
His body was moving involuntarily, moving.

Then, I want to open my mouth.

But the blood-sucking urge stopped abruptly.


No teeth.Originally, she wanted to show her long fangs like a vampire, but Yagami touched her mouth, and the teeth didn't change.There are no two long, sharp fangs that protrude like a vampire's, fangs that are designed to suck blood.

His teeth are still flat, which means... now he... can't suck blood?

I go, so what kind of vampire is this?

"So comfortable...I haven't sang happily for a long time..."

The student Bai Xue here suddenly stopped, and the white snowflakes fell on her hands.It was only when she turned her head that she saw Ye Shenyue who was very close to her.

"Father? Are you trying to compliment me by getting so close? Don't do this kind of thing... I'll feel a little embarrassed..."

Bai Xue's thoughts are so pure, because Ye Shenyue is still dressed in the snow men's clothes, with a hood on her head, so... Bai Xue can't see the change of Ye Shenyue under the hood, can't see it His red eyes.


Ye Shenyue didn't speak, or at this time he couldn't speak, and he must be scolding Miss Yuko in his heart. If he went to the normal world, then according to Alaya and Gaia, he could get that right away. A force in the world, like in the world of zombies, it immediately became a zombie, instead of being a vampire who couldn't suck blood like now...

The difference is really too big.

Once he wants to suck blood, the flat teeth will only bite off the neck of a person. What is the difference between this and a beast?

How complicated!


However, at this time, the big tree that originally carried the snowflakes suddenly fell to the ground. Not only the big tree, but also the small animals that were trying to win in the snow fell to the ground and were frozen into ice cubes.

And the snowflakes that are falling have also become more dense.

Is this... the power of Snow White's singing?

Or did she accidentally use her frozen skills belonging to Snow Maiden while singing?

ps: The daily life of the vampire in the next chapter

Chapter 0350 the daily life of vampires (two more)

Once, once when he was just an ordinary zombie, he was in pain and happy.While feeling the fun of doubling one's own power after becoming a zombie, and then living a horrible torment of being turned into a mummified corpse by the sun.

Then, when the power of the zombie was pulled from the body, the side effect left, and the power of the body was still there.

Like the perfect ending.

but now.

Not to mention peeling off, why is there only a high incidence of side effects and the power of vampires has not been activated at present, yes.Ye Shenyue was by the river, looking at the ice surface that had condensed into ice cubes that could print the shadows of people, he saw his eyes, the eyes were still black, the eyes that would turn red due to the blood-sucking impulse. The effect is completely gone.

Moreover, his teeth have not evolved at all like the fangs that draw blood like a needle and do not hurt anyone. If they bite down, they will only break the opponent's neck, so they are no different from zombies.Even zombies don't want to do this kind of behavior.


It's a bit of a calculation.

Leaving footprints one by one on the ground, Ye Shenyue finally walked out of the snowy mountain that had not been there for a long time, out of the country of the snow girl.He returned the snow men's clothes to the original cave and pretended that nothing had happened. He walked briskly and wanted not to take away a cloud, but his physical constitution had completely changed.

Not to mention the consequences of the incident caused by wearing snow men's clothes because of confusion, the reason why Yagami Yue walked so fast was because of the words of classmate Bai Xue.

"Father, I always think you're a little weird. You look at me with some other things in your eyes. What is that kind of thing? Is there anything strange around your neck?"

After Bai Xue-san, who was biting at the "lollipop" made of ice crystals, simply asked this sentence, Yagami Yue already had the intention of retreating.

Because he found that he was really useless, he couldn't see classmate Bai Xue anymore, and when he wanted to look at her, his eyes fell uncontrollably from her face to the fair neck.

Then the inexplicable urge to suck blood came out, and there was an uncontrollable feeling.

That must be the physique of a vampire, but... no teeth for blood-sucking hair?

What an unreasonable explanation, Ye Shenyue felt that if she stayed with Bai Xue again, not to mention that she would be tortured by the urge to suck blood, even if she didn't want to be a zombie.

He is a zombie not a zombie.He can't do the act of biting down people with blood and flesh.

Moreover, and more importantly, Ye Shenyue suddenly awakened this vampire physique without realizing it, and he didn't want to act rashly until he fully understood it.

Because the characteristics of vampires that haven't been figured out will drive him crazy.


This is definitely not the sound of suffocation, it is the tick-tock raindrops falling from the sky.

After walking out of the snow-capped mountains, it is no longer a beautiful snowflake, but an open space. Since it is the ground, it is normal for raindrops to fall from the sky. The raindrops are not big, but it is not normal for the rain to fall on the body.

Ye Shenyue once looked at the drizzle outside the house and wondered if she should be a poet walking freely in the rain or something.

but now.

"Zi la la..."

The stinging pain was as if being electrocuted, painful and numb, and there was no way to get rid of it.

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