There were faint tears in Loli's eyes, and it seemed that she was still taking this matter to heart.

"It's couldn't stop it at that time anyway, and there's nothing to complain about. But Hanbei is really cute, and he's still worried about me."

Ye Shenyue sighed while touching Banbei's face, as expected, it's the loli or something that sticks to his heart the most.

Just sent away Banbei Yashinyuki and noticed that something was wrong.

at another corner.


This is a heroic girl, the knife has been drawn out, this is Miss Akechi Mitsuhide with a kumquat flower, Shinna has reused her during the absence of Yagami, and the advisors except Takenaka Hanbei That's her.

The so-called food king's wealth divides the king's worries, but sister Mitsuhide Akechi is an old-fashioned person.The old society, the old ethics, the old thinking, the three olds are integrated.

So after Takenaka Hanbei, she was the one who wanted to intercept Yashinyuki.

"Although this is a deal between Shinna-sama and you, I hope you don't bully Shinna-sama too much."

Akechi Mitsuhide sister looked serious.

"Some things can't just be seen on the surface, so they won't grow."

Ye Shenyue pointed her fingertips on the sharp knife. The smelting technology in this era was not very strong. Except for the legendary demon sword Muramasa, the other knives were of the kind that would be broken by Ye Shenyue at the touch of a touch. But Yashenyue and her are not enemies, and she can see that she still likes this knife, so Yashenyue just bounced the blade away and walked over.

"What... what does this mean?"

Holding the hilt of the knife tightly with one hand, Mitsuhide Akechi stared blankly at Yagami Yue's disappearing figure. She had a guess in her heart. Could it be that he was just playing around with him, didn't he really want to attack Shinna-sama?Or is it not so?Is he referring to something else?

Or say it or say...

Akechi Mitsuhide sister's beautiful brows wrinkled, she... was about to faint.

"Sure enough... can't compare to him?"

Covering her forehead with one hand, Mitsuhide Akechi's sister seemed to faint.

"Could it be that these girls are all gathered together?"

For the time being, regardless of the two strategists in Oda's army, Yagami really met a girl every time she turned a corner.Could it be that these people have already agreed, everyone will be stationed in a corner, and then let him run over like a saint?

The third corner is Miss Imagawa Yoshimoto.

This is genuinely free and unrestrained, actually sitting in the corner with a calm face and drinking lightly.

Really good Yaxing.

"Don't you think it would be more fun to be with me than that Oda Nobuna?"

Well, what she cares more about is interest.

At the fourth corner is Goemon.This ninja loli did not come to stop him, but to Gaomi.

"Actually, according to various investigations and evidence collection, Niwa Nagahide is the ultimate mastermind."

Ye Shenyue didn't pay attention to her, and Xinna wouldn't take the initiative to shake out that she was finally ready to keep silent and expose the matter like this, Sister Changxiu was discovered.

"It turned out to be Sister Niwa..."

Yagami Yue silently said that Goemon's head is still the most loyal to his subordinates.

Then, by coincidence, at the next corner, it was really Niwa-san.

Although Sister Niwa did not intend to make Shinna a scapegoat, she still felt a little apologetic in her heart, so she also came to persuade Yagami not to do anything to Shinna.

"Sister Niyu, there is a saying that if you want someone to be ignorant, do nothing unless you do what you want. I still don't quite understand if I can find a time for the experienced sister Niyu to give me some good advice."

"Ah good……"

As soon as I heard it, it was a word with deep meaning. Sister Niyu couldn't help covering her face with a fan when she saw the back of Ye Shenyue leaving, "Could it be that... it's already exposed?"

But Ye Shenyue didn't give her an accurate answer, he had already gone inside.

It's still a corner here...

Inuchiyo, the loli wearing a tiger hat is silent, and her facial paralysis is her characteristic.

However, Ye Shenyue was surprised to find that this loli was not always paralyzed. When he was holding her, she would actually smile softly. Although it was not obvious, it was indeed a smile.

Then the then.

It's Ning Ning.

"Come back when you grow up."

Ye Shenyue unceremoniously grabbed Ning Ning and threw her into the room.

No one can stop him now!

However, sitting in the last corner was a figure with a petite body and a gorgeous princess costume.


The girl just opened her mouth and was immediately blocked by Ye Shenyue with a cloth.

"No matter what you say, I won't listen! Don't try to get into my harem!"

Ye Shenyue treats a girl so fiercely, because this guy is either Toyoda Nobucheng classmate, this is a black sheep. If she is allowed to be freed at will, wouldn't the whole family be a mess?

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