Chapter 0326 Shiny vase Imagawa Yoshimoto (two more)

Tokhazama, Imagawa Yoshimoto's base camp was stationed here.

"My lord, the army has arrived, it's time to attack."

Sister Tokugawa Ieyasu, who is playing Cuju with Yoshimoto Imagawa, said that sister Tokugawa Ieyasu has toy ears of a tiger, and is purely a cute character.

However, she is a member of the Tokugawa family, and if history is not rewritten, she is the one who created the Tokugawa shogunate.

It's just that no matter how powerful he is in the future, he is still Imagawa Yoshimoto's doll at the moment. Although he is united, he has not acquired the identity he deserves. Now he is just Imagawa Yoshimoto's playmate.

"What... so fast? It's so boring..."

Yoshimoto Imakawa is high above, with noble blood, wearing a kimono, this is a decent lady and a beauty.

"Then start the attack!"

"Okay, I'll go down and order!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu nodded and set off immediately.Yoshimoto Imagawa, who was fighting or something, hated going to fight in person, so she was the only ally who set off first.

"Report! The head of the Asai family asks to see you!"

However, at this time, when Tokugawa Ieyasu just went out, the servant came to report.

Imagawa Yoshimoto was a little tired from playing Cuju, so he said he was lying on the chair. At this time, someone came to report, so he was more interested.

"Asai's? What is he here for? Let him in, hoping to bring some interesting news."

After a while, Nagamasa Asai came together with Ye Shenyue. Although they were together, the two had their own thoughts.Originally, the Singer had already found the location of Imagawa Yoshimoto, so he wanted to lead his troops to attack, but Imagawa Yoshimoto not only did not like fighting, but also liked to retain his strength. Even in the base camp, there were still [-] people left.

Let Singer attack these [-] men at once, not to mention that he will lose, but even if he wins, there will be a big loss, so Yagami came up with the idea that he borrowed the name of Nagai Asai to first paralyze Imagawa Yoshimoto. At that time, wait for them to have no attack power and then make a surprise attack.

"Nagamasa Asai, the head of the Asai family, has always admired Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto. This time I heard that Imagawa Yoshimoto was here, so I came to see Guiyan."

As expected of the elder sister Nagamasa, who deceived many ignorant girls based on her appearance, Ye Shenyue sat next to her and felt that this guy suddenly gained a lot of charm.


Sister Changzheng seems to be wrong. Yoshimoto Imagawa really likes to waste time, but she is not the kind of girl who is easy to be hooked. .

"Oh... so you are the Nagamasa Asai who was rumored to be using women."

Well, maybe it was the general who deliberately smeared Sister Asai Nagamasa in order to protect Miss Yoshimoto Imagawa...

In any case, Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto at this moment seems to have no feelings for Sister Nagamasa.

Tut tut...

"I'll still come."

Yeshen Yuechong shook his head, Nagamasa sister, he came with the purpose of paralyzing Imagawa Yoshimoto, while Nagamasa sister came with the idea of ​​attacking Imagawa Yoshimoto and then getting the Jinchuan family.

Now it's obviously Sister Changzheng's cup, so he's the only one here.

"In the next night, Shenyue has the ideal of having a city and a country like clouds of beautiful women. Originally, this was just a humble ideal, but when I heard that Lord Imagawa was coming here, I knew that this was definitely an opportunity. I hope I can rely on Lord Imagawa. I deliberately used all the money to buy enough wine to treat the adults, these wines are the specialty of Owari, whether it is strong or pure, there is no other place."

Ye Shenyue said while asking the servants outside to bring the wine in.

"Oh?... This is a bit interesting... Since you said so, and tried so hard... Then... I am happy that if you win, I will reward you with a fief..."

Yoshimoto Imagawa closed his fan and said indifferently. "But you have to make me feel interesting..."

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Because you are already hooked.Ye Shenyue pushed his glasses, he had already seen the ending.

And half an hour later, it was still at the base camp of Imagawa Yoshimoto's sister.

Sister Asai Nagamasa was drinking alone, or was suffocating. He was supposed to come to attack Imagawa Yoshimoto, but now it has become... Imagawa Yoshimoto was attacked by Yagami Yue.

"That's really interesting, and then... and what happened to that Inuyasha in the end?"

His face was slightly red, and he didn't know if it was because of alcohol or what.At this moment, Imagawa Yoshimoto is like a little girl who is pestering her brother to listen to a story.

"And then... After fifty years, a girl named Higashi Kagome appeared, but she is not from that world. She came from another world... that is the future world..."

Ye Shenyue is hugging Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto and telling a story, which coincidentally is the story of Inuyasha...

the other side.

"Damn...what's going on here! Shouldn't it be hell!"

, The [-] army led by Saito Yoshiyuki has been in circles because they can't find the direction at all.

They have been trapped in the eight formations of Qimen, and they can't get out, so they can't attack Shinnai's army at all.

"If it wasn't for the kindness of my master who didn't like needless killing, as long as one party's water and [-] horses would be wiped out..."

The former ghost is floating in the air, and he has given up his identity as an onmyoji to become a shikigami.Looking at the trapped Saito Yoshiyuki's army below, he shook his head.

Chapter 0327


A splendid firework burst into the air. This kind of firework that only appears at night when there is a program blooms during the day, but it blooms so fast that it is so fast that people can only hear the sound and then look up and can't see it Fireworks.

However, as if to match the sound of the fireworks, there was a rumbling sound of thunder in the sky, and the clouds were dense, which was a sign of heavy rain.

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