"Signal received!"

Singer, who had been lurking for a long time, finally raised her long sword. Although it was a sneak attack, she only brought a thousand people with her. This is what Ye Shenyue said, and she seemed to dislike some of them and wanted to eliminate some of them. At the insistence of the family, a thousand people were retained.

Yagami said that the [-] people of Yoshimoto Imagawa would lose their combat effectiveness, but once they failed, no one could bear the ending, so even if she was said to be timid, Shibata Katsuya's sister still insisted on a thousand people.

And she, who has received the order at this moment, is going to set off immediately!

Shibata, who is holding a big sword, is known as the ghost Shibata, and has a great reputation. Although he only led a thousand people, he was really imposing when he sprinted down from the ambush valley. When Singer and the others arrived at the base camp on horseback, the soldiers guarding outside discovered their traces!

But it's all too late!

The Sing family has the right time, place and people. Most of the soldiers were drunk by the wine that Imagawa Yoshimoto gave. Imagawa Yoshimoto may not be a very powerful name, but she is also a name that can buy people's hearts. Since Ye Shenyue has brought so many fine wines, so it's not a loss to give it to his subordinates.

And then... and then there is no more, and everyone is in a coma.

The real drug is not a cheap one that gets drunk and is discovered at once, but... even if you drink it, you don't know it, and when the effect of the drug kicks in, you just feel like you're dreaming, this time you're going to be addicted. [-] people were stunned, so if someone was stunned as soon as they drank it, wouldn't they be discovered immediately?

Therefore, the effect of this medicine is with the passage of time, and half an hour is just in time!

"Is it there?"

Singer's offensive was fierce, and the rest surrounded the titular garrison because most of the soldiers were drunk... stunned...

"And then... and then? What did that half-Yunaroo finally become?"

Because of the rain, Ye Shenyue moved her position under the sun umbrella. If she could show the attitude of a little girl, I am afraid that the current sister Nagamasa would definitely bite the cloth and watch Ye Shenyue continue.

Why...why is such a simple strategy this Imagawa Yoshimoto will fall for!

Why can't she see such a simple scheme?Why, if Imagawa Yoshimoto is so stupid, she can't deceive Imagawa Yoshimoto!

"That's it!"

However, at this time, a crack was opened in the tent, and then the Singer who stepped on the rain rushed in, wearing a mighty armor, holding a blood-stained machete in his hand, even if it was washed away by the rain, it was already blood-stained.

The whole person seemed to have become a god of war in this small space. Her eyes were fixed on Imagawa Yoshimoto, who was still hugging Yashinyue. Imagawa Yoshimoto stood up in a panic and fell to the ground.

"You...you are...what's the matter...come..."

No matter how stupid Imagawa Yoshimoto is, he knows that Singer's comers are not good.

"Imagawa Yoshimoto, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for rushing out! Our Oda Army may be destroyed because of you, but now... everything will end because of your death! Take your life!"

Singer, who has turned into the God of War model, doesn't care about anyone, or she is also being pressed. Imagawa Yoshimoto [-] people, Tokugawa Ieyasu [-] people and then Saito Yoshilong [-] people, once this move fails. Surprisingly winning, then the entire Oda family will really be divided up by these people.

At that time, friends and family...the hometown and homeland will all be regretted.

So, now...even girls have to chop!When Singer took the sword and became a military commander, he had already realized his consciousness.

Such a Singer is somewhat unfamiliar but familiar.

Her body, Yashenyue, is familiar to her. It would be a pity if she did not measure Sister Changzheng's measurements by herself, but for Singer, Yashenyue had no regrets.

"No...I don't want to die..."

However, looking at the victor who has turned into a god of war, looking at the machete Yoshimoto Imagawa raised high, there is still the faint "Oh... so you are..."

Such calm and gentleness.


Imagawa Yoshimoto suddenly fell to the ground, panic and fear all surfaced.

"I...I don't want to die...I...I'm so scared..."

The beautiful and elegant kimono has been stained with muddy water.In the face of death, she was just a child who was afraid of panic.

Yes, she casually attacked because of her identity and then lost the soldier's life, but that didn't happen to her. At this moment, Yashinyue looked at Imagawa Yoshimoto's face and looked at her fearful look, he remembered. A lot, he remembered that when he crossed the first world, when he crossed into this world of zombies, he was killed. At that time, he had no time to fear because he died too quickly.

But he had seen a person who was so afraid of death. That person was kneeling and crying in front of him.

That's the man who killed him once.


At this moment, Ye Shenyue thought of classmate Kyoko.His heart suddenly became soft.


"Singjia, stop! Don't kill her!"

"No! Not even your order... If we don't kill her, then our Oda army won't be able to defeat her, then..."

Singer, who was in God of War mode, was still consciously answering.

(Kneading that thing is harmonious, the plot here is that Ye Shenyue threatens Singer with rubbing that or something, and asks her to release Yiyuan) Singer has sat down powerlessly, she has completely surrendered.

"It would have been better if I had known it earlier..."

Ye Shenyue pushed her glasses and everything was done.

"Sister Changzheng... Did you see it? That's what you do with girls who are disobedient! Uh... Why did you fall into a coma... Could it be that she also drank poisoned wine just now?"

It's just that when Yashin Yue used her own power to change the Sing family from the God of War mode to the girl mode and finally to the begging mode, she found that there was no sound from Sister Nagamasa, and then she fell unconscious on the ground.

She was so angry just now that she took a jar from the wine jars in the carts that were given to the soldiers... and then fell into a coma without any sense of existence.

All right.Sister Changzheng actually missed the chance to see his big devil face.

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