The wheel frame of the current bicycle has been "naturally" broken into a strange shape by Mengxiang's classmates, and it seems that it can't be restored with brute force...

The silver radiance enveloped the entire bicycle, and Ye Shenyue felt that her power was getting better and better. Is it because of the mutual dissolution of power?

The effect is also very obvious. As a permissible skill for repair, "Guangdu" once again exerted its powerful power. The repairing power of Kotori's fire spirit can only repair her own injuries, but things other than itself can't. The method can be repaired, but Guangdu is different. This is a good thing without the limitation of use.

The rim of the bicycle, which was hit by the tree and bent into a strange shape by Moika-san's unconscious violence, seemed to be regenerated.Twisted along the way it was supposed to be and then it was back to normal, shiny like new.

"Is this... magic?"

The two big dark green eyes kept blinking, showing a very excited and interested expression.

Although Moexiang is a big monster, she has lived in a castle since she was a child. She has grown up to the human world and has no time to learn about monsters, so she can't tell what power Ye Shenyue uses.

Then, like an ordinary girl, she came to such a conclusion.

Magic, magic is something magical.

" can say the same..."

Since classmate Mengxiang thinks so, it saves Ye Shenyue's explanation.

"Is this too close?"

However, Ye Shenyue didn't stop, because when Moe Xiang looked at him, he noticed that she was staring at his neck, and as a vampire's common problem, he looked at people's neck... It looked normal, but night Shenyue still felt bad.

He stepped back a little, not because he was afraid of Moexiang's chest touching him, but because he wanted to stay away from her slightly exposed fangs.


"Then...that...I'm really sorry...Yishenyue classmate, I really can't help it..."

"You are so fragrant...that smell...the smell of blood...I can't restrain myself."

As she said that, Mengxiang didn't care about Ye Shenyue's retreat, she followed up as much as he retreated, and the young girl's body was completely attached, and her slender, white and tender hands embraced Ye Shenyue. neck.

The beautiful breath and strange contact from the girl made Ye Shenyue stunned for a while, but this time, classmate Moexiang has succeeded.

Two sharp and slender fangs had pierced into Ye Shenyue's neck.

It was numb with a little itchy feeling, as if she had given him anesthesia and then sucked blood.


"No, no, no! Classmate Moexiang, what are you doing! I'm also a vampire... There's no such thing as a vampire vampire!"

Ye Shenyue pushed her away like she was inhumane.


The embarrassment and the meaning of taking a souvenir flashed across the face of Moeka-san, who had almost finished the blood-sucking, and was replaced by confusion, "Because... Yagami-kun has a human taste that vampires can't refuse... ...the smell of being a fellow vampire seems to be very little...negligible..."

can be ignored?

So can he ignore the chemical effect when it encounters water now?

Ye Shenyue showed a bitter face.

"Ah...I'm really sorry...I didn't say that...Actually...I just..."

Mengxiang immediately felt that she said something wrong and did something wrong, so she quickly apologized, but after a long time, she still said the most simple "I'm sorry."

Ye Shenyue's heart has never been hard. Seeing Mengxiang's apologetic expression, he sighed a long time.

Are you really unlucky?

He was obviously a vampire, but he was sucked blood even though he was a vampire. It would be great if he also had fangs, and then he wouldn't have to endure it...


Huh neck?

When Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on Moeka's neck, he almost cried out.

because.He found that looking at the slender neck, he actually... seemed to have no urge to suck blood.

ps: Since some people don’t like to push it all at once, the author slows down the pace first.As for the physique of the protagonist's vampire, it will be explained later.

Chapter 0356 blood-sucking impulse (two more)

Putting the bicycle in the carport, the girl with pink long hair hanging down grabbed her bag and ran to the side path immediately.

This is classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang, who belongs to the kind and simple one.

The beautiful long pink hair fell on her shoulders, showing a strange beauty. Sure enough, the girl still wore her hair down to look good. Ye Shenyue suddenly understood why the daughters of the city lords among Inuyasha were called princess girls. They all let their long hair fall down, because that would add to their beauty.

"Have you waited for a long time? Classmate Ye Shenyue."

Mengxiang trotted over, and then showed a somewhat restrained look.

Although she is a friend, she has just attacked a friend... she has attacked a friend...

"No, you just passed by for a while."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, Mengxiang made the most of her speed as if he could run away, Ye Shenyue thought darkly, maybe Mengxiang was afraid of her food running away...

Well, just kidding, this Moe Xiang won't do that.


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