Moexiang took out her textbook, because she was already going to class.

"Well...then...this is classmate Bai Xue who was absent for three days because of some things at home."

The class is over, and the 0001st class is the class of Mr. Maomu, a fish-loving teacher, the class teacher. As the head teacher, her class is the 0001st class, because she wants to be named...

Write the standard three words "Bai Xue Yi" on the blackboard, and Mr. Maomu introduced it.

Then Bai Xue went to his seat.

Bai Xue's face is expressionless, but there seems to be something hidden behind this expressionless face... um... depressed?

She found her seat, every classmate was assigned a seat, and her seat was actually in front of the target she was following. If she knew that the other party was in the same class as her, and if she knew that she was at the table in front of the other party, then she needed to Track like that?

Although she doesn't hate stalking.


However, sitting behind classmate Bai Xue, Ye Shenyue heard classmate Bai Xue say two words, that is failure?


What is Bai Xue saying?

Ye Shenyue once again felt that the girl's mood was really unpredictable...

Well, in order to avoid being reminded of the abnormal behavior of a certain snow man, he should stay away from classmate Bai Xue first.

ps: Ask for recommendation, ask for flowers, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass, all kinds of requests.

Chapter 0368 and the stalker contest (two more)

get out of class has ended.

"Student Ye Shenyue, what do you want for lunch? Set meal or noodles?"

Before the classmates could gather around, Mengxiang had already taken the initiative to grab Ye Shenyue's arm, causing many...

"let me see……"

Ye Shenyue pretended not to pay attention to Bai Xue who was sitting in front of him. He turned his head and deliberately didn't look at Bai Xue who was sitting in front of him, because... even in class, he felt that the other party turned to look at him at least N times. .

He didn't want to experience this feeling of being on pins and needles again.Mr. Maomu's class night Shenyue is also wandering. During this period, he has made up his mind to keep a long distance from classmate Bai Xue.

If she doesn't take the initiative to contact him, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to ask him, he won't reply. Even if she takes the initiative to ask about Xue Nan's story, he pretends not to know, and treats him as innocent and has no interaction with her.

Just do it.

Now Mengxiang took the initiative to pull him just to do him a favor, Ye Shenyue wanted to leave quietly and quietly while responding to Mengxiang.

However, at this moment, Mengxiang and Ye Shenyue stayed for a while.

Because someone was very fast, she appeared in front of the two of them, and then stretched out her hand.


Like a handshake.

"Student Bai Xue? Do you want it?"

Stop them or shake hands?

Moe Xiang asked.

"I didn't mean to shake your hand."

However, Bai Xue refused expressionlessly.

So refused.


Mengxiang gritted her teeth gently, but she was treated so coldly...

Mengxiang was a little angry, but it wasn't much, but it was enough to make her puff out her cheeks.


Ye Shenyue thought of a dangerous event.

He remembered that the father of classmate Bai Xue is the kind of character that cannot be sealed by ice cubes. If Bai Xue suspects that he is a character pretending to be her father, he may find out that he has a physique that cannot be frozen.

If so...then...

Ye Shenyue faintly had an idea.

Bai Xue's outstretched hand was crystal clear, like white jade, and it really was a snow fairy transformed from pure white snow.

"First meeting, classmate Bai Xue, my name is Ye Shenyue, um... Next to me is Chi Ye Mengxiang, please give me more advice."

Ye Shenyue made up her mind that it was like introducing each other when elementary school students met for the first time, and then stretched out her hand and shook it with classmate Bai Xue.

"Zi la la..."

Bing Kong, the icy touch started from the hand, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, white snow appeared on Yagami's hand, and then ice cubes covered his body from the hand.

The whole person turned into ice cubes, motionless.

He was frozen in ice, and his expression could be clearly seen.

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