Ye Shenyue walked towards Imagawa Yoshimoto, who had already fallen to the ground, but when he wanted to reach out and grab her, the head of Imagawa, who had just faced the most immediate threat to his life, rushed over and flew into the air. I don't know how she did it, who didn't like martial arts.

But she just jumped over.

"Just now... just now I thought I was going to be killed... woo woo..."

Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto, who did not have a strong Huigen in the first place, burst into tears.

The hand that Ye Shenyue stretched out was changed to hold it tightly.

"I've already punished the bad guy who scare you, everything is over..."

"Tonight I'll tell you a story about Miss Kyoko. She was also a stubborn person who took other people's lives at will at first... But in the end she repented..."

Chapter 0328 I beg your sister (two more)

"I... I surrendered."

Because of the brutal rubbing, the winner was also defeated, and her long knife fell directly on the ground, but this just didn't kill Imagawa Yoshimoto, Imagawa Yoshimoto had to surrender in the end.

It is said that the defeat is like a mountain, and it is true. When the first person surrenders, the rest will naturally surrender like the wind.

Shinna's [-] people fought against Imagawa Yoshimoto and Tokugawa Ieyasu's [-] people, and they won!

As for the third participant, Saito Yoshiyuki, who was still walking in the maze, they were trapped by the Qimen Eight Arrays.

"My lord, I found the way!"

However, the ten thousand people who were trapped here for a day suddenly found that the surrounding fog was much clearer, and then found that a road appeared behind him.

"Hurry up and escape over there! Although I missed the opportunity, maybe Imagawa Yoshimoto has already defeated Oda Shinna at this time, and we might be able to give Oda Shinna the last blow in the past!"

Saito Yoshiyuki rode his horse, pulled the reins, and then directed the army to walk towards the trail that he discovered. This place is really strange and has a terrible feeling. It is better to evacuate immediately!

"No! Saito Yoshiyuki has already lost when you say that!"

However, at this moment, Shinna's voice came from above.It was a man riding a horse and standing high on the hillside. It was a girl with golden, beautiful and easy-going hair, and a confident and beautiful smile on her face.

This is...Oda Nobuna!

The boss of the Oda Army!

Behind her, the entire valley was filled with her soldiers.

"How is it can there be so many people!"

Saito Yoshiyuki's eyes widened. He looked at the soldiers all over the mountains and plains in astonishment. These soldiers completely surrounded them, and there were many soldiers above the rock who had raised their muskets and bows.As long as Xinnai gives an order, his [-] horses will immediately become a hornet's nest!

Turtle in a urn.

The current Saito Yoshiyuki's army is in such a state.

Saito Yoshiyuki showed an expression of astonishment and disbelief, "How could you have so many soldiers!"

No matter how you look at it, these soldiers must have exceeded [-]!

But there were only [-] people in Owari's place. Could it be that Oda Shinna had some magic to conjure so many people?

"Imagawa Yoshimoto has surrendered, and her forces have been taken over by me!"

Shinna said something that Saito Yoshiyuki couldn't believe. How could your Imagawa Yoshimoto surrender so easily with his army of [-]?What the hell happened while he was stuck here!

It's just that no matter how he thought about it, he would never have thought that Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto surrendered because of such an unimaginable scheme.

"How? Surrender! If you are still a person with a conscience, then you won't let these soldiers sacrifice for your stupid decision in vain!"

Xinna raised his hand, as long as the hand is put down, whether it is gunpowder or bows and arrows, all will be fired, then it will be a real purgatory on earth.


Saito Yoshiyuki himself didn't want to surrender, but behind him, the [-] soldiers behind him showed fear and panic. It was impossible to fight in such a state, and it was impossible to win even a battle now.

Could it be that... my father had already anticipated the current situation, so he gave Mino to Oda Nobuna?

Father...knows that he can't beat Oda Nobuna!

The thought of Saito Yoshiyuki's machete falling under the horse also means that this time really taken by Shinna.

Although Saito Yoshiyuki, who was finally tied up, still had a sullen face, but in the end, he was finally recovered by Shinna under the release of Saito Dosan, instead of being let go by Shinna and finally reconciled as before. .

In this world, flesh and blood are inseparable. Maybe they gave up blood in the name of power, but when they are given time to think about the past, they can still go back to a point.

Saito Yoshiyuki's rebellion was because he felt that his father, Saito Dozo, didn't believe that he actually let his own son not give it to an outsider!He couldn't take this breath, but now he was defeated.

Completely defeated.

Anyway, this is indeed a victory, a big victory!In addition to the pact with Tokugawa Ieyasu's sister, he also confiscated [-] of Imagawa Yoshimoto's horses, and then collected [-] of Saito Yoshitaka's horses with almost no casualties. An army of ten thousand soldiers.

If the original Imagawa Yoshimoto became the closest to the ruling state because of his own [-] horses, then the current Oda Army is the largest and most likely unified army.

Heaven has a great responsibility, so people must first work hard on their minds, their bodies, skin, muscles and bones, but these are all Confucian ideas, and now... But in times of war and turbulent times, heavy punishments are used, and if you want to become a king, you must have a strong strength. ...

And now the Oda Army has the strength to win the world because of this station.

Nagamasa-san, who woke up from a drunken coma, almost fell off the bed when she found out about it.What kind of development is this? In less than a day, the Oda Army has changed from a fragrant bun that everyone wants to bite into a big rock that no one dares to take casually.

"Why is this happening... In the end, I didn't get anything cheap..."

Sister Asai Nagamasa weakly followed the guide and arrived in front of Shinna, but he, who was supposed to propose a marriage and wanted to use Shinna to pacify the world, fell to the ground all of a sudden.

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