As expected of a teacher who has been a teacher for several years, he has accumulated a lot of experience and knows the secrets and action abilities of many monsters.

So anger can turn a person into a devil, and a big devil.

Tentacle, tentacle again, this time the speed of the tentacle is even faster than the previous one.All-round attack.

She's a little tricky because this kraken is moving faster than she thought.

Her strength is not very strong, at least she can't beat her mother now... Sister Icicle is very difficult to beat.

However, she is a snow girl, and the most powerful thing is neither the ice blade nor the ice cone, but the power of the frozen person.

It's just that if you want to freeze the other party, and it is still effective, you need to close the distance, just like Xiaohuo said, the other party is now flying in the air and maintains a long distance from her, she can't touch her and naturally can't freeze. other side.

The only way is.

"Bang bang bang..."

Bai Xue's hands and feet were about to be caught by tentacles as if they suddenly slowed down.

This is her plan. Since the other party is far away, she can't freeze the other party, but if he is caught by him, as long as it touches him, even if it is a tentacle, it is part of the other party's body, and then she can take advantage of the situation to put the other party. Frozen!

I think so, but reality is often far from ideal.

Right in front of her, the turbulent eight tentacles that were about to grab her limbs and then she could use the advantage of close range to freeze the opponent became soft when they were about to touch her, as if they had lost control.

Lost flexibility.

Because, they were cut off in the air, and someone moved faster than them and cut them all off.

"it hurts……"

The Xiaohuo people who were still flying in the air suddenly wailed like a fallen tiger.That's not the tree's Teng, but a part of his body. Could it not hurt if his body was chopped down?

Bai Xue looked at the scene in front of her and then relaxed her momentum.

"Ma... forget it..."

The plan just now was aborted, but the miscarriage looks good.

"You bitch... bitch..."

Xiaohuao rolled around in pain, but he was still able to speak, but as soon as he said these words, he could no longer speak.

Because, unhappy with his snow girl has frozen him up.

If she kept such a large distance in the sky, she wouldn't be able to freeze him, but now, it's different, he is a wolf with his teeth pulled out to be slaughtered, and he can be squeezed any way he wants.


Bai Xue looked at the flying ice blade slanted on the ground, not knowing whether it was a solemn expression or a surprised expression.

Because this is an ice blade, an ice blade made by the power of ice, this is the power she is familiar with.

This is the ice blade made by the people who helped her. It is not difficult to make an ice blade. The real difficulty is control. It is so fast and sharp. This control must be extremely powerful. It is not something she can do now. of.

this person……

Really a good guy.

Bai Xue picked up the camera that fell on the ground, and then sent a good person card to Ye Shenyue.

Chapter 0373 Is this direct or natural? (one more)

Ye Shenyue's figure flashed.Because the shots were all shot, and the other party discovered it, it would be meaningless to hide it.

Ye Shenyue looked at Bai Xue, who had already picked up the camera. He didn't know that he was issued a good person card unknowingly, so the good person card was like this, "You are a good person. But also It can only be a good person, if it is a friend, but if it is a lover...then some..."

The so-called good person card is a kind of card specially distributed by popular girls who first brag about the other party and then ruthlessly reject it.

It's just, no matter how you look at it, he shouldn't be the one who was sent the good person card!

Fortunately, Ye Shenyue didn't know it at this time. The reason why he suddenly appeared was actually only feeling the movement. Even though it was on the roof where the sound of the wind was buried, it was very strange. At that time, he suddenly felt a dull feeling in his heart. It feels like something unpleasant is approaching.

Then contact the smell you smelled before, which is the smell of blood.

Then, and then no more.

He has already thought about the scene. The blood is for girls, and then the crisis is also the crisis for girls. If it suddenly appears when the other party is in the most crisis, he might be a hero to save the beauty. As for the last beauty, it is the first I don't know the level of self-assurance.


When it was discovered that the trapped girl was classmate Bai Xueying, and the monsters stretched out their evil tentacles, they all said that the soldiers would block the water and flood the earth, but Ye Shenyue didn't even think about using the fastest means to shoot, then It's the ice blade.

Cut it off, cut it off.

Then there is no more.

"That...Student Bai Xue, to put it bluntly, you were here just now... at? And this photo is..."

Ye Shenyue things are done.The physical education teacher who has turned into a Kraken is also frozen by Bai Xue, but.

Looking at the equipment on Bai Xue's body now, Ye Shenyue has an indescribable feeling of urgency for breathing, because there are fragments of broken telescopes on the ground, and then the other party has a special camera for taking pictures. The reason why it is called candid photography, that is because……

This photo that fell on the ground was blown up by the wind, so... the person on it, isn't it him?

Ye Shenyue didn't know what expression to use to face Bai Xue, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he caught a photo of a man immersed in warm water.

That's him.

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