Anyway, it's not only Lao Tzu who is late, and this kind of fluke mentality is rampant.

Maybe you can find all kinds of similar monsters that can only be found in Pokemon's picture books by walking around the girls' and boys' dormitories.

Yanghai Academy, a school only for monsters, probably contains most of the monsters in this world.

Ye Shenyue passed a few monsters who didn't know whether they had their heads or suspicious claws exposed. She hurried downstairs and saw Moe Xiang who was bored and kicking pebbles in the aisle to pass the time.

Moeka-san seems to be looking good.

The long pink hair is still fluttering with the wind, and it looks like a natural beauty.

Ye Shenyue found out that Moexiang really had the talent to become a school idol. She just stood in the aisle without being coquettish or pretending to be cute, but it still attracted the attention of fans.

Eagerly jealous, envious, longing, boys and girls.

Just like a star.No matter where you go, you will be noticed.

Moexiang looked a little restrained, and the kindness or other eyes around her really made her unbearable.

"Morning...Mengxiang classmate..."

Ye Shenyue put her schoolbag in her hand and waved at Mengxiang.

The girl with long pink hair raised her head in surprise, "Yishinyue're're here..."

She was going to say that you were finally here, but it would seem like a bit of a complaint, so she quickly changed her words and changed it to you.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

This girl can't even tell a lie, she can guess what she was thinking just now with just one depression.

Sometimes girls' hearts are hard to guess, but sometimes they don't even guess.

"Well...I just came here too."

Mengxiang obviously didn't want to stay here any longer, and the eyes around her made her very uncomfortable.


Mengxiang's face turned slightly red, and then she raised her favorite smile, and directly grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm, and then she felt that the sight that fell on her body from the surroundings instantly splashed half.It was the gaze of boys and girls, some were heartbroken, some were surprised, and some were curious.

Everyone divided their eyes into two clusters, one cluster fell on Mengxiang's body and the other cluster fell on Ye Shenyue's body.

Not only is Mengxiang a legend among the freshmen, but Ye Shenyue is also a legend, even though his legend is due to classmate Mengxiang.

Why would the school's eye-catching star version of student Moe Xiang take the initiative to hang out with such a nerd with circling glasses?It's so weird, is it violence or Moeka's hobby?

Must be violence.

It is said that Komiya Suizang, who was a monster but caught a cold yesterday, was found, but it was frozen.It doesn't look like it's the kind that won't recover for a while.

Maybe he used violence and made Moeka-san give in to him.

It is said that the eyes of the masses are sharp, but this time they were all blinded by lard.


Mengxiang doesn't care what those people think.

She only knew that she was in a much better mood now.

"It's really bothering you to do this every day. The eyes of these people make people feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, you have..."

Moexiang squeezed Ye Shenyue's arm slightly.Her smile seemed to be as pure as before.

Ye Shenyue shook her head at this, "This is obviously attracted by your natural beauty, An La An La, they will stop over time."

"Heaven...natural beauty..."

Moexiang's face has a little more pink. It seems that there are no girls who don't like being praised. Of course, if the praise is said from a specific person who cares about it, the effect will be infinitely expanded.

"Where... how can there be such..."

Mengxiang stretched out her hand and wanted to push away Yeshenyue, but fortunately Yeshenyue escaped. Although Mengxiang looks harmless to humans and animals, her prototype is a vampire, even a sealed vampire's strength is definitely not What an ordinary girl can resist is equivalent to a blow from Haruna-chan's excitement.

However, Ye Shenyue's footsteps after escaping seemed a little unnatural.

Because of the sight, the feeling of being stared at came up again.

Hey, hey, is it really because of what happened yesterday?Could it be that those old monsters have already stared at him?Are you spying on him now?

Ye Shenyue turned her head and frowned. He seemed to see a white strip of cloth behind a tree. Could it be that someone was hiding behind?

Just kidding, it shouldn't be that person...

Ye Shenyue shook her head and dragged Moexiang forward.

Chapter 0367 Contest with the stalker (one more)

Must be an illusion.

Ye Shenyue looked at the white cloth strip with some familiarity, because it seemed to be the white clothes they liked when they met Bai Xue in the snow mountain a month ago, it should not be possible...

Didn't Bai Xue come to class yet?And white clothes are not exclusive to her, maybe other people are hiding here and watching the people they like or care about.

"Bite~~" However, Ye Shenyue did not expect that when he walked away, Bai Xue, who was hiding behind the tree, suddenly appeared.

With her long pale blue and pure hair draped behind her head, she stared ahead with her azure blue eyes, "It's really easy to find. It's worth it for me to get up in the early morning and hover downstairs in the boys' dormitory for so long."

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