as the lord, he actually bowed [-] degrees to Hanbei.

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