so fast...

Yagami Yue and Takenaka Hanbei's weak loli sat facing each other.They are playing chess, and it is only at this time that the dark lights are on fire.

It's still quite elegant.

"Not good... this piece was eaten again."

Ye Shenyue is really not good at playing chess, and after playing for a while, she found that a piece of it had been eaten by a weak military advisor.Fortunately, he also boasted that he was actually good at playing chess, but he didn't expect to commit his own sin so quickly.

"Is there any way to bring the dead back to life? This game of chess should be saved... Eyes, eyes, let me see that bright spot!"

"Really? So this is your wish, so I'll help you realize it."

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue's heart complained that a pair of eyes seemed to appear in the sky, and those eyes blinked with a smile.

Then everyone saw that Ye Shenyue's body was actually glowing, it was a silver brilliance, and then it just... disappeared!

"how is this possible……"

Just got caught!

Postscript: Legend has it that the number one retainer of Lord Shinna, who unified the world, miraculously left when he was playing chess with the strategist.

The luminous body, finally, in the incomprehensible but easily misunderstood words of Ji Miko's "So it is", everyone finally understood, it turned out to be the man who was said to be ambiguous with everyone in the Oda Army because he did not understand. Be careful about the reason for offending the goddess in the sky, and then angering the goddess and being taken away by her.

A loyal minister ended his life in such a hurry.

No wonder!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is meeting a group of boys and girls with big eyes and small eyes, and they don't like each other.

ps: The world of Xinnai is temporarily over. I only wanted to write 20 chapters, but I didn’t expect it to become 30 chapters. Since someone proposed that there are too few chapters in a world, the author will further describe the heroines.The next one is the world of crosses and vampires. Let's vote. At present, it seems that many people like the snow girl with the "trailing" attribute.

Chapter 0341 The word friend (one more)

"Don't be so timely every time!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the people stopped talking, or all looked at the person who made the sound.

Eyes wide open, it's true.

This was the scene when Queen Yuko's void caught Yagami and opened her eyes again. Yagami thought it would be like every time she came back from another world and then she was facing Yuko, so she yelled like this. came out.

But it was cool to shout out, and the hot eyes brought him back to reality.

The eyes didn't come from one or two, but from a group, first of all, the teacher standing on the podium facing him, and then the surrounding classmates with surprised eyes, both boys and girls.

They really could not have imagined that a sleeping classmate would dare to challenge so arrogantly.

Then create a substantial onlooker scene.

"Uh... Student Yashenyue, please read the first line of the next page."

The textbook was on the podium with chalk in his hand, and his fingers were stained white with chalk ash.This is the teacher, a middle-aged teacher with a burly stature, who just asked the sleeping classmate to stand up and answer the question.

It was the first time he had seen a student who was called out like this and was still vicious.


"This is...where..."

Ye Shenyue maintained a standing state and was a little confused, but perhaps because of the improvement of his skills and strength, his brain was also spinning rapidly.Adaptability and awareness have exploded to the extreme, and it seems that Yuko has been thrown into this world of unknown place and the surrounding is still in the state of class, and finally made a fool of himself.

Is it really Yuko's conspiracy?

At this moment, a small voice came from the left direction, it was a lovely female voice full of kindness.

" 122..."

Ye Shenyue looked to the left of the voice that made the sound. It was a girl with her head lowered, who had turned the book to the correct page number 122. She had tied her long purple hair into a bundle, looking like a girl. Relatively quiet and timid girls.

"Ah... It's written like this, Oda Nobunaga got Mino in the hands of Saito Dozo after the Owari Uprising and then..."

What is this... Ye Shenyue is about to cover her head, he has already experienced the world of female generals, and it always feels strange to pronounce the names of these male generals.

"Actually read it correctly... Ye Shenyue, please sit down."

The teacher's dissatisfied expression clearly calmed down a bit, he waved his hand to let Yagami sit down and opened the book with his white chalk hand, "That's it, at first Oda Nobunaga tested Saito Dozo and then They agreed to meet at Zhengde Temple..."

"Thank you just now."

Although I don't know where this place is, if it weren't for the help of the girl just now, Yashenyue would be embarrassed. Although the greater the power, the greater the ambition, Yashenyue is no longer interested in homework, but it is still very happy to have someone to help.

And still a girl.

"No... no need."

The girl was wearing a dirty black school uniform, but her smile was a bit moving.Her eyes are dark green, like a noble treasure, very beautiful.

But what Ye Shenyue cared about was that she seemed to have a feeling that she was hesitant to say anything.There seemed to be an impulse, but it was suppressed.

Somewhat strange.

"Beep bell..."

Just then the school bell rang.

"Then the class ends here... Today's homework is..."

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