
Banbei's younger sister stepped back abruptly, "Lord Shinna really did as Brother Yashinyuki said, Banbei is very grateful to Shinna-sama for his appreciation, but Banbei has actually made up his mind to assist him on the way. Brother Yeshenyue."

Sister Hanbei also bowed to Shinna.

It's a draw... but it's still rejected...rejected...

Sure enough...let's go to Meinong to steal people...

Okay, 2.1, no one said anything during this time, but everyone other than Yagami Yue and Takenaka Hanbei thought so.This guy went to Mino for the purpose of stealing people, not the military advisor... In the end, he found out that the military advisor was a girl and brought it back without hesitation... All kinds of thoughts flashed in everyone's mind.

However, at this time, it was not Singer but Inuchiyo who ran in to report.

"Report... Saito Yoshiyuki has joined forces with Tokugawa Ieyasu and Imagawa Yoshimoto. They decided to surround Owari in two ways, and the target is our Oda Army!"

This news is very sudden but also very reasonable. Everyone thinks that Shinna is an idiot of Owari, and also thinks that Shinna is weak, so they say... so... want to share Owari!

But this speed... seems to be coming faster than expected.

ps: Now the update time is changed to 0:16 and [-]:[-].

Chapter 0324 three-sided attack (two more)

"Enemies on three sides!"

Inuchiyo reported the news that everyone had expected for a long time, but they didn't expect their actions to be so fast, and Shinna only gathered [-] people, but if it is against Imagawa Yoshimoto's [-], Tokugawa Ieyasu's [-] And another [-] of Saito Yoshiyuki is still very difficult.

"But... they really thought that I, Oda Nobuna, was jealous... er... No, I'm just a jerk?"

Being in trouble, but Shinna didn't show a disappointed expression, "Singer, I'll leave you with the rest of the search."

"Yes! This subordinate must complete the mission!"

Singer nodded. She couldn't bear to wait for these days, and now she finally had the chance to attack.As military generals, there is no one who does not want to make achievements, although they have never thought about laying down a big harem or something...

"This is?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Xin Nai strangely. Could it be that Xin Nai has already moved with her [-] horses?

07 "According to the news, Imagawa Yoshimoto is also in command of the expedition... So she will definitely let Tokugawa Ieyasu's soldiers go to the front, and then hide behind her and devour Owari directly without compromising her strength."

Takenaka Hanbei added, but she was a little embarrassed when she was talking and found that everyone was looking at her, but she seemed to be more courageous under the comfort of Yashenyue, "and she herself is the current famous military force. The strongest person, but she doesn't like fighting, so maybe she will settle down somewhere and wait until the fight is almost done."

"Not bad……"

Shinna looked at Takenaka Hanbei, and then at Yashinyuki. Although this guy stole someone, he really did steal a useful person.Then he made his own claim.

"You don't know yet... Anyway, I knew that Owari would be besieged, so I set up various whistles around the hills around Owari. Once a large army is stationed, these whistles can be effective and get their hands on them. The specific location, when the time is the worst, you can come to capture the thief first and capture the king!"

Oda Nobuna looked complacent. Although it was a strategy that everyone came up with after discussing it together, it was the most useful strategy...because...the current strength of Owari is indeed no match for other people.

"But... now I have to guard against Saito Yoshiyuki's army from Mino..."

The three parties joined forces, and Imagawa Yoshimoto and Tokugawa Ieyasu Society were stationed, but Saito Yoshiyuki would probably directly attack [-] people.He couldn't raid his camp without being stationed.

"If it's Saito Yoshiyuki, then I'll trap him."

Mae Oni stood up at the behest of Takenaka Hanbei's sister. "The master is good at the eight formations of strange stones. As long as you trap them and wait for the news of the defeat of Imagawa Yoshimoto, it is estimated that Saito Yoshilong will no longer blindly attack alone."

"That is to say..."

Akechi Mitsuhide's sister finally has the time to interject, she is obviously also capable of being a military advisor... "First of all, Imagawa Yoshimoto's threat must be solved first!"

Akechi Mitsuhide, wearing a kumquat hair accessory, sent a crusade card to the most powerful classmate, Yoshimoto Imagawa.


A certain girl named Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at the sun in the sky weakly, "It's really troublesome to go on an expedition... The sun is about to scorch my skin..."...

Now that the plan to find out where Imagawa Yoshimoto was stationed has been drawn up, everyone has divided their work.Xiaozhuzhong Banbingwei was first arranged by Ye Shenyue to accompany her with Ning Ning, and let her go to sleep well. Although he passed her strength, she was still a little girl and needed a lot of rest.

Of course, this was just an excuse for Yagami's kindness. Yagami touched the hat of Inuchiyo's little tiger, "Where is Nagamasa Asai?"

In the betrayal of the expressionless Loli, Yagami opened the door of the imprisoned Nagamasa with one kick.

"Good job Goemon... This method of bundling is very innovative..."

Yagami touches Goemon's face. Loli has indeed improved. This ninja's binding method is so lovely, not only tying Asai Nagamasa's hands but also his feet, look at her Dong can't move now, and it is estimated that he is still stiff and numb in this movement.

"But now it's a shift change. You and Inuchiyo are tired from coming here from Mino. I just got permission from Shinna to go to the hot spring for bathing..."

"Really? That's pretty good..."

The little ninja girl nodded, because this is indeed a good reward, and although the small body has unlimited potential, anyone who enjoys it will love it.

"After washing and Inu Chiyo, wait for me in my room."

However, Yagami took back Loli, who almost wanted a shield, and Goemon's face turned red all of a sudden.

"You bastard, let me go!" Loli went to take a bath, and the rest in the room were Ye Shenyue and Sister Changzheng, who was tied up and her hands and feet were numb, poor Sister Changzheng It’s okay to go to Meinong in vain. When she finally came back, she was tied up by Ye Shenyue and taken as a hostage… I am afraid that she is the most wronged now.

"How can I let you go? Now Saito Yoshiyuki, Imagawa Yoshimoto, and Tokugawa Ieyasu have joined forces to attack me, Oda. If you let go, wouldn't your Asai family join the attack? When... are we... idiots?"

Ye Shenyue looked at her condescendingly, with a smile on her face, but Sister Nagzheng sensed something was wrong with a woman's sixth sense.Because the way this guy looks at her...it seems a little abnormal, it doesn't look like the same sex...but...the opposite sex?

Could it be that... the gender is known?

Sister Asai Nagamasa's heart panicked.

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