He gave such an interesting character just after he said he was bored, but to deceive people or something... It's not good after all...

Ye Shenyue looked at the excited and excited Miss Bai Xue, and seemed...a little speechless again.

Through a brief inquiry, Ye Shenyue understood that Miss Bai Xue's father seemed to have played the role of Snow Boy for a long time, and then disappeared on this hill, which means that she hadn't seen her father for a long time, so she seemed very excited now.

This is still a simple girl, how can he break her fantasy in such a hurry?

"Since my father finally appeared, which means that I have to go home, I must have lived in this cave for too long and didn't even return home..."

Bai Xue held the lollipop in her mouth and recited words, so it seemed that she was indeed a filial and gentle child.


"Huh... ah?"

He Ye Shenyue is not her father... It's against her heart to see her, and she sees her mother, isn't it... so heartless?

ps: Everything is written in voting.Since everyone likes Snow Maiden, write more about her.

Chapter 0346 Passionate wife (two more)

Heavy snow, continuous heavy snow is a cruel environment for both humans and monsters, but in this harsh environment, two types of monsters have been born, one is the Snow Maiden, and the heavy snow is their friend, and the other is a kind of monster. It's Yukino, but for some unknown reason, Yukino's footprints are rare and it seems that he was almost killed.

Therefore, in the end, this continuous snow-capped mountain completely belonged to the Snow Maiden, became the territory of the Snow Maiden, the country of the Snow Maiden.

Then, under the recommendation of Little Snow Girl, Yashenyue met Da Snow Girl.This statement is a bit strange, but when she saw Bai Xue's mother icicle, Ye Shenyue was still a little surprised.

Of course, I am not surprised that the other party looks like a good wife, but I am surprised by her appearance, she is very similar to Bai Xue...

Well, in the end, Ye Shenyue can be sure that Bai Xue completely looks like her mother, because it is almost the same mold except for the difference in hair color.


Ye Shenyue mumbled a few times and was thinking of making some specious words, but the icicle wife who was standing in front of the snow girl group in the row had already stood over.

She has eyes as beautiful as Bai Xue, and Bai Xue's genes are indeed inherited from her.

"Darling, you dote on your daughter so much..."

The mother who tied up her long silver-white hair was wearing a pure white kimono. Although it was the same style as Baixue, it had a lot more charm. She was indeed a married wife who had been nurtured by time.

Icicle is looking at the lollipop in Bai Xue's mouth... well, she is also holding one...

"The essence of ice should be given to Xiaoyu later. What if she is given a boost now and then rushes out of the snow-capped mountains, and is then deceived by a human man? No matter what, you have to find someone you can trust. the man...then freeze him...this is the love of our snow girl family..."

Icicle's mother didn't know where she found a pure white silk scarf. She almost shed tears while talking, and she doesn't know how she sheds tears as a snow girl...

But Icicle's mother's expression is so worried, worried that Bai Xue's classmate will be lured and lured away...

"But when my mother was her age, I was already pregnant with her..."


Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say. He noticed that the corners of the mouths of the young Snow Maidens in the row behind the icicles seemed to twitch faintly. Although they were still smiling, these Snow Maidens must be in their hearts. Tucao!

Must be ranting!

But even though Mother Icicle was smiling and fake crying, there was still a faint cold sweat on Ye Shenyue's back.

Because he heard Snow Girl's love... The so-called Snow Girl's love is to freeze the man he likes and keep him by his side for the rest of his life... In other words, this is no longer love, but torture!

"So it's like this... It seems that when I go to school this time, I have to find a good target..."

However, what was even more surprising was that Bai Xue-san hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and acted... as if she believed in her mother's words.

However, this unmistakable look is definitely a trick.

Because Ye Shenyue raised her hands, Sister Icicle unexpectedly exudes strange snow and ice to the surroundings. Most of the snow and ice fell on Bai Xue's body, and then when Bai Xue nodded her head, the ice and snow... Amazingly gone...

This is obviously a trick!

As expected, every kind of mother has such kind of daughter...

Ye Shenyue found that it seemed that Bai Xue had been completely at the mercy of her mother, Lord Icicle...

"If you find a good person, let me meet and help you check... But as a snow girl, you must work hard to show your love when you like it, and that is to freeze him, if it freezes, it will be It belongs to you, if it can't be frozen, then it's yours too, because if it can't be frozen, either his power is super powerful or it's destined to be with us just like your father..."

Lord Icicle continues to teach "experience" to his daughter. According to Lord Icicle's understanding, if a man is frozen, that is to say, he can be squeezed any way he wants, and he can be kept by his side for the rest of his life. If the ice does not rise, then Catch a super expert to improve the genes of the Snow Maiden family... It seems to be not bad.

It sounds like it really makes sense on both sides.


But it's definitely not like that!

In this way, it has become as long as you fancy it, no matter what, you have to shoot it!

Is there such a thing as teaching children to be "robbers" and "tyrants"?


Stop, stop, this kind of education will not work, absolutely not!

Ye Shenyue spoke loudly, but he almost forgot that he was still wearing the "Snow Man" suit, so he made only a humming sound, but this 0.8 sound seemed to be understood only by the two mothers and daughters, and sure enough It's weird.

"We'll talk about education later... Dear, long time no see... Do we need to have an activity we like?"

Sister Icicle's attention suddenly came to her, and the corner of her mouth with the lollipop in her mouth turned up slightly, "Don't hurry up to prepare... Anyway, there are no guests who come to play in the bath, and it's a waste... Not hurry to prepare... "

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