"Then... I can go out of the mountain and go to the school to find the man in my destiny, such as stalking and stalking."

There was a smile on his face, as if something very, very good happened, "love or something must be very interesting."

Bai Xue looked very emotional, she was already interested.

And also said the "following" "..." dedicated to the Snow Maiden family.

Is it really because of him that this is the situation?

Why did Bai Xue become like this, or is this the real face?


However, after speaking, she sat down and looked at the scene below. This is a big snowy mountain, and it is the last land of their snow girl's country. There are many people and many countries in this world. It is impossible for everyone to share the land, and The only ones suitable for them to survive are the snow-capped mountains and the snow-capped mountains that won't melt, so in the end it's only here.

The place is not very big, but the scenery is beautiful. Everything is covered by silver-white snowflakes. Whether it is the ground or the trees, the silver-white world is sparkling.

Then, Ye Shenyue heard her voice in her ear, which was singing.

Chapter 0349 Snow Maiden's Song and Blood-sucking Impulse (One More)

Songs are really interesting things.

Bai Xue's voice has a beautiful sound line, and it is very gentle, and the voice is very pleasant.She sat down and started her song while watching the snowflakes. It is normal for girls to hum a few words when she is in a good mood.

but.Listening to Bai Xue's singing, Ye Shenyue's thoughts suddenly went far, far away, because his mind was reminiscing, recalling everything in the past.Bai Xue's singing is telling her joy, but Ye Shenyue's head is replaying the past.

He is not unfamiliar with singing, because when he first came to the world of animation, when he was in the world of zombies, what he heard was Yu's simple makeup.

It was the first time that I could make a voice and still sing my own voice. At that time, Yu was very beautiful, just like Baixue now. At that time, their moods were all relaxed and happy, right? .

When you mentioned Yu, Yagami's heart suddenly became warm. The last time I saw Yu was in Conan's world. Because of her birthday, they carefully prepared a birthday party, although it was a little embarrassing to be kidnapped or something. , but overall happy.

Not only Yu, but also Haruna sang on the stage at that time. With a bad song recognized by Sera and Silas, she can also shine like a diamond, and then there is the original star Silas Huiluo classmate. .

After being separated for a long time, Ye Shenyue almost missed her "let me check it out" casually.

I am afraid that the hobby of liking farts and stocks can never be changed.

The more perfect a person is, the more bizarre their flaws are.

Then there's Sera. She was forced to go on stage and she didn't know if she was still so vicious, "Don't talk with your fingernails in your throat, my ears will bleed." She is the only one who is so vicious. to say.

Miss Ariel.

I got the past memories from her. It was about her. The time we spent together was so long, but... Does she still like the appearance of loli and actually use underwear to advertise herself?

For example, wearing black lace silk or something... The small bumps carry the flow of time, and the smooth skin has become more smooth and delicate with the passage of time.

Why does it get weirder the more you think about it?

Ye Shenyue felt the urge to have a nosebleed.As if the whole person became hot, as if something was scratching him.

Need something to calm down.

However, when Ye Shenyue's gaze returned to classmate Bai Xue again, he suddenly felt a dry heat, which was nothing but the dry heat in his blood.

The blood that had been silent at first seemed to have been turned on by some kind of strange switch, and it became out of control.

Not only that, there is a strange feeling in the eyes, the eyes always seem to see more clearly, and they don't need to exert 1000% of their strength to see more clearly.

Could it be that... this is evolution?

Yagami has a kind of Digimon that got the badge of evolution and evolved as if it had been beaten with chicken blood.

Then he finally noticed his sight.

Strangely, he was not looking at Bai Xue's face, but at her neck. It was a fair and delicate neck, as elegant and beautiful as a swan.

Snow Maiden is a monster made of the purest ice of the Snow Spirit.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as pure and clean.


Ye Shenyue has changed, he kind of wants to put his hands on the shoulders of Bai Xue and put his head up, and then...then open his mouth.

The urge to bite.

To be precise, it was... the urge to suck blood.

Wait...the urge to suck blood?

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered, isn't this world the world of vampires?

In the world on April [-]st, Yuko had already told him in advance that there were two commissions, one was the world of Lolicon, which is the world of Shinna, and the other... It seemed that the equivalent was obtained. in exchange for being a vampire.

Now, isn't he here, he accepted the request of Aono Yueyin's father and exchanged admission notices with Yueyin classmates and then came to Yanghai Academy?

In other words... the rewards are slowly appearing.

That is the power of vampires.

The eyes are faintly glowing red, and even the pupils will be dyed red.

Then want to suck blood, desperately suck blood.His blood was throbbing.

Ye Shenyue stared at Bai Xue's neck, it was there, just one bite, one bite with his teeth, and then he could obtain the purest power.

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