Hu Meng was irritated. Originally, she was just a little disappointed and wanted to change her wings and leave, but now... she should teach them a lesson.

Nails, sharp and slender red nails, tail black and slender, and wide black wings, she is a dream demon, but it is not easy to be bullied, "it looks delicious after transformation. like..."

The monsters looked at the human image that Hu Meng still maintained and seemed to be quite excited, because most of the monsters turned into something really... difficult to see people, so they didn't have any desire to eat, but still looks delicious.

"Damn guy..."

The dream demon has always had a bad temper, so she quickly became angry, and the huge black wings began to flap. These wings not only allowed them to fly in the air, but also attracted a small whirlwind, using the power of the wind to defeat adults.

The wings on Hu Meng's left and right sides were fluttering gently, but they suddenly moved forward in a second, and two small volumes of swirling wind immediately gathered from both sides of the wings, whistling towards the monsters below. And go.

"Too light...too light..."

It was the tortoise who spoke, and I don't know how he got it, but it suddenly grew at least three times and then the huge turtle shell stood up all of a sudden.

The cyclone and the tortoise shell collided, and then scattered to the sides.

Turtle shells are too hard.

"Look at my paws..."

Hu Meng gritted his teeth, and like Inuyasha's iron claws, he used the demon power and the toughness of his fingers to swipe in the air, and immediately flashed several paw prints that were sharper than sharp blades.

"Bang bang bang..."

The tortoise shell remained motionless.

Because the tortoise shell's protection monsters were not injured, or nothing at all.

"how is this possible……"

Dream Demon is a little unbelievable.

"Nothing is impossible, didn't your mother tell you to pay attention when fighting?"

The voice came from behind, but when Hu Meng turned around, he saw a feather like a sharp sword, which was the feather of a tengu.

Can't dodge.

Chapter 0391 Dream Demon (two more)

"Bang bang bang..."

I was hit. Although I tried my best to dodge it, I was hit. I was hit in the left abdomen, shoulder and right foot. There was severe pain in three places. The feathers were as hard as hair... Like an arrow, it hurts to say...

The little dream demon vomited blood.

What should I do... Could it be that he died before his ambitions were fulfilled?

What a joke, she still has the important task of the Dream Demon clan on her shoulders, and the task of the Dream Demon's revival falls on her!

How can... how can I just fall down here...

It's all the tortoise shell...

What Hu Meng hates most now is the turtle shell, Wei Mao is so hard... Wei Mao's attack doesn't work at all...

However, this time is not the time to think about it, right? Hu Meng leaned tightly against the tree behind him. It was a lush tree. Now he is still just entering school. Although it is about to enter autumn, the tree But not so fast withering and streaking.But she was seriously injured in midair and broke the branch. The broken branch landed at her feet, and Hu Meng spat out blood again.

it hurts.

For the first time, she has always been a high-level dream demon in the Magic City. Her mother is the patriarch, so no one can hurt her. She has always been pampered. I knew this earlier... Then she will learn more skills with her mother... ...for example, something like a laser cannon might be able to pierce the tortoise shell...

Sorry for the first time.


"Sometimes it's too conspicuous and it attracts bad things."

Somehow at this time, classmate Heinoi Hu Meng suddenly thought of what Ye Shenyue had said to her before. At that time, she didn't understand. She was still immersed in the emotion and excitement of finally being noticed. That kind of excitement was not at all. Yayu was excited to make Moeka Chiye cry for the first time.

Could it be that what Ye Shenyue said is the current situation... When she is noticed, those disgusting people with bad hearts may come to her door and become like this.

But... even if she understands, then let her have a chance to struggle to escape first...

The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, is the law of the monster world.To be defeated can only be bullied and violated...

This is ironclad, she did not expect this day to fall on her.

Normally, she herself told Chi Ye Mengxiang that she was going to be eaten, but now... the cause and effect will come soon?


These three monsters are really disgusting, disgusting enough... If they were violated by these monsters, it would be better to commit suicide... If I knew it would be like this... Then she...

Somehow, what the dream demon at this time is actually thinking of the man she has been following these days, yes, he can be handsome, he can wear glasses with mosquito coils, he can be unfriendly, but... he is very Strong, if it was him, he would definitely be able to knock this stinky turtle down, "I knew earlier... I knew it would be like this... Then I will send the chu kiss out..."

There is such an idea in the hearts of girls. When they are relatives for the first time, they will feel shy and want to be cautious, but when they can't wait, they will not think about anything in dangerous moments.

If I can send the chu kiss out earlier, I won't regret it.

The dream demon's hand grabbed the tree branch behind him, but the hand was so weak.The three monsters, including the ugly-looking tengu with a long nose flying in the air, had also landed on the ground. They walked towards her, and said unpleasant words in their mouths that the dream demon didn't want to hear.

If it was Ye Shenyue, he would definitely be able to freeze these three monsters...especially the turtle's shell to freeze it and then hang it up and burn it. That must be very interesting.

That's what he would say then.

"It's such a shame for a man to actually bully a girl..."

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