Because only in this way, only through their brilliance can make people notice themselves before... well, become the most dazzling one.

Dream Demon's heart is almost filled with the future of sunshine.

Chapter 0390 under the wild vision of the dream demon (one more)

Three days have passed.It's been three days since the incident of seducing Ye Shenyue was frozen and roasted by fire, and I know how Little Mengmo survived these three days. Ye Shenyue and Chi Yemengxiang are still so dazzling... No, It should be the ambiguous relationship between them that attracted more people's attention.The attitudes of the girls are slowly changing, while the attitudes of the boys have suddenly become agitated, and they are no longer... Well, there are no less than thirty people who are looking for a duel with Yashenyue. The great ideal of "Recapture Chi Ye Mengxiang" from the hands of the Great Demon King Shenyue, but they were all hung up by Ye Shenyue with ice cubes and roasted on fire.

Although these are not very strong monsters, but the number is still dominant, in the end, the fate is still the same, it can be said... This man named Yagami Yue has a strong strength.

It's said that people can't look like they are, and that's still true.Appearance is important for monsters, but strength is more important. Only strong strength can protect oneself and defeat others.

Moreover, because most of the monsters... Although they have turned into humanoids now, their bodies are not so easy to see... So the appearance of humans is just a mask.

But even so, the appearance of human beings does not change if they want to. It also depends on the genes of God, so they will be like chasing handsome guys and chasing beautiful women. Yan, because a large part of the appearance of the daughter born depends on the parents.

Therefore, a rule has been vaguely formed among the dream demons, that is... to find a handsome guy.

Of course, there is another established rule, that is to find a strong man!

It's better to be the kind of strong and handsome man...

However, the ideal is happy and the reality is like this, let alone a man, now how can he find a man without his eyes on her...

So the first step is to attract attention.

Classmate Hu Meng has made up his mind and is going to borrow the brilliance of Yashenyue and Mengxiang.


"Look at it... Look at it..."

Little Mengmo suddenly shortened the distance of 30 cm from Ye Shenyue and the others to 10 cm, and then entered the sight area, which was the sight of boys and girls.And she could faintly hear the boy's voice.

"Look...that girl..."

"I don't think I've seen it before... but it's cute, but it's a foul with such a petite body and such a hot body~" The boys were whispering.

Ye Shenyue and Moeka hate the sight of ordinary people, but for Little Mengmo... it's... well... like grace.

There is a feeling of being admired by everyone.

"You are really a child..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the dream demon helplessly.This dream demon's mind is too good to guess, even he can guess it.

However, it takes this to attract attention...and it's really pitiful...

But ah, who doesn't have this stage?Ye Shenyue was a little excited when she was admired by everyone for the first time, but ah...then I didn't feel it anymore, I was familiar with it or it didn't matter, and's just annoying, because no matter where I go It attracts attention wherever you go.


Hu Meng is very happy, happy to finally be the focus of everyone, but her ears are not only listening to the whispers of others, Ye Shenyue's voice still makes her wake up quickly.

"Only children will chase other people's attention...and it's definitely a good thing to be noticed by others, but will attract bad things."

Ye Shenyue pushed the mosquito-repellent frog glasses on the bridge of her nose and pulled Mengxiang up.

"You'll understand soon enough."

"Understand? Understand what?"

Hu Meng frowned slightly, but the sight that fell on her face immediately eased.These are not important, now many people are looking at her, she will soon become the idol of the academy and turn all men into slaves of love.

The dream demon's ambition revived again.


After school.

"You're Kurono Hu Meng...such a petite and slender body with such a big weapon really makes people want to commit a crime..."

"Makes you want to commit a crime..."

Hu Meng was surrounded by three boys.These three boys, Hu Meng, didn't know each other, because their appearance did not enter her eyes at all.But now I have to look at them, because these three guys have actually recovered their prototypes, one of them is a giant monster, one is a tengu, and the other is a turtle, and they are all wandering monsters.

The monsters are also graded and hierarchical. Most of the monsters are organized and disciplined, but some monsters have broken away from the organization and become unpopular wandering monsters.And it still looks so...not pretty...

Attracted the eyes of these people in the end...


"It's so boring..."

The dream demon is a little lacking in interest.

"Hey...what do you mean!"

The monsters were immediately unhappy, "To use such a tone, you really want us to eat you!"

"Let's play first and then eat... This can also destroy the evidence..."

Another siren suggested.

"This proposal is good, the banshee must taste delicious..."


"You perverts! Very well, I'm angry..."

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