Biting a lollipop in his mouth, but talking to himself can frighten a lot of people.Getting up in the early morning and still circling under the boys' dormitory just to find a boy, this kind of behavior is too... too much.

Just seeing that Ye Shenyue and Mengxiang had already walked out of the trail and were about to enter the teaching building, her figure immediately swayed, even though she was a Snow Maiden, if she was stalking, her mother told her that Snow Maiden could turn into an ice-like substance at any time. , even if it is discovered, it can quickly turn into a pool of water or a piece of ice, but instead of changing into that kind of appearance, she prefers the current human form.

Because...the human figure is more beautiful...

Then, such a picture appeared in the school, Ye Shenyue turned back frequently, and always saw clues behind the branches or pillars, Mengxiang looked at him suspiciously, but Ye Shenyue did not dismantle it, or he Some are guilty of thieves.

Because he left some traces in the country of Snow Maiden, he couldn't face Snow Maiden normally, especially a certain Bai Xue classmate.

Is it really Bai Xue's classmate?

When Ye Shenyue turned her head for the nth time and saw the stick of a lollipop accidentally exposed at the corner of her mouth, his heart was already beating faster, that was a guilty conscience.But things seemed to change when Lollipop was discovered.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a part of the stalker.

First the sleeves, then the hands, then the feet that come out deliberately.

At last……

What Ye Shenyue saw when she looked back was her white and tender face, as clean and flawless as Lan Tianshi's face, with azure blue eyes, and thin but sexy lips.

Isn't this... the same classmate Bai Xue he saw a month ago?

It's really Bai Xueyi!

If she just makes Ye Shenyue feel guilty, it’s fine. At this moment, Ye Shenyue wants to complain besides her guilty conscience. It’s fine if she follows her. After all, that is her exclusive attribute, but because Mao always shows something. ?

Is this a guessing game?

Or...she has discovered the truth about him pretending to be her father?Or that her father came back, and then broke the rumors of his disguise!And the current classmate Bai Xue may have found clues that he was disguised as a snow man and deliberately tested him?For example, to test whether he recognizes her?

Raised, Ye Shenyue broke out in cold sweat.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly pulled Mengxiang away.


It was the first time that Ye Shenyue took the initiative to pull her away. Could it be that there was something she wanted to express, such as expressing her mood?Mengxiang blinked her eyes strangely, her cheeks flushed slightly, and it seemed that she might have misunderstood...


"It seems to be quite interesting... Why don't you become playful?"

When Bai Xue again grasped the stone pillar supporting the second floor with both hands and exposed her face, the smile on her face suddenly dissipated.

Yes, I came to track down the man with glasses, and then I wanted to know why he had the pure ice power of his own family, not to play.

But his reaction seemed amusing, as if he was intimidated by himself.

Are you really that scary?

Bai Xue made a mirror and looked at it a few times. Is it alright...

What does the other party mean?

No, it will be lost.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Xue's figure flashed again.Quickly followed.

"Class B of the first grade."

This is the class that Ye Shenyue and Mengxiang entered. Bai Xue's eyes lit up. It was definitely not because of anything else, but because she found the specific classroom of her target.

However, when Bai Xue softly recited "One Year Class B", she was stunned.

Isn't this your own class?

"Etc., etc……"

Could it be that the man with glasses is his classmate?

Bai Xue suddenly felt that her mood became very strange, one was happy and the other was sad.Happily, the target has been locked and the identity of the target has been locked.However, the sad thing is that it took a lot of effort to finally find out that it can actually be a lot of effort.

"Who are you? Classmate Bai Xueyi?"

However, at this time, Bai Xue was patted on the shoulder, and a flaxen tail with a white tail swayed.

That was Mr. Maomu, and Mr. Maomu violated the school rules again and again.

"Are you here? Well... this action... shouldn't it be... tracking..."

Seeing Bai Xue's surreptitious look, almost leaning over the window and looking in, Teacher Maomu's lenses seemed to be glowing, it was a feeling of "I have seen the truth", she laughed all of a sudden, The slender kitten's eyes also narrowed, "You can't follow this kind of thing until you are 20 years old~" "Oh~" Bai Xue nodded, as if she was completely taught.


"Hey hey hey... Even after the age of 20, it's not enough to follow! Mr. Maomu, are you really a teacher!"

Ye Shenyue had already determined that it was Classmate Bai Xue who was following him, but she held her breath to eliminate the gossip of the surrounding students and listened to the conversation between Teacher Maomu and Classmate Bai Xue outside, Ye Shenyue couldn't help it.

"Classmate Ye Shenyue?"

Moeka looked strangely at Ye Shenyue who was in a very excited state.

"It's nothing... class will start soon."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, he couldn't tell Moexiang everything.It's just that his expression was a little stern and immediately caught Moeka's attention.

Today's classmate Ye Shenyue is so strange.

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