It was a foregone conclusion, and she had no way to counter it, but while she was still here with the Oda Army, she still had one more thing to do.

That is marriage proposal.

It was a marriage proposal. She heard that the Oda army was going to be attacked by a joint attack. At that time, she was in the upper hand. As long as she said that when Yagami Yue turned against Takenaka Hanbei sister and brought her the great military officer back, she was being attacked. When Ye Shenyue lured to deceive Imagawa Yoshimoto, she let out the wind.

That is, she sent wedding invitations directly to various Warring States daimyo to force Xinnai to marry her, and then help her conquer the world.At that moment, it was a trick to force Shinna to marry her, but now... it's a failure!

Because the Oda Army no longer needs the Asai family.

Therefore, the current elder sister Changzheng can only come over and ask Shinnai to find someone to marry her.

"I hope Shinna-sama can marry me... Or in other words, marry any woman with the surname Oda to me, and let the Asai family and the Ori 4.5 Tian family form an alliance."

How incompetent, how humble.

Sister Changzheng traveled all over the world with her handsome appearance and deceived many girls, but now she has no morals or grace to do this kind of thing begging others to form an alliance.

"This is..."

Shinna seemed a little embarrassed, but Niwa Nagahide, who was on the side, spread out his fan, leaned over to Shinna and whispered, "Maybe we can take this opportunity to give Yashinyue..."

"So that's how it turns out...then...I agree...Tomorrow I will send my step sister...step sister Ye Ji to you."

"Thank you so much..."

It was a little worrying that Shinna agreed so quickly, but at this time, Sister Nagamasa had no choice.

"I beg your sister."

Sister Asai Nagamasa made the most respectful gesture, kneeling and thanking him.

Chapter 0329 that is righteousness (one more)

Shinna's lair.

"Wow... I am Imagawa Yoshimoto, the head of the Imagawa family, even if... even if I lost the battle, I was once the commander of [-] people."

Although she is the leader of the defeated army, Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto is still so calm, maybe she is naturally dumb.

"Yes yes... You once commanded [-] people, but now you are my guest of honor, Oda Nobuna. Let's play casually in Owari while the time is good."

Xinna also has a smile on her face, you madly make you crazy and the bright moon still shines on the river. Xinna has nothing to do with this opponent, Imagawa Yoshimoto. After all, entering someone's house is a free gift of people and territory, so it is said that Xinna treats her. not bad.

So in general, although the battle was defeated and the old nest was occupied by troops sent by Shinna, the entire Imagawa territory was occupied, but for Imagawa, the comfort of life has not changed. Imagawa Yoshimoto is very open. She doesn't care too much about people, the army or anything, as long as she lives happily.

"I, Imagawa Yoshimoto, is a vase, shining brightly."

This is her 07 evaluation of herself, and this is also her personality charm.Free and easy, it was almost carved out of the same mold as the original Jingzi sauce. Everything came with her own temperament. Even if it was a war, it was too troublesome to lead the troops herself. She just wanted to get the cheapest price in the end.

"Then...that's the last question left."

Imagawa Yoshimoto just came over to show her face. She is a person with noble blood, so she immediately went to the hot spring after she fell and fell into the mud.

After Imagawa Yoshimoto was sent away, it was Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue has been waiting for a long time, "This time, the territory of Mino and Imagawa Yoshimoto has been increased, so it should be given to me a castle... Although I am not very interested in being a daimyo, if you insist on giving me one. It’s okay to do it once.”

Indeed, this time, Ye Shenyue has made a great contribution. Not to mention that he turned over from Mino, the chief military officer, Takenaka Hanbei, not to mention that he successfully forced Nagamasa's sister to beg Xinna to kneel and beg your sister, he is paralyzed. Imagawa Yoshimoto's five thousand soldiers then let them attack But in one fell swoop.

Shinna patted the floor vigorously, "But, why did I hear that Singer said that you took the opportunity to attack the Singer when you were in Imagawa Yoshimoto's base camp, and it was still inhumane, so that the Singer dared not come to see him now. people!"

Originally, Xinna had suffered losses at the hands of Yashenyue, and now her chief general has become like this, so she is very angry and regretful.

I have to say that when the room was full of girls, what Shinna said immediately resonated with the girls.

One stone really stirred up a thousand waves.

"Why... Brother Yeshenyue is like this..."

Covering her mouth with her little hand, Takenaka Hanbei's sister showed a flustered expression.

"Poor Singer... 2 points for such an inhuman act to a woman."

Niwa Nagahide deliberately turned her face to one side, as if she was the one who was hurt...


Ye Shenyue changed from a hero to a female public enemy in an instant.

But, but!


Ye Shenyue also patted the floor, "At that time, the Sing family wanted to kill Imagawa Yoshimoto, if killing Imagawa Yoshimoto might make her subordinates get angry and force each other to death, if they did that. Maybe she will lose her troops instead of taking over all her troops like she is now!"

"So... Imagawa Yoshimoto must not be killed!"

I had long thought that this would be the case, so Ye Shenyue had already found an excuse!

This excuse is reasonable and righteous, and people almost rushed up to hug him and shouted, "Your chest... rub it right!"

"It seems...there's still a little bit of truth..."

Miss Akechi Mitsuhide was the first to hesitate, because as Yagami said, if Imagawa Yoshimoto was killed, then they would not be so easy at this time.

It's all the cooperation of Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Although my brother's behavior can't be called upright, but the behavior at that time... should be the most reasonable..."

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