Then when she was at the door of the store, she passed Ye Shenyue's side, she raised her head, and Ye Shenyue felt a breath.

"This kid..."

The little doll stared at Ye Shenyue with her green eyes that looked like a mighty wolf, "Forget it... Although pure-blooded vampires don't appear easily, it is normal to have one or two occasionally. After all, among vampires There are always a few outliers..."


When Ye Shenyue looked up, she had already flown away, and the small figure soon turned into a little...

But that little figure is still with someone in his knowledge who is holding a kitchen knife and shouting, "Do you want to come again? You get a thousand knives" and so on, a certain little boy who likes violence and advocates violence. The puppets are overlapped.

Must be wrong.

Although this is the world of vampires, this vampire is not that vampire, so the one just now should not be Cha Cha Ling, after all, this is not the world of magic teachers.

This is just an interlude.

He didn't add too much color to Yagami's January trip, because he saw such and such strange things this month, such as the living habits of various monsters, such as real monster battles Ah or something.This is a kingdom of monsters that is richer in variety than Inuyasha's world, and its appearance is much better than those of low-level monsters.


After a month's journey, Yagami Yue, who almost found some traces of vampires and survival skills, carried a bag and returned to the forest at the beginning. It was a dark forest with some strange trees. Here is the school The only way to go to the station, of course, Ye Shenyue is not going to the station, he is just going to Yanghai Academy.

However, when it came to the flat ground, there was a strong braking sound and the voice of a girl from the trail behind.

The girl's voice was panic and sorry.

" brakes failed..."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly moved away, but it seemed that it was too late, because when he was dodging to the left, the car was tripped over by a stone 4 in the middle of the road, and the person riding on the car went with the car. It slammed into the direction of Ye Shenyue.A young female body flew in his direction.

It can be said that if he does not dodge then he will not be hit.

Because the probability of such a fall is almost impossible, Ye Shenyue avoided it with common sense and was attacked on the waist. In fact, the person who crashed the car flew over.

"This feeling……"

It's like in the legend that she can't be a girl and must be a boy, and now Ye Shenyue is spitting blood, if it's just an ordinary girl, it's impossible to have such a lot of strength, even if she is knocked off, she shouldn't have. So much strength, but now he was just knocked flying, and then sprayed blood.

This girl, such a strong girl, must not be an ordinary girl, only a monster in the appearance of a girl.

Chapter 0352 The meeting of fate in the new semester (two more)

Ye Shenyue was knocked flying.

Yes, that's right, he was knocked flying by the girl without any power to refuse, and what was even more surprising was that the other party was also unconscious, so he flew over and knocked people away.

"It hurts..."

Sitting on the ground, he touched his head first without pressing his hands on other places, just as if his head hit something similar to a rib.

"But...this feeling...this taste is..."

The dark green eyes suddenly opened and widened.

"Blood is coming out!" X2 Yashenyue and the girl said almost at the same time, their eyesight had returned to normal, and then the backpack rolled out because of the things in it that were hit.The car also fell to one side, and the wheels were bent.

However, none of these could make the two of them look away, it was red droplets.

The girl stared at Ye Shenyue's neck, and Ye Shenyue stared at the girl's neck. It was white and delicate skin, and the thin skin was wrapped in rich blood, which was sweet blood.

Look at the neck first, this month is about to become a habit of Ye Shenyue, because the neck is the part that vampires like most and often use to suck blood.

However, at this moment, the fair neck looks extra attractive, because there is a little blood on it, and the bright red is fresh blood. her neck, so a little bit of blood landed on her neck when the blood spurted.

The raised, round blood droplets slide down a beautiful arc on the delicate skin.

They were also staring at their necks, obviously there was a height difference, and the two of them could see each other's appearance as long as they were serious, but now... the girl was also looking at Ye Shenyue's neck.

If it is said that the blood that has already flowed out, then more blood is still hidden in the blood vessels, in the neck.

Unfortunately, the girl also had the same thought, and her small nose sniffed gently. "This seems to be human..."

The girl's voice was almost obsessed, as if there was an incomparably delicious dish in front of her, and it was a dish that she liked very much and had never been able to get.

I really want to, I want to just bite it up like this.

The blood was boiling, and the mouth opened slightly unconsciously, and then... the urge to suck blood came out.stronger than ever.

Ye Shenyue's hand stretched out, and then the girl's hand also went up. There was no rehearsal, but it was closer than rehearsal, as if the two had the same goal.

"what happened……"

However, almost instantly, the two of them made the same move, that is... they turned their faces away.

"I almost wanted to bite it... Obviously I don't even have a vampire's fangs... If I bite it, wouldn't it turn into a flesh-eating zombie?"

Ye Shenyue felt that it was a shame. If it was said that when she met Bai Xue, her vampire physique was awakened and she wanted to suck her blood, it would be fine, but now... I actually want to... And I still want to suck blood urgently. This is really incredible, do you really want to become that terrible zombie?Xian Jijin "Really...I'm really sorry!"

However, Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart, but here she heard the girl's apologetic voice.

"I'm really sorry, I couldn't help myself and almost wanted to suck your blood."

She lowered her head, this is also helpless, she somehow smells this kind of breath, she has no ability to refuse, although it is the same in the human world, surrounded by delicious food, but she can't do that.

With his head down, his long purple-pink hair fluttered gently with the wind that was blowing the two leaves off the tree.Listening to her voice, Ye Shenyue woke up from the sudden urge to suck blood, but the urge to suck blood still existed. To be on the safe side, Ye Shenyue's hand immediately groped in the package, and then pinched one. The flat jar breathed a sigh of relief, without any hesitation, inserted the straw into it and sucked it, the bright red liquid inside, which could temporarily relieve the urge to suck blood, seemed to deceive the senses.

He's drinking tomato juice... it's all red anyway, so... the body seems to accept it. These days, he's relying on this tomato juice to soothe his urge to suck blood.

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