"Mengxiang-san, please look into my eyes."

Ye Shenyue said this, and then stared at Mengxiang's neck. This is a place that fair-skinned and delicate vampires will see at a glance. Mengxiang is a natural beauty, even her neck is so beautiful.


Ye Shenyue felt the urge to suck blood, which she had become familiar with.

"Your eyes...ah...the eyes actually turned red...could it be called pink eye disease!"

"...Pink eye?"

For the first time, my own blood-sucking urge that didn't need tomato juice was so abruptly suppressed...

Should he say that classmate Mengxiang is too cute or too cute?

"Okay... I was defeated by you, actually... I'm not a pure human being, I have a part of the blood of a vampire in my body, and then... a month ago this blood line suddenly emerged, as if the seal was lifted and then It came out, but because I have always lived as a human, the bloodline of the current vampire has not been fully awakened, it is just a blood-sucking urge but the blood-sucking fangs have not grown."

Ye Shenyue pondered for a while and used a version that Moexiang could understand to tell the story half-truth.

He used the term of the awakening of the power of the vampire sealed in his body, because Moeka-san also sealed the power of the vampire, so she could understand it more quickly after the common treatment.

Sure enough.

"So... In fact, Ye Shenyue-san is also a vampire? So... are we still the same clan?"


"This smell...it smells so hard to resist...Is it because I used to be a human? A fragrance that belongs to a human..."

Classmate Mengxiang slowly posted it.

Well, it looks like Moeka-san has accepted this explanation, and...it seems...well-happy.

Because from her point of view, things have become like this, Ye Shenyue should have been living in the human world as a human since she was a child, and then the physique of a vampire could not be suppressed when she was a little older, and then it broke out, but Because the time is too late, the vampire's physique is not yet complete, and there is still a human breath.But because she is a monster, she received an invitation from Yanghai Academy, and she reunited with her here.

"It's amazing..."

I don't know if she's saying it's great to have a companion or it's great because the friend has a human breath and is like human blood.


Ye Shenyue doesn't know why.


After denying it again and again, Moexiang put away her things, "I think...I think..."

"If...if you don't dislike it...as an orthodox vampire, I will help you, help you become a real vampire, because...we are friends."

He smiled, with a sincere smile on his face.


It looks like a good look.

This classmate Moexiang, who looks like a simple blank paper, is really cute.


Ye Shenyue wasn't dealing with it, because... he couldn't stand it without his fangs. The current vampire's physique is just useless.

Chapter 0355 Who sucks whose blood? (one more)

Finally, after checking, the backpacks of the two of them were not missing or damaged, and the only thing that was damaged was Moexiang's bicycle.The frame of the bicycle's wheel has turned into a strange shape. It must have been bent when the car flew out and hit a tree just now.

"Please wait."

Moexiang helped the bicycle up, and then put one hand on the frame of the wheel. Since the frame was deformed by violence, it would be good to use violence to correct it.


The frame of the tire began to twist. Yes, it was twisted. Moeka wanted to push the protruding side inwards, but accidentally pushed too hard and made it dent too deep.

Then there is no more then.

One wrong move and the whole game is lost.

"Can't do it..."

Depressed, she squatted on the ground. Moeka's face was full of weakness and embarrassment. Powerlessness means she was powerless against the bicycle, and embarrassment was...because she was still in front of her friends, despite the fact that Yashenyue didn't ask her to be certain. I can restore the car to its original state, but the simple classmate Moexiang just added such a shackle to herself, so in front of her friends, not only did things not progress, but also made it worse, so she felt embarrassed.

"It's not something you can do with brute force. It should be gentle."

Ye Shenyue once again saw what a girl called a monster is. The girl in the monster family is not a lady. A real lady has no power, otherwise it is just a fake lady, and Moexiang is not only the child of the monster, but also a big girl. You're a monster's child, so this strength... naturally can't be called small.

Her move just now can almost compare to the female weightlifting champion.

The monster girl... as expected, it's incalculable...

Ye Shenyue is hypnotizing herself "you can't just look at appearance and character" because from the appearance, classmate Moexiang should be a sweet...well, a person with a sweet feeling, but she is a vampire herself, and she is still A vampire with an excellent bloodline, even if his power is sealed, he has the power of a little monster beyond the ordinary.

This is the legendary big monster vampire.

Speaking of monsters, Yagami suddenly remembered that when she was in the world of Inuyasha, she absorbed the souls of other monsters through Kikyo and used it as her own power to turn herself into a half-demon, but... It seems that because of the creation of gods Because of Wu and Kagura, those powers don't seem to be used much, and Kikyo is not around, so he can't absorb the soul of the monster, but now this vampire's physique seems to be able to make up for this, because his own It feels like a vampire.

In other words, he has also become a big monster?

With complicated thoughts, Ye Shenyue squatted down.Bicycling is one of Moeka's hobbies, and it is indeed a pleasing sight to watch a beautiful girl ride a bicycle and wait for the wind to blow and make her short skirt fly up to reveal a pure white.

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