ps: This book has not given up updating... It's just that those who are automatically subscribed can read the manuscript uploaded by the author in advance...

Chapter 0343 One month ahead (one more)

From the human world to Yanghai College.

This is a bus with only two people. There is only one Yashenyue and one driver with a two-stroke beard in a hat.

The driver drove at the front and changed the license plate to Yanghai College naturally. Although it was on the bus, when passing through the tunnel, the whole car entered another time-space tunnel, which was from the human world to the monster kingdom. tunnel.

"Young man, have you really made up your mind? As a failed student, you really have no other choice? Do you really want to choose to go to this academy? There may be things you can't think of in it~~" Because it is through the time and space tunnel The reason is that even if you don't control it, you can arrive smoothly, and the driver has free time to talk.

That was talking to Yagami, the only passenger in the car.

"Los Angeles? No other choice?"

Well, Ye Shenyue took out the admission notice of Yanghai College from her backpack, and the words like this appeared on it.

"Name: Ye Shenyue Identity: Lost Student Race: Unknown"

Well, it is indeed the identity of the failed student. Obviously, the identity of the failed student was exchanged when the father of the original protagonist exchanged the information of the two notices...

Ye Shenyue, who thinks her grades are good, is the first time she has such an identity...

But there is a line of words below.

"Yanghai Academy is regardless of race. Anyone can enter as long as they are suitable. Therefore, no one can discriminate. The original intention of Yanghai Academy is to hope that humans and monsters can live in harmony."

It seems to be a fraternity college.

The driver's words were obvious, he was reminding Ye Shenyue that this was a monster academy, and at this moment, Ye Shenyue's body was full of human breath.A world from humans to monsters and a world from monsters to humans have the same ending, that is, sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

It seems that the uncle of the driver is still a bit virtuous and kind.


Ye Shenyue shook her head. "Let's not say that I will definitely come here, and I also have my own goals, and I'm not afraid of being just a monster academy."

"That's it... Then let someone take a good look... By the way, I remind you that the current car runs once a month, and if you want to escape, it will be a month later!"

There was a smile on the corner of the driver's mouth. Although the people changed, the people who came in the end were still humans.

Yanghai Academy was established to allow humans and monsters to live in harmony, so it is natural to open a bridge between humans and monsters, and then there is now... Let a human enter the school and try it out.

"Thanks for the reminder, but I don't think I'll be back so soon..."

Because I didn't even know where I lived when I came back... Since I didn't replace the original protagonist, I couldn't take over the house.

In other words, if Ye Shenyue doesn't come here... there is really nowhere to go...


The bus stopped, this is a strange land, the sky is a little red, it is a demon, and there are many trees on the ground but strangely arranged, there is a scarecrow stuck in the parking place, but it is not an ordinary scarecrow but a pumpkin man. The empty eyes seemed to be showing a strange aura.

because here...

It is the academy of monsters, where the monsters gather.

"The destination is here, please get off."

The driver continued to speak with his eyes darkened, and opened the door while speaking.

"However, young man, I would like to remind you that you will be surprised when you get here."

be surprised?

What's so surprising?I'm not a little white who has never seen anything, so what's there to be afraid of?

Ye Shenyue got out of the car without hesitation. As for the driver's words, he just took it as a kind reminder to the cowardly.


The driver turned the car around, "The bus that communicates between the world of the world and the world of monsters only runs once a month, but the next time I come is the official school time, which means... Actually, you came a month early. Sao Nian Live well in the world of monsters!"

"Uh... hey..."

When Ye Shenyue turned her head, she found that the car had already flown N far other words, the driver did it on purpose...On purpose, I only reminded me that I haven't gone to school yet.

But thinking about it, it’s right. Although it’s the Monster Academy, its opening time is still similar to the time in the human world, and Ye Shenyue only got the admission notice yesterday, because there is no place to go, so follow the admission notice. The information went to a specific bus stop and then took this bus that communicated between the world of the world and the world of monsters...

Then naturally, it is still in the holiday period before school starts...

Well, that's true, but...

"It would be too boring to just stay in school, just to see how this monster kingdom is different from Catgirl or Inuyasha's monster kingdom."

Ye Shenyue packed her backpack. The backpack was empty with only a few original textbooks...not even food...

"Sure enough...the problem of food and clothing must be solved first."

Ye Shenyue stared at a watermelon in front of the road that was motionless and then met his gaze and fled to the north... No matter why the pumpkin escaped, it was like Kikyo said that even a comb can turn into a monster in this era. What else can't be done?

So... watermelons that can run away are just normal food, as long as they think they are watermelons.

ps: Thank you for your continued support.

Chapter 0344 The Snow Man in the Country of Snow Maiden? (Second more)

I don't know which direction the wind is blowing, and it brought the snow in the mountains to white, and the pure snowflakes fell on the trees little by little with the wind. The trees are dyed with pure white winter clothes.

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