This person, pure, pure, is like a blank sheet of paper.

Ye Shenyue was looking at classmate Mengxiang, of course he didn't mean anything but was simply shocked and wanted to take a second look. The same classmate Mengxiang was also looking at Yeshenyue, and she didn't mean anything else. , I just feel very excited to meet my friend suddenly here, I want to take a few more glances to avoid it being an illusion.

This was her first day here. Her home was in a distant castle, and she could only shorten the distance through a tunnel. However, she came out of the tunnel and bumped into Yagami Yue after a short ride.

Seems a bit unlucky, but that doesn't seem to be the case now.Because I met a friend I thought I would never meet.

Mengxiang's eyes are pure dark green, and Ye Shenyue can almost see her own reflection inside. The dark green color seems to have an infinite attraction that will attract people in.

The two of them looked at each other simply without any male or female emotion.

Looking at it, Ye Shenyue actually felt that her face was a little hot, which has not happened in many years.

In the same way, classmate Moexiang also thought it was very strange. She looked at her own reflection from the dark eyes of Ye Shenyue, and she had a very strange and strange feeling.

"But...shall we sort these things out?"

In the end, it was Ye Shenyue who broke the gaze first.

He hadn't looked at anyone like this for so long, and he didn't know what would happen if it continued.

So it's better to break the eye contact first.

"Ah... well... eh... these are?"

Bai Mengxiang looked away quickly, with a little panic, but when her eyes fell on the ground, she said strangely, "My things also fell out."

Then she held out her hand.

Chapter 0354 Friends (two more)

On the ground was a bicycle that had hit a tree and had begun to deform irreversibly, and then there were two backpacks close to the two, one belonged to Yagami and the other belonged to Moeka.

The contents of the backpack were scattered, and they were all tomato juice jars, all of which were red tomato juice jars.

There are also traditional Chinese medicines used to neutralize the water so that the water is no longer pure and thus unable to harm the constitution of the vampire.

Classmate Mengxiang remembered... She remembered that her own should... should not be so much... not so much.

"These are mine."

Ye Shenyue moved quickly, he quickly put the things he bought into his circle, and then showed a wry smile, "It's strange for boys to drink tomato juice..."

He doesn't want to... unless he can grow two fangs.

Ye Shenyue quietly looked at Moexiang's mouth without the other party feeling impolite, it was cherry blossom petals delicate and bright red lips.

Inside, on the two sides of the teeth, there are two distinctive slender fangs that are invisible if you don't pay attention.

Those are fangs that belong to vampires. Moeka-san is a vampire so she has fangs, and Ye Shenyue is a vampire physique that he got halfway, so he doesn't have fangs...

The difference is huge.

"No...not surprising..."

Mengxiang didn't know that Ye Shenyue's heart was dissatisfied and disappointed because she didn't have fangs. She felt that Ye Shenyue was looking at her, and she blushed a little embarrassedly, but thinking of his wry smile just now, she hurriedly replied, " Not surprising at all."

It's really not surprising, because...Mengxiang has never gotten along with male classmates at all. In the human world, she doesn't even have friends, so she doesn't know what boys like,'s even more impossible to know whether it's strange or not. .

So, to sum it up, it is not strange, not strange at all.

"...No...but...why...why does Yagami-kun like these things?"

Moexiang was staring at the vampire-specific Chinese medicine that Ye Shenyue was putting in her backpack to neutralize water.

That's almost something for vampires, why...a human Yagami-kun would bring something like this.


and many more.

Mengxiang suddenly realized that she seemed to have missed something.

That is.

"Yishenyue classmate, why are you here, this place is too dangerous, it's not the place you should be as a human, you hurry back to the human world, will be eaten by other monsters. Yes, this is the real kingdom of monsters!"

With an anxious look on his face, this is not a fake but sincere. In the human world, it was this boy who became her friend and opened his heart to her. She couldn't watch him fall into danger like this and be eaten by other monsters. .

Because, now that her power is sealed, she does not have the power to protect her friends.

Since you can't protect him, let him... let him go.

"Thank you for your concern...but...this..."

Ye Shenyue took out the admission notice in her backpack.

"I was admitted to this Yanghai Academy... and I also know that this is a monster's academy."

"Since you know...then why..."

Why are you still here?

Mengxiang didn't look at the words on the admission letter, so she didn't see the words "Identity: Fallout" in Ye Shenyue's resentment. This was the admission letter from Yanghai College. She knew it because she There is also an admission letter with the same appearance.

However, since Ye Shenyue knows that this is the Monster Academy...why are you still so quiet and calm?


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