Well, Lord Shinna originally wanted to sacrifice her own face to let Ye Shenyue help, but now almost everyone's eyes are falling on her, and she is too embarrassed to continue...

Despised... She, the leader of the Oda Army, was despised...

Shinna gritted her teeth and sat down immediately, bending her waist to make a gesture of bowing, "Now we have a big problem and need [-] gold coins, so we need your help. This is the request of the guards, if he doesn't nod his head We can't make Imagawa Yoshimoto the general, and now is not the time to break with him. So I can only ask you!"

Lord Shinna looked very respectful, but her heart was empty. After all, she made a decision to "marry over" Ye Shenyue regardless of her gender, or she completely misunderstood her gender. of.

No one can accept such a thing.

At least those who didn't know the truth at first would cry.

But this time, Lord Shinna really has no choice. Her first step in entering the world is to make Imagawa Yoshimoto a general. Although she is a puppet, she also has a name.

However, the [-] yuan demanded by the guards really couldn't be achieved within the stipulated time limit.

So this time, Lord Xinnai didn't even want to ask for a face.All sacrificed.

The state that I asked you respectfully.

Xinna bowed 90 degrees, and the surroundings were quiet. It stands to reason that Lord Xinna is the boss and all the people around her are from her faction. Therefore, it is axioms who must help Xinna, but now everyone...all Keep silent.

Or not knowing what to say.After all, Shinna-sama did something to "marry a man to a man".Therefore, people from the Yeshenyue camp are silent, regardless of whether they are from the public, because they don't want to get burned.

All this has to be resolved by Ye Shenyue.

10 seconds, which is a long wait.The time that passed by with a flick of the finger was so long at the moment, it was like walking on a road and it was impossible to finish it, and it was impossible to see the front at all.

but.Yagami flicked her sleeves, although his sleeves were not the kind of wide long sleeves, it still made Miss Oda Nobuna nervous.Shinna lowered her head.

"Money... I can give it to you, and I can give you people too!"

Ye Shenyue smiled at everyone and felt guilty for Shinnai's faction. "Although it was you who brought me and Changzheng together, that feeling of being married off... It's the first time I've ever been a man!"

If it is said that the closest person to Ye Shenyue is actually Sister Changzheng, after all, they are husband and wife and they are still in the relationship of exchanging gun friends. No one can compare this relationship.But the person who understands Yashenyue is Lord Shinna, because she is the first person to meet Yashenyue and bring him back to the camp to lure wolves into the room.

Ye Shenyue's current expression and actions, whether it is familiar with him or not, know him, this is... this is Chi Guoguo's threat.

Xin Nai raised his head, raised his face, and said decisively, "...Tell me what you want. As long as I can do it, I will do it."

"I want the most beautiful girl in the world!"

Ye Shenyue's voice is also firm and decisive. Whoever sows the bitter fruit has to taste it. Since Xinnai has tricked him once on his own initiative, it is also Xinnai who should be punished.


A brief silence.Everyone is looking at Xinnai, because this is the most beautiful girl in the world. It was Xinnai herself, and she also claimed to be this way.

Then there is no more then.

"This kind of forced behavior can only be rated 5 points."

Sister Niwa Nagahide shook the paper fan, but her voice did not come out, because...because, ah, the mastermind of "marrying a man to a man" is actually her...

Since Ye Shenyue has already determined that it is Shinna, she will not be looking for her.

Niwa sister and Ye Shenyue are in a situation of mutual acquaintance and friendship, but they have not reached the point where they can communicate deeply.

As the saying goes, it is to abandon the car to protect the handsome, but the current sister Changxiu is undoubtedly abandoning the coach to protect the car. "I'm sorry, Shinna."

Niwa-san hides her face as if she has infinite apologies.

"Okay! I promise you!"

After being silent, Xinnai has decided that as a qualified commander, you must have the courage to dedicate yourself, "Anyway, I am the most beautiful girl in the world, there will always be this day, it is better to come early than to come late! What good is this? I'm afraid! Okay...you can wash it up tonight!"

The determination has been made, and the words have been spoken, Lord Shinna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that it's strange that she's so cheerful.

Shouldn't it be broken?Yagami was a little surprised to see Oda Shinna, who immediately became full of vigor and calm and returned to chatting and laughing.Could it be that he pushed too hard and then Xin Nai was ruined by him without any pressure?

Chapter 0338 Under the revenge of Ye Shenyue (two more)

at night.

After a pleasant shower, Ye Shenyue changed into a loose yukata, which was a piece of clothing that instantly became smooth as soon as the belt was undone without wearing anything inside.

"Brother Ye Shenyue... Are you really going to do that kind of thing to Lord Shinna?"

However, when Ye Shenyue walked to Xin Nai's room, it was a long corridor. The ancient houses were so particular, the corridor was very long and there were many corners.It's just that when Ye Shenyue passed the first corner, she stood up pretty and a little loli, wearing a loose onmyoji costume, this is Takenaka Hanbei with silver-gray hair, Yagami and Chang. The military advisor of Mino who went with Sister Zheng to instigate the rebellion.

The little Loli obviously lacked confidence, because when she said this, her face was slightly red and she seemed to want to say, but she didn't dare to say it, and then she finally made up her mind to finally say it, but she wanted to get the answer. .

"What do you say?"

Ye Shenyue touched Banbei's head, "What kind of person am I in your heart?"

"In...in my heart..."

Banbei was obviously defeated by the First Army, she was thinking, yes, what kind of person is Yagami Yue?Hanbei remembered that when she was in Mino, because she used too many shikigami and consumed too much spiritual power, it was Yagami who took care of her.

She was not assaulted despite taking off her clothes.

"I...I understand."

Lolita nodded towards Ye Shenyue, her confidence seemed to be a little bit more.Then he stood on tiptoe as if he mustered up his courage.All of a sudden, she took the initiative to hug Ye Shenyue, because she was not tall enough to say that she could only reach Ye Shenyue's shoulders and finally gave up, but she still hugged her small body into Ye Shenyue's arms.

"Brother Ye Shenyue, I'm really sorry, I didn't have time to stop you when I found out that Lord Shinna married you to the Asai family."

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