The ground is also a thick piece, as long as you stretch your feet in, it will sag.

This is real snow.

It is said that there are only a few months in the cave and it has been thousands of years in the world.

Although Ye Shenyue is not so locked up with news, it has been three days since Ye Shenyue has been huddled in the cave. Yes, Ye Shenyue has been in this monster country for three full days, but like all those who have expectations, Ye Shenyue month disappointed.The monsters are either too weak or too few, and now he has been all the way north for so long that he has not encountered a single monster.But maybe it was also because of the snow. The snow was so strange. Ye Shenyue found that the snow was not big, but it didn't seem to be showing any signs of breaking, and it had been spreading all the time.

Ye Shenyue used her own power to detect it. This snow did not fall naturally, but someone made it with powerful power. This is snow made by power, and I don’t know which awesome person wasted power so much…

Yagami has also done such stupid things in the world of Inuyasha. At that time, in order to further the relationship with Kikyo, she used the power of ice and snow that was sealed in him by the ice spirit Yoshino. Making snow, but it was only a day or two at that time, and then... he seemed very tired, after all, if things like ice and snow were tricks, it would be alright to use them all at once, but if it was continuous, it would be fine. It's like you have to continuously use big moves and control them, and you can't get tired. the snow maker is definitely a tough guy.

"I really want to meet this person..."

Ye Shenyue was in the cave and it was snowing outside, but he wouldn't feel cold in such a harsh environment. After all, he still had the power of the fire spirit belonging to Sister Kotori in his body. The flames spread all over the body to completely block the cold air.

But these are not the point, Ye Shenyue is looking at this cave carefully, because this cave is strange.There was an enchantment at the entrance of the cave, and the power of the enchantment was still very strong, but when his hand touched the enchantment, he passed through the enchantment without any accident.

What an amazing place.

But what's even more amazing is that when Yagami just entered the cave, she discovered that there was actually a table in the cave. On the table was a set of furry... It looked like the fur of some kind of animal, just like Naraku in Inuyasha. It's the same baboon skin it's wearing, but this one looks better.

"And... what's with this kind of lollipop? Does anyone else have the same hobby as Kotori?"

Ye Shenyue was staring at a small box next to the snow-white animal fur. The box was easily opened without being locked. Inside was the same kind of... lollipop!

It's a lollipop. It's an orange-yellow, light blue kind of lollipop. Maybe it's the cantaloupe flavor in the fruit...

"If this is a cave left by a master, then this must be his treasure, and he himself..."

Shouldn't it be that animal fur animal?

Because of the age and then... it just vaporized and left only the fur?

Perhaps because of the idea of ​​returning to the world of Inuyasha to become Naraku in the future, Yagami put on the fur of an animal in the boredom, and it was indeed very warm. Originally, it was necessary to use Kotori's power to warm the body, but now it can be omitted.

Ye Shenyue has never been a very hard-working person. He is the kind of person who can sit and never stand, and who can save effort without any effort.

So since this dress is good, let's wear it first.


Ye Shenyue looked at the snow that was swirling outside, and suddenly his eyes moved, because he seemed to see a figure, a girl wearing a white kimono and tied with a pink belt.

The purple-blue hair looks so cute.However, the specific appearance was obstructed by the snow, so I couldn't see it at once.But the outline is clear.

And she was wearing a white kimono that symbolized purity, so she should be a girl.

"Wait...&" Since this is a snow mountain, then... there is a high possibility of a snow girl!

Well, as far as the rough and mad Ye-looking monsters I've met these days, only the Snow Maiden looks cute, and Yagami has never seen a monster of this type, even if she understands it, it's just knowledge, not reality. arrive.

In addition, staying here is also boring, so to sum up, Ye Shenyue sprang out of the cave at once, but when he only walked two or three steps away, he realized... only then did he realize... that he was still there. Wearing animal skins...and then wearing a helmet similar to that of an alpine monkey.

A whole terrible wasteland...


But he stopped, but the girl in a pure white kimono who had made pure ice on the soles of her feet just now focused her attention.

The light blue pure eyes turned slightly, and then he swung a row of ten extremely sharp ice slugs with both hands, and attacked Ye Shenyue's face, shoulders, and limbs.

The ice is very sharp and sharp, and once it is shot at the lowest point, it will also pierce the bone.

"Are all snow girls such violent guys?"

Although she put on a thick animal costume, the speed of Yashenyue was not slow, but all of a sudden, Yashenyue's voice was shouted, but when it came out.But it became "woooooooo..."

The voice of the helmet seems to have the same function as Conan's voice-changing bow, but instead of changing the voice, it turns the human words into a whimpering shout.

"It's not that I was violent, but you suddenly rushed out and yelled at the single snow girl. This is not a man's behavior, and you are the snow boy that our snow girls hate the most!"

What made Ye Shenyue feel terrifying was that when she saw that he had flashed past the ice-cold attack, Lord Snow Maiden had landed right in front of her, and then Ye Shenyue's attention was focused on her hand, which was supposed to be a snow-white and delicate girl. The hand, but I don't know how to change the material and immediately turn into a sharp ice hand, which is several times larger than the original, and each finger has become an ice edge that can kill, even if it is a snow girl, but as long as you think about it. It's too foul to think that all of them can be turned into weapons!

But her voice is quite nice, with a bit of a cold feeling, but it should be the reason for her identity as a snow girl.

Snow Maiden's melee skills seemed to be pretty good too, so she stabbed her directly with her murderous claws.


I'm not a snow man!And what is Snowman?

Ye Shenyue's pronunciation was once again twisted into a low-level roar...

However, what is even more surprising is that the snow girl who came over with one paw suddenly stopped her attack, as if she understood what Ye Shenyue said, and then raised her head and stared at the animal wearing the clothes at the moment with her two clear eyes. Fur Yagami.

"Hey... It wasn't real just now, but now... it looks like it's my father."

However, just when Ye Shenyue felt strange, Miss Xue Nu suddenly said such astonishing words.

"Uh uh?"

what did you say?

Ye Shenyue looked at this young Snow Maiden strangely, but Snow Maiden suddenly jumped up.

Chapter 0345 Mistakenly Hit Snowman (One More)

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