The teacher assigns homework very quickly, not only the students want to leave the get out of class quickly but also the teacher.

But Ye Shenyue was lucky, because this get out of class was a lunch break, in other words, it was time for lunch.

"What the hell does Yuko mean!"

Yagami covered his forehead with one hand, he still couldn't understand the reason why Yuko sent him to this world, was he accidentally in the process of recovering him and then slipped his hand and dropped him into this world?He doesn't even know what to do!

"Monster? Huh? Who would believe this kind of thing, now it's a peaceful age..."

"That's right, she's so weird. She always wants us to know about the monsters and wants us to believe in the existence of monsters. Isn't there something wrong with her brain? What a strange person!"

"It is said that she seems to be changing schools..."

"It's best for this kind of strange person to transfer schools, so as not to be laughed at when walking with her..."

There is a girl's voice in her ear, and Yagami has never been interested in the content of the girl's conversation, but this kind of exclusion is really annoying.

Moreover, Ye Shenyue also noticed who the girls were discussing. The one standing in the whirlpool of the girls' remarks was the one who reminded him in class just now!She was wearing a black sailor suit that was exactly the same as the girls around her, and her long purple hair was combed into a bundle.

At this moment, she is bowing her head, and then writing notes in the notebook. It is not so much that she is writing notes, but she is actually avoiding. She is avoiding the words of the girls around her.

Perhaps she has resisted, but she has failed too many times. If she fails too many times, it is easy to shatter the confidence that people have finally built up. Ye Shenyue is not a very moral person, but I can't see it now. Go on, the girls he knows are so cute, if they look at the other party and look like Ariel, they will definitely talk about the truth and use practical actions, such as turning her teacher into an uncle... become an uncle or something of.

And what about these girls?

One is not a loli, but she looks mediocre and has no power or even capital. Why are they targeting others with such boring behavior?

So to sum up the above, Ye Shenyue is not happy.

And then...that's it.

" guys are all boring. Could it be that girls are such plain animals? They're always talking about things that are worthless and nutritious."

"What did you say?"

As soon as Ye Shenyue's words came out, the girls around him immediately noticed. Not to mention that Ye Shenyue's appearance is still his own, not to mention that he is very handsome, but also attractive, so Ye Shenyue's sentence is completely standing in the purple-red long. The attitude of the girl with the hair made the girls feel uncomfortable immediately.

"You're boring, that's what it means."

Ye Shenyue has never treated a girl in her class like this before, but he doesn't know any of his current classmates, and he doesn't even know what kind of world this is.So I don't like these mean girls at all.

"You... don't think that being handsome is so frustrating... Be careful that you don't even have a girlfriend!"

Well, the girls are already angry, and some people's angry faces are twisted, although they are not very good-looking.


girlfriend?I even have a daughter!

Ye Shenyue shook her head, arguing with girls is the most boring thing, if it is a happy friend, then forget it, but these girls, not Ye Shenyue boasting, are not even qualified to carry shoes for any of his girlfriends...

"Monsters, although many have disappeared in this human world, still exist, such as vampires, cat demons, water demons, and dog demons..."


The girl who lowered her head suddenly raised her face and looked at Ye Shenyue. She had always believed that because she was a monster herself, but when she was pure in nature, she was questioned by everyone when she told other people, and then she Rejects students who think she is a problem, she works very hard but doesn't even have a friend.

Now, the appearance of this smiling teenager is undoubtedly a clear spring, everyone wants to be recognized for sure, and now she has been longing for that.

Ye Shenyue saw that her big dark green eyes were actually fluctuating.

Just how... simple and deceitful she is!

But Ye Shenyue didn't need to deceive her, because what he said was the truth, not to mention his monster wives, even himself, became a half-demon in the world of Inuyasha.

So there is no doubt about the existence of monsters.

It's just that Ye Shenyue looked at the girl's appearance, and his mind suddenly flashed a flash.

Ye Shenyue stared at classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang carefully, this long pink hair, this young girl, isn't she Chi Ye Mengxiang?

"You... are you Chi Ye Mengxiang?"

"Yeah... I'm glad you could remember my name, if... if you could..."

The mauve-haired girl seemed a little excited and hesitant all of a sudden, "If you can, can...can you be friends with me? I...I always wanted a human friend..."

She is really working hard. Since she was a child, she and her younger sister have lived in a deserted castle. Later, she managed to get out of the castle, but she stayed in the human society and then was rejected by human beings. She was lonely throughout junior high school. A lonely person.

And now, in the dying junior high school, a new opportunity has re-emerged, maybe... maybe I can have a human friend.

1.7 So Mengxiang seemed very excited, but she was afraid of being rejected again, so she hesitated.

"Could it be that……"

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue was blinded all of a sudden. Since Chi Ye Mengxiang appeared, it meant that this was a world of crosses and vampires!

cross cross...

Ye Shenyue stared at Moeka's neck all of a sudden, it was a black collar and everything else was blocked by the thick black sailor suit.

"No... can't you?"

Although she has already felt the eager attention, Moexiang is more concerned about this point, that is, the feeling of being watched...

Since Ken looked at her like this, it was enough to make her excited... If Ye Shenyue knew that she was thinking about these things, she would not know how to sigh torture.

"Okay... Of course... I'm glad to meet you in the next night, Shenyue,"

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