But when the impulse was suppressed, he raised his head, and then had a chance to see the girl who suddenly failed to brake and then knocked him away and finally made him bleed.

With long pink hair and a decent school uniform, her figure looks very good, and she completely supports her clothes.

However, it is a pity that because she lowered her head forward, the originally short skirt actually covered the hidden place, but part of the snow-white thigh was still exposed, which was regarded as closing a door and then Another window opened.

However, what was of concern was that a silver cross studded with red gems was revealed on her chest.

The cross is actually a cross.

Coupled with pink hair, don't you say...

This is... Chi Ye Mengxiang?

Not only was he looking at her, but the girl also raised her head, because Ye Shenyue didn't pay attention to her first, but asked for tomato juice to suck first, so she raised her head at this time.

Then, when she saw Ye Shenyue's face, she searched her head for a while and then showed a surprised and amazed expression.

"You are... classmate Ye Shenyue!"

She was as excited as she had found a good friend, because she recognized this young man. Isn't this young man her last and first friend in the human world!

In the human world, she seemed out of place because she was a monster and not a human, and monsters and humans couldn't coexist, at least for that part of her life, but... unexpectedly, when she was about to leave, on the last day , actually got a friend.

He believed in the existence of monsters and wanted to be friends with her.

No one knows how moved a person who has been ostracized for a long time and wants to leave this circle in a sullen mood when he reaches out.

"It's really me, classmate Chi Yemengxiang, we meet again."

In the monster forest, just outside the Yanghai Academy, the pair of friends in the human world met.

ps: The eyesight between vampires in the next chapter is based on the voting results.The heroines are mainly snow girls and vampires.

Chapter 0353 The eye between vampires (one more)

This is a forest with a strange atmosphere, because the trees here are all black, and the black is everywhere, rendering the surroundings a chilling atmosphere.

But now, in this forest, the two reunited friends don't feel that way.

On the contrary, there was a strange feeling in the hearts of the two of them. Ye Shenyue thought that Chi Ye Mengxiang would come to Yanghai Academy, a monster academy that specializes in monsters, so she would always meet her, but she didn't expect to meet her now It's her time, but Ye Shenyue has an unprecedented feeling in her heart that she wants to evacuate for a while, because if it wasn't for the tomatoes around him, he might not be able to control himself.

Why is this urge stronger than usual?

Could it be that... it's because... that... the red...

"That... classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang, can you... first wipe off the blood..."

Ye Shenyue tried her best not to look at her neck, because even though she was sucking the tomato juice now, as long as she took another look, she looked at the delicate white skin, at the smooth piece, he just The suppressed blood-sucking urge will rise again.

To sum up, it was his few drops of blood that were the fault.


Moexiang suddenly raised her head and looked at herself thoughtfully.

"The neck...the blood on the neck..."

Looking at the place where the other party didn't seem to find the blood, Ye Shenyue reminded.

Then, he saw such a scene.

She touched her neck with her slender fingers, and then Moexiang felt a sticky feeling. It was... the blood was different from the blood mixed in the tomato juice, it was real blood, pure blood, and it was still scattered The human breath that makes vampires unable to resist.

Yes, Ye Shenyue still has human blood...

And vampires like to treat humans as their food the most, especially pure-blooded vampires... The higher the level, the higher the requirements. In the end, not only human beings are divided into various levels, such as gender, age, and appearance...

Only perfect human blood is the best...

And now, holding the blood in my hand, this feeling is the first time... and this blood makes people want to suck... This is the food of vampires.

Moexiang is a complete vampire. Although her power has been sealed, her vampire instinct is still there.The vampire's powerful and durable physique is still there.So... so... so...

"I...I'll do it right away."

What a pity.

When the clean tissue wiped away the blood, when the blood had adhered to the tissue and couldn't be separated, she felt a pity.

Of course, Ye Shenyue doesn't feel that way, because that's his blood... He doesn't have a fetish... so he doesn't love blood either.



Wipe off Ye Shenyue's blood, and threw the blood-stained tissue away from her field of vision. Chi Ye Mengxiang's face was a little red, and she lowered her eyes slightly. Unspeakable.

"That... I was really sorry just now, but I didn't recognize Yashenyue right away. However, I was really happy just now. I thought I would never see Yashenyue again, but now..."

"It doesn't matter, it's fate to meet again anyway."

Ye Shenyue fully understood that because of the vampire's physique, he didn't immediately stare at her face. As a vampire and food came first, he didn't directly look at people, but at food... This point, he Understandable, after all, he just stared at people's necks for a long time.

"Really? Thank you so much."

Classmate Chi Yemengxiang showed a smile, this gentle smile with a faint hint of moistness in the corners of her eyes made Ye Shenyue's heart pause for a moment.

This smile is the same as when she was in the human school more than a month ago. At that time, classmate Moexiang released a heart-wrenching but purest smile in her heart.

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