"Father... Lord Father?"

This... what is this setting?

If it is said that a man or a woman who is in love is easily deceived and simply falls into a state of daze, and now Yagami Yue, who has not gone through this process, feels the same dazed feeling, how is that? I can't say or feel like I can't respond.

It's not the first time he's been a father, and he's the father of several children, but he was still good-looking then... and now...


Do you think you're really not wrong?I can't even see my face now!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is wearing fur that she doesn't know the specific animal's name, and she is wearing a helmet, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a savage... Could it be that such a savage is her father?

However, in the midst of panic and nervousness, Ye Shenyue finally had the ability to look at the full face of this Snow Maiden Miss.

She has beautiful long purple-blue hair, and wears a kimono specially designed for Yukino girls to show her figure, with a pink belt tied with clogs on her feet, and she is also a young and lovely girl who has put away the murder knife.

At this moment, she was grabbed from his neck by Ye Shenyue, because the animal costume is thicker, so he also looks larger...

However, just looking at the face of the Snow Maiden in front of her, Ye Shenyue was still shocked, and she was stunned again, because the Snow Maiden in front of her was not someone else but one of the heroines of this world... Classmate Bai Xueyi!

The student Bai Xueyu, who is called a stalker with a lollipop!

"At the beginning, it was possible to not recognize it, but how could it not be recognized like this? Think carefully that there is no such thing as a snow man on this mountain, only the father is the only one, so it is impossible to admit the mistake, just now Because I haven't seen my father for a long time, I can't recognize him all of a sudden."

Bai Xue, who was caught by Yashenyue like an eagle catching a chick, showed a slightly puzzled expression, but seeing that she and Yashenyue were wearing animal costumes, she could only give out an incomprehensible "Uh uh" Hmm" Yashenyue's dialogue still confirms that she can indeed understand Yashenyue's words...

Well, that might also be an important piece of evidence.


On the surface of Ye Shenyue, it seemed that only less than a minute had passed, but his heart was turning upside down. He suddenly remembered the original book, the father of classmate Bai Xue in the original book... It seems that it is really always Snow Man, It's just that this snow man is not another snow man, just a man in a suit who is actually a human being.

And now, he's wearing this suit too...and...and then nothing.

He was mistaken by classmate Bai Xue as Xue Nan... that is her father.

Snow girl clan, how hungry are your clansmen?Even an animal like Snow Man needs it...

Of course, now is not the time to rant about this kind of stuff.


I'm not your father, I'm actually...

"What are you talking about! Could it be that..."

Bai Xue frowned slightly, and then grabbed Ye Shenyue's fur-covered palm. From where she was caught, Ye Shenyue felt cold. That was... the power of ice.

Then it didn't take a second at all, the ice cubes, he had turned into a cluster of ice cubes, but the ice cubes shattered quickly in less than a second.

Ye Shenyue understood that it was because he possessed Yoshino's ice power, so he could also control ice cubes, and he also had the power of Kotori's fire elf in his body, and the ice power rushed into his body. Kotori's fire power rushed out immediately and devoured the ice power. There was no strength to maintain, so the ice cubes would naturally shatter.

"It really is like this...then there is nothing wrong..."

Bai Xue-san's face that was about to show doubts immediately became calm. "If it's my father, then I won't be frozen... Since I'm not frozen, then I'm the real father..."

Classmate Bai Xue kept saying something and explained her sudden freezing of Yashenyue just now...

It's just that this explanation... is too...

It's so unscientific!

As long as he doesn't freeze, he's a father?If it is such a standard, how many fathers must there be!

But...if it's wearing this "Snow Man" costume, it's less...or it's limited to one...

But it's just...he Ye Shenyue is definitely not the original Xue Nan, there must be some misunderstanding...


"Eh...this is? The essence of ice...if it's this thing...if it's this thing..."

What makes people strange is that Bai Xue can actually enter the cave where Ye Shenyue stayed just now. The originally powerful barrier was not normal in front of her. No, it should be said that the barrier chose to let her pass.

Sure enough, this cave turned out to be... it was Snow White's father... I just don't know what happened and the only thing left in this cave was this "Snowman" outfit and lollipops.

The lollipop box was opened by Ye Shenyue, and Bai Xue was seen before it could be closed, so the moment Bai Xue entered the hole, what he saw was the displayed lollipop.

...It's normal for girls to be interested in lollipops, but the current situation is too normal!

Because he saw that Bai Xue's eyes seemed to light up all of a sudden, she grabbed a lollipop and put it in her mouth.

"It was amazing..."

The expression on the whole body relaxed and enjoying.


Can Miss Xue Nu not make such an ambiguous voice, he himself felt a little embarrassed to hear it... Because the voice and expression were completely Gao Jiao's expression...

However, Bai Xue paid so much attention to these lollipops, and Ye Shenyue also watched carefully. It was incredible, because these lollipops were definitely not the kind of lollipops that Kotori ate. Lollipops contain the power of ice.

A steady stream of power is released from these lollipops.And these ice powers are the most delicious things for ice-type monsters like Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden needs to survive in cold and snowy places, and if you have these powers, you can go to all kinds of hot places under the sun. active.

Sure enough... This site was originally the site of Bai Xue's father, so there is such a thing and let her pass through the barrier at will.

It's just the current snow man... how did he now become a snow man by chance?

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