The weak girl Takenaka Hanbei finally stood on Yashinyuki's side.Although she blushed when she said this.

"80 points for making such a bold decision in that situation."

Sister Niwa completely overturned the ultra-low score of 2 she just gave.

Almost in an an instant, the situation turned over all at once.

Ye Shenyue really is someone who can control the situation...

In the end, Shinna let out a long sigh and gave up.

"It seems that you have to do it too!"

Shinna read the last word "last resort" very seriously, which was to show that she still could not agree with Yagami Yue's behavior.


"However, thanks to you, we were able to win, but you are still the public enemy of women, so I put aside the reward of becoming a great name in a country for the time being, and I will give you a beautiful girl as promised."

Shinna seemed to have made a very difficult and very difficult thought before deciding.

"That's the second most beautiful girl in Owari..."

Shinna claims to be Owari's No. [-] beauty and girl, so naturally the No. [-] is not her, so could it be?

Ye Shenyue didn't think that Shinna would give him the daimyo position so quickly, and how could he just become a daimyo and return to his original world before he had played enough?

847 So...the reward for this beautiful girl seems acceptable.

However, in Shinna's camp, not to mention all the girls he has seen, but this second... It doesn't seem to be much worse, is it Sister Niwa Nagahide or Singer?

"Dangdangdang... the second most beautiful girl in the world is brought here!"

Shinna stood up and pulled the screen away, a young girl was ready.

"The little girl Toyoda Nobucheng is not talented, so she will meet the great hero. It is said that there are several beautiful girls in the home of the great hero..."

Bowing her head respectfully, this is the action of a good girl, but her words and expressions betrayed her.

It's just Toyota Shinsumi!It's Shinna's sister "Don't...don't! I absolutely don't want her!"

Strictly and sternly refused, no matter who it is, you can't ask for this one, because this person is a female satyr, and this person is more lily than the former Shacangfeng.

If she is allowed to join his family, the women in his family... are likely to be ripped off by this guy... not to mention being kidnapped, but they will definitely be harassed by this guy.

This is wolves like sheep.Absolutely not!

It was the first time that Yashin Yue had rejected a beautiful girl with such words.

Even though Miss Nobucheng at this time was indeed a beautiful girl... a lascivious woman...

Chapter 0330 Night like a dream (two more)

This is Ye Shenyue's house.

Ye Shenyue shouted "According to the truth, don't believe in Cheng" three times at Xinnai, and then went straight back to her house, saying that money can make ghosts run the mill, and it was indeed renovated with money, Although it is not as bright as gold coins, this is a luxurious residence.

However, although it has become golden, the breadth of the room has not improved. This is also the intention of Ye Shenyue. There is only one room, which means that if you bring a girl back, you can only sleep in the same room. Inside, you know what will happen to lonely men and widows or lonely men and women.

Sitting in rows and eating fruit, this is a nursery rhyme, and the same thing happens in the Yeshenyue camp, except for Imagawa Yoshimoto who is 10 cm tall, the rest are either loli or little girls.Everyone's bedding is lined up together and they really sleep together.

"Today we're going to tell a story...a story about the murderer King Jingzi-chan."

The dark lights are blinding, Ye Shenyue held up a kerosene lamp, which is also something that can be illuminated in this era.

But maybe because the weather is also very cooperative, the kerosene lamp in my hand flickered flickering in the wind outside.revealing dark information.

"I was walking down the street at the time when I heard a horrific scream coming from a room in complete darkness, as if something cruel had happened there."

Yagami looked at everyone's reactions while talking. What was surprising was that Inuchiyo's face was expressionless, and then Goemon Goemon, a master at the same level, suddenly rolled into the bed and seemed to be scared.

The last time she went to see Takenaka Hanbei, the former ghost pretended to be a youkai and she was not afraid...

"And then? And then? What happened? What kind of cruel fellow was that murderer?"

Well, this Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto, who lost her army and territory, seemed very interested.

It's a little strange that Imagawa Yoshimoto would come to him and ask him to tell the story of Kyoko-chan, because in any case, the reason why Imagawa Yoshimoto has become like this is [-]% his responsibility, but People are open-minded, and they also said that Ye Shenyue saved her and so on.So a write off.

Now she is a free girl.

Truly a free and easy life.

Ye Shenyue admired this, but she is still continuing, "Because the justice in my heart is calling, anyway, I felt that I couldn't leave timidly, and then I walked to the room, the door was unlocked, there was blood on the wall, and people It's unbelievable that when my feet just took two steps, my body can't move...then I can feel the breath...someone has a blood-stained knife..."

"The knife stabbed... The blood flowed and I lost consciousness..."


Then a story was told, but Ye Shenyue found out that he was the only one who seemed to be awake. The girls had already crawled into their beds and seemed to fall asleep because of his story.

It turns out that his identity just now was a storyteller?

Ye Shenyue smiled bitterly, but she still turned off the last light, and then she also went into the bed, just turned around and turned around, how could she fall asleep like this!

The girls are all gathered around him, but he wants to be Liuxia Hui?

In an instant, the Ye Shenyue man's heart awoke.

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