This kind of feeling... It's just the feeling of being drenched in the rain, Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the scene in the original book where classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang would be in great pain when she was splashed with water, because she was a vampire, and Once the water with pure power fuses with the demonic power released by the vampire, a strange chemical reaction will occur, and the vampire's body will be paralyzed and the pain will be unbearable.

It can be said that water is the enemy of vampires.That's why Mengxiang puts Chinese herbal medicine in advance every time she goes into the water, so that the water is no longer pure. Because it is not pure water, it cannot react chemically with the body.

...but now that Ye Shenyue, who is empty-handed and only has a small package, can find that kind of Chinese herbal medicine?


"If you just think that a rain can beat me, then look down on me too much..."

Ye Shenyue remembered one thing, in addition to vampires afraid of water, both cats and cat demons are also afraid of water, when he was in the catgirl world, he used magic to make a protective shield and isolated Feiju from water.

It's the same now.

Just do it.

Because of the completion of many tasks, not only the power of magic but also the power of other elves in Ye Shenyue has been integrated to a level close to perfection, so now the time to absorb magic has been shortened to a time that makes ordinary magic To the point of jaw-dropping.

A transparent magic cover that was invisible to the naked eye appeared from his palm and was thinly plated with gold, just like wearing a waterproof raincoat, blocking the raindrops that were still falling.

As soon as the reactant of rainwater was isolated, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that her body became more comfortable, as if she had received an amnesty.

Ye Shenyue had already felt it at this moment.

However, it is good to be separated by water. If you use the magic cover all the time, will you not be able to touch the water in the future?


Well, I'm hungry and my forehead is very abnormal.

Not wanting to eat, but want to drink liquid, red liquid.

Like blood, blood or something.

"This is... a tomato?"

Well, when Yagami saw the red plump and juicy tomatoes, she felt like she couldn't move.Maybe it would be nice to have this as food.

As if he had been a zombie, he felt... as if he was broken and complete.

ps: In the next chapter, the fateful meeting of the new semester, Chi Ye Mengxiang's appearance is probably like this.

Chapter 0351 The fate of the new semester meeting (one more)

Time is fleeting, and a month has passed inadvertently.This moon and night Shenyue came out of the country of the Snow Maiden, which is equivalent to traveling in the mountains and water, because except for the tunnel through which the bus of Yanghai College can connect to the human world, the other places are authentic only the kingdom of monsters.

In addition to the country of the Snow Maiden and the place that cannot be named, Ye Shenyue also went to the Magic City, which is the country of the Dream Demon. The Dream Demon is a monster that lives by attracting the soul of men. He is born with a hot body, but also Born to be a yd, Ye Shenyue is not a person who can accept everything, so in the end, she just wandered around the door and left.

Because he doesn't have the energy left for the Dream Demon to suck.

Ye Shenyue felt that if she stopped sucking blood, she would really die.

But in the end, he didn't, because after wandering around, he met a vampire. They all said that vampires are big monsters, but vampires are also graded, such as dukes, ordinary barons, purebreds and non-purebreds.

And those high-level vampires rarely show up, so all they see are low-level things. These guys can't appear during the day, they are afraid of the sun, and even the garlic cross is their natural enemy.

Ye Shenyue did not find any useful information about the physique of vampires from them. After all...the bloodlines are different.

He is just very sensitive to water and has a strong blood-sucking urge.

I believe that the blood of vampires obtained at this price should not be inferior.

But it's still useful in the realm of vampires, where there are things that vampires need.For example, tomato juice mixed with blood, for some self-righteous vampires, as long as they have these drinks, they can overcome the blood-sucking urge.

However, Ye Shenyue still encountered a big problem, and he didn't know if it was because his vampire physique wasn't complete yet. He couldn't drink these bloody tomato juice, he just felt sick.The tomato juice tastes good though...

As a vampire, he is disgusted with blood and disgusted with blood...

Only he would do such a thing.

However, when he looked at the young girl, what was the urge to suck blood?

what is that?

"Boss, as usual, pack all the blood bags."

The person who spoke was a small doll, with the tone of a regular customer, very petite and small, with short flaxen hair, dressed like a little maid, and even had a small wreath on the top of his head.It's just that there are two small black wings on her back, which seem to be the wings of a vampire.

She said she was a vampire, but she couldn't feel the power of vampires from her body, but felt the magic power of magicians.

Then, the most eye-catching thing was the two bright kitchen knives she held on her shoulders. The kitchen knives exuded a stunning brilliance, proving that they were real and not fake.

"Is that lord still staying in the castle? It's been fifteen years."

The owner is a young man wearing a transparent frame, looking young because he is also a vampire.The lifespan of a vampire is not known how much longer than the average person.So even after more than ten years, the appearance has not changed much.

"This is also a helpless move. Whoever called my master was too stupid and fell into that person's trap... Okay, not much more to say, the master must feel lonely and lonely, and I have to go back."

The little puppet's voice was filled with strong dissatisfaction, especially when it said "that person", it was completely aggravated.It was as if that person had a grudge against her.

"If I meet that guy, see blood, let that guy see blood, I must first OO, then OO, and then woo woo..."

This is her broken thoughts.Obviously there are three prohibited words in just one sentence, this guy is a fierce girl.

However, her movements were still very neat. The shopkeeper put the blood bag in the bag, and then she put the bag directly into the backpack she was carrying, and then both hands were free again. The kitchen knife is held well, and it is against the shoulder.

It seems that both hands are used to hold the kitchen knife, and the rest are not needed.

A pair of small black wings on the back started to fan, her small body seemed to contain infinite power, and there was no unbearable expression on her face that wrapped her so big.

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