"Ding dong..."

Ye Shenyue, who was completely frozen into ice cubes, fell to the ground along with the ice cubes.

"Classmate Ye Shenyue!"

Moeka immediately hugged Yagami, who had been turned into ice, so that his body avoided contact with the ground.Then, Mengxiang stared at Bai Xue, "Bai Xue, what did you do to Ye Shenyue?"

Weird, weird.

However, Bai Xue-san showed a strange expression when she looked at Ye Shenyue, who had turned into ice. If she had the same ice power as her, then she shouldn't have been frozen by such a simple freezing technique!

When Bai Xue was thinking, she completely ignored Mengxiang, who was a little angry and walked away with Ye Shenyue's body in her arms.

Ice, turned into ice so use fire... just use hot water!

In the spare classroom, Moexiang poured boiling water directly.

It was hot, no, it should have been hot to the extreme temperature.

"Hey...it's hot...Mengxiang classmate...no need...no need..."

Ye Shenyue immediately broke the ice cube, and then quickly jumped away to avoid Moexiang's more pot of boiling water.

...... If you get scalded by these, then it will really be horrible to watch, not to mention the blistering of the president when you get scalded, but the pain at that moment is unbearable.

Ye Shenyue didn't want to suffer one more sin. If it was in Aria's world, the girls would only boil frogs in warm water, while Mengxiang skipped the warm water stage and turned into boiled water. "Why don't you use it? You're still in the ice cube... eh? The ice cube is broken?"

Well, Moexiang was still puzzled.However, he found out that there were still ice cubes on Ye Shenyue's body, completely... completely back to normal!Recovered by yourself?Can you recover on your own?

So why... why pretend to be frozen on purpose?

How is this going?

"Uh... well..."

Ye Shenyue met Mengxiang's wide-open dark green eyes, and then Ye Shenyue was defeated.

"It's like this...actually a month ago..."

Ye Shenyue began to explain, originally he didn't plan to tell Mengxiang, but she will always find out if it goes on like this.

In other words... Ye Shenyue is now looking for an accomplice!

the other side.

Bai Xue ignored a few boys who came to invite her for lunch. She is a Snow Girl... Well, although she said she was going to follow the fine tradition of Snow Girl and prepare to freeze a man and bring it home, but now... She seems to have more thoughts in her heart. important things.

Therefore, the ideal of the frozen man to bring home can only be stopped first.

Now she is thinking, why the other party has the power of ice but is frozen by herself, why not resist?

Is there any secret in it?

Well, Ye Shenyue didn't know that because of his clever pretense of pretending to be an ordinary person, Bai Xue was more interested.

That is to say...tracking...not stopping?

Chapter 0369 The investigation of Bai Xue's classmates (for subscription)

"Mengxiang, has Bai Xue left?"

on the road.Ye Shenyue's actions looked stiff.

What makes Ye Shenyue want to scratch her head is that Bai Xue doesn't seem to give up, she is still in the trail, when it comes to the word trail, it's all a perverted uncle following a cute little loli or a cute little sister, right? This role was turned around and he was being followed!

"No... no, you can still see the sleeves of her clothes behind the pillar."

Moeka pretended to have dropped something and turned to pick it up. Taking advantage of this time, she glanced back quickly and saw the second column on the second row on the left that Yashinyue reminded her of, at the edge of the column. Saw the white sleeves.

That's a sign someone is there.

"Hey...how long does this kind of being tracked last!"

Ye Shenyue let out a long sigh. It seemed that Bai Xue was a very persistent person. Even if he pretended to be an ordinary person, he still did not dispel her suspicions.

"How about... tell her the truth? It's just that my mother's naked body was seen instead of her naked body... It shouldn't matter..."

Moeka's suggestion seemed hesitant.

"Of course I don't care so much about things that are not my own... But her mother is also a snow girl... and she is a more powerful person who likes to follow. If Bai Xue classmates settle it here, it will attract her mother... like that. ...isn't it...isn't it..."

Well, Ye Shenyue has a shadow on Sister Icicle.That said, there is really no one who can match the complexion that changes.

"This... doesn't seem to work either..."

Moe Xiang didn't say anything. "We can only dispel her suspicions first. Ye Shenyue, you can cooperate with me next."

Mengxiang's body seemed to have a radiance flashing, and at this moment, she, a vampire, seemed to be blessed by the Holy Light, and became extremely dazzling.

Moeka's voice was deliberately louder.

"Yishinyue-kun, the tomato juice you bought for me in the human world last month is really good. Although the tomato juice in the monster kingdom is also delicious, for us vampires, the pure red drink is more delicious... …”


Ye Shenyue almost opened her eyes, what did Mengxiang ask?

Why did you blew your own identity all of a sudden?

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