"And to treat girls as food is not at all charismatic..."

"Yes, he still said that... Huh?"

There was blood on the dream demon's forehead. It was scraped when it fell from the sky and hit a tree. The bright red blood flowed down and slipped down the eye socket, making her vision a little obstructed, and the field of vision suddenly became smaller. .But trying to open it, he saw a pair of figures.

The man wears the iconic mosquito-repellent incense glasses, while the woman has clean blue hair, giving people a pure feeling. Her hand has been transformed into the shape of an ice blade. This is the Snow Maiden, the Snow Maiden.

"Why are there two more people suddenly!"

"It's still a man and a woman. And it's still the man with glasses... Chiye Mengxiang, isn't Chiye Mengxiang not here? But that's fine, if you defeat him, then Chiye Mengxiang will..."

This giant monster is definitely a fan of Mengxiang's brain.However, his mood is so urgent, but that height is not worthy of Mengxiang...a slime and a princess.

"It just happens that one person is not enough, and I didn't expect that two people will be automatically brought up. It happens to be one for each person, Tengu, if you like a man, you can play with the one with glasses... Anyway, when you play with a man, you don't look at the face, you look at the thin skin and tender meat... …”

It was the turtle who spoke.

"Although I like men, but sometimes I want to taste the taste of girls, this little blue-haired girl is quite to my taste... The man is still left to you..."

"This can't be done, you have to know who has been protecting you! My turtle shell can't be damaged by anyone, eh... It's so fast!"

The turtle wanted to roar at the tengu, but the man who suddenly appeared smiled at him.

"Your shell is hard?"

"Of course, otherwise, it would be impossible for that dream demon to have no room to attack at all."

The tortoise was still three times its size, but Ye Shenyue quickly arrived in front of him without attacking him, which made him feel relieved, and with his tough tortoise shell, he was really not afraid, so he said it with a proud tone. Oceanic.

"Is that so?"

Ye Shenyue stepped back a little, "Student Bai Xue, the two chops in the back are... oh no, that giant will be handed over to you, that tengu..."

A slender ice spear appeared in Ye Shenyue's palm, just like a flower in the Garden of Perfection who could control her own strength to condense various weapons, Yashenyue condensed the power of Yoshino's ice. It became a tangible gun, a long spear.

The spear threw it towards the Raven Tengu who was flying when he saw two more people suddenly. Flying, the Raven Tengu has a faster speed than Hume because his wings are feathered and lighter.So there is also the saying that the crow tengu is the overlord of the sky, his speed is too fast.

And throwing a spear at the winged man from the ground is just a joke, and he can dodge it casually.


Speed, no one in this world is faster than that one.

"Impossible... This speed..."

Raven Tengu looked at the ice blade in the middle of his abdomen in disbelief. He couldn't understand why he was flying. How could he, as the overlord in the sky, be stabbed with the ice blade so easily by a single person?

"You want to beat me in speed... You're really looking for a dead end."

The corners of Yashenyue's mouth twitched up, don't look at him just throwing it like that, it doesn't seem to have any regularity and speed, but in fact, he has already exerted the speed and strength of his hands to 500%, how could he not be able to hunt a crow tengu ?

The crow tengu rolled to the ground, lost too much blood and passed out.

This is what happened in less than ten seconds.But now... there's still plenty of time.

"Strong... strong burst the table..."

Hu Meng said loudly while opening her blood-stained eyes. I don't know what a certain arrogant loli used to say when she understood her teacher's arrogance.

With such a tone of voice, Ye Shenyue must be very happy, because Haruna's teacher Ariel is a person who has stepped into the realm of God with half a foot, and a person who has stepped into the realm of God with the appearance of a mortal, so he is also treated like this. Complimented, doesn't it mean...

Is he not far from that realm?

Chapter 0392 in the dream (one more)

Think about it, Ye Shenyue doesn't need many powers, as long as he shows one, he can pretend to be a master, because the power in him is the elves... Well, the elves who will destroy the city when they show their power are sealed in the on his body.

It can be said that as long as he blew himself up by himself, it would be a complete humanoid bomb.

On the other side, Bai Xueyu, perhaps influenced by Ye Shenyue's direct killing of the Crow Tengu in the blink of an eye, she also used her demon power to condense a weapon, but it was a humanoid weapon, similar to a tall and giant. Doll Gundam.This is the power of ice and snow. Snow Maiden used her demon power to condense a huge human-shaped snowman as big as a giant.

The edges and corners are distinct, like a beautiful sculpture, the skin on the body is as clear as snow because that is snow, but this work of art is perfect because it is naked, really naked, naked, He also has his own appearance and wears glasses on his face. Of course, these are eyes carved out of ice and snow, and the disfigured shape of mosquito coils.

This...this...this...isn't this his image?

The snowman in the image of Yagami was born like this.

The giant snowman immediately confronted the giant giant, and they were fighting, a battle between giants.

"...Maybe it's time for her to change her image next time."

The momentum that Ye Shenyue finally praised was immediately dispelled by this snowman.

Shaking her head, Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on the injured Dream Demon, but this Dream Demon was actually in a coma... I don't know how to say she was okay, but she actually missed the opportunity for the hero to appear.

It stands to reason that the tortoise monster is right in front of Ye Shenyue and turns her head to see that this empty space will definitely be attacked, but he was not attacked.


This tortoise... um... only the tortoise shell is firm and hard, even if it is three times bigger... um, it still has no attack power...

·All in all, this tortoise is a small sufferer and can only be beaten passively, and its most powerful skill is also related to beating, that is, being beaten actively. Its shell is too hard, and it can only resist attacks.

Megalo, Ye Shenyue looked at this tortoise monster and only thought of these three words, the huge Megalo... Well, he was also wearing a school uniform that did not match his body proportions. Isn't this what Megalo is?

But now he doesn't have Mr. Mistedding, so he can't say the mantra of "although I am handsome and charming, but I will invite death", but...

There was a smile on Ye Shenyue's face, it was a kind of gloomy smile, especially under the light of the flame, that smile appeared gloomy, the contrast, it was a huge contrast.

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