
Under the huge stimulation, the fledgling Miss Snow Girl actually had no image to spray blood.

Blood fell from the air.

"Hey...this is..."

At the same moment, classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang, who was doing her homework in the girls' dormitory, moved her nose slightly. She seemed to smell... Well, it was the smell of bright red and fresh blood.

Although it's not as pure as Ye Shenyue's, but... the smell is also very good, and it seems to be emanating from a very pure person.

As a vampire, although her power has been sealed, her instinct has not been lost, so Moeka-san suddenly came to her senses.

"But... if he sucks other people's blood, he will be sorry for Yagami-kun... He clearly sacrificed himself for me, obviously because of his identity as a vampire..."

"Forget it... just close the window."

Moexiang, who hesitated for a while, got up and closed the open window, blocking the faint smell of blood floating in the air.

Well, fortunately, Ye Shenyue didn't tell her the truth about blood-sucking.

ps: The author Jun wrote the plot of the cartoon, not the comic version. The scene where Bai Xue in the comic version seems to be forced and kissed is really unbearable.I hope you all forgive me.

Chapter 0372 The tragic encounter of the animal teacher (two more)


Mengxiang closed the window, but Ye Shenyue didn't.

He had already smelled the smell, it was the smell of blood, and although he had not drawn blood yet, the smell was an instinctive discovery.

It is said that what is not available is the best, and this is also true for Ye Shenyue, because he is in a state of not being able to obtain it.Therefore, his sensitivity to blood is even stronger than that of Moexiang now.

Ye Shenyue stood up suddenly, and then wrapped the bath towel on one side.

But his actions were dissatisfying.

"Why did you turn to the side?"

Bai Xue covered her nose with one hand, then frowned, as if she was disturbed after watching a good show.

It was indeed disturbed, and at the moment when her voice fell, an angry voice exploded like a thunder, and it was the voice that fell from the air.

"Bai Xueyi, you bitch!"

In a completely angry tone, while scolding, he violently and violently jumped from the air to the roof of the girls' dormitory, like an eagle catching a chicken.

It's just that Bai Xue is not a chick, she is the daughter of the village chief of the Snow Maiden clan.

The body turned into ice cubes, and then her deity appeared in another part of the roof.

But there was still something broken. It was the telescope. I instinctively felt the danger and ran too fast without grabbing the telescope. The telescope broke on the roof and made a sound.

It's just that there was wind noise on the roof, and the sound was concealed by the wind.

"who are you?"

Bai Xueyu grabbed the ground with one hand and looked up at the completely demonized physical education teacher who was swaying in the air.

She didn't know him, not even in human form, let alone in his now-a-hundred-times-ugly Kraken state.


If Bai Xue didn't mention this sentence, it would be fine. When he mentioned this sentence, Xiaohu Austrian's anger value that had already exploded once again rose to a terrifying index.

At first, he just wanted to take Bai Xueyi, a student who didn't respect him, into the woods to molest him, but the other party didn't come at all, making him drink the northwest wind in the middle of the night.

In the cold wind hunting, he had already thought that when he found the female student, he would definitely make her suffer.

However, when Fei found her in the sky, he found that the girl who played him was peeping at the boy's dormitory.

He felt abandoned and then beaten by the other boys.

A man with a small stomach is such a strange creature, and he can be angry at such a small thing, and he is still angry.

"Little Pot Austrian!"

The Xiaohuo people shouted their name.

Of course, this is not the kind of polite words "My name is XXX, please give me some advice". He said this in an angry tone, and then the green and quiet wings shook and cyanide suddenly sprayed out thin strips from the wings. Long tentacles with a disgusting twist.

Tentacles, that's tentacles!

It was pitch-black like a vine, but it wasn't a vine, but a living thing's trembling tentacles!

As a Kraken, in addition to flying, he also has his own hidden trick, which is tentacles. As a Kraken, they can secretly use their tentacles to attack those careless prey and drag them into the dangerous seabed.This is a housekeeping skill. It would not be easy to use. Once it is used, it will be disgusted by girls, and then easily abandoned by female monsters. Because of painfully revealing his strength to the girl he likes, he is hated in the past, so he This move was sealed, but this time I couldn't bear it so much.

Anger, jealousy, and disgust have already exploded. l "I don't know, but you actually attacked me, so I can't just let you go."

Bai Xue took three steps back in a row, and then he was still a little slower when one of the tentacles punctured the camera strap, and the camera fell to the ground, but now is not the time to think about it.

She received her right hand to her chest and then slammed it out. A row of light blue ice cones appeared. The sharp ice cones shot towards the Kraken with a sound of breaking the air, and the speed was very fast.

But the Kraken is faster than her.He took a few steps back to the left, and then the huge green and faint wings pushed forward and smashed the ice cubes into the air.His wings are strong and hard.

"Little bitch, don't underestimate the power of angry men!"

"I know you're a snow girl. You can't freeze me when I fly so high..."

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