Mengmo-sang's eyes slowly lit up, "If that's the case, then the next time I go to an uninhabited island... I'll be able to..."


However, at this moment, Meng Mo's gaze fell on the right direction. How could she... see a handsome guy?

Chapter 0409 in the glasses (one more)

"that is?"

Mengxiang turned her head when she heard Hu Meng's voice, but only saw two girls walking together, no one was there.

"No... nothing..."

Dream Demon shook her head continuously, how could she be tempted by the sight of a man just now?It was obvious that she was here waiting for Ye Shenyue to come back.

However, why does that handsome guy feel a bit similar to Ye Shenyue?The figure, the hairstyle, the lips, the nose...

No, he must have made a fool of himself.

Meng Mosang continued to eat potato chips, she must have read it wrong, or in other words, even if that person is really similar to Ye Shenyue, then it has nothing to do with her.

She has found the person in her destiny and will not look at other men again.

But what is this throbbing in my heart?

The dream demon held her chest strangely. She seemed to see the man smiling at her just now, like Mu Chunfeng was so warm.

"Ahhh... I can't take it anymore... I'm going to find Yashenyue... Mengxiang, just wait for him here... I'm going to the swimming pool to see 07!"

Heinoi finally couldn't sit still, she stood up quickly and even forgot to take the potato chips, you must know that she was still bragging about this tomato flavor just now.

"Hey... Hu Meng... gone away..."

Mengxiang looked at Hu Meng strangely, but Miss Mengmo didn't seem to be in a good mood.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue originally came out of the swimming club to look for Moe Xiang and the others, but when she was about to pass, she was stopped by something. Actually, it wasn't a big deal.

"Che... You are so weak and want to bully me, you are all asking for it!"

This is completely the voice of a child, a little loli, and the loli's voice seems to be revengeful.

Totally childish.

"Dong Dong Dong |..."

Ye Shenyue saw that there were several girls chasing a little Loli wearing a witch costume, Lolita shook a pink wand in her hand and then appeared on the heads of the girls The golden iron pots knocked them down one by one.

It's just that there are two girls who seem to have known it for a long time, so when the shoulder-length black-haired loli shook the magic wand, she ducked to the right and avoided the fate of being attacked, but they were still too tender, just now. I was about to beat this loli, but the skirt flew up all of a sudden, revealing the pink and white strawberry panties.


No girl is so bold and bold that she can't scream when she suddenly dew.

So these second-year sisters screamed loudly, but the little loli made a face at them and ran forward quickly, but she was knocked out immediately after she ran two steps. The hat also fell to one side.

"It hurts... hey... why did you hit me... don't you want to bully Xiao Zi too?"

Loli pressed her head while covering her small bulging hips and wanted to sit up, but she opened her eyes slightly and saw the face of a young man she had never seen before.

The young man's face is very clean, and the angular face naturally shows a gentle temperament, which is a kind of temperament that makes people want to get close.

Ye Shenyue bumped into this reckless little loli, and his hand was just not far from the pointed witch hat, so he took the hat in his hand easily. ∫ "Lori can only be used for pain, not for bullying."

Ye Shenyue pressed the hat on Loli's head. Ye Shenyue saw the scene just now clearly. This Lolita is one of the heroines in the vampire world, with a flat-chested Lolita attribute.

It doesn't seem that her personality is very good now, and she is using her witch's advantage to bully others.

"Also, if you do this again, you will be isolated."

"What... being isolated... Hmph, that's my business too. Those people... I don't want to be friends with them!"

Xiao Zi put on her hat, and Ye Shenyue just casually pressed it on her head, almost covering her face.So she used her white and tender little hands to show her face again, just like a kitten, very cute.

Cute and naughty loli.

In Ye Shenyue's eyes, this small action came to such a conclusion. For someone like him who had read countless lolitas, she couldn't stand the cuteness of lolitas.

"Why? It's lonely without friends..."

It's a pity that this loli is throwing a tantrum.It's not good to not get along with others.

"Lonely or something...I'm not afraid...because...I'm a witch...Witches are lonely and powerful and don't need friends!"

Xiao Zi thought that the students in the class, whether they were boys or girls, knew that she was a witch, and immediately said with a discriminatory look at her, she didn't need their friends because she was a witch.

"Really? But ah... the witches I know are not alone, because even the most powerful people need others sometimes."

What Yagami Yue thought of was the witches he knew, such as Haruna and Ariel.

Maybe they have different powers, but they are also people who use magic, so in another sense, they are actually witches, but the powerful Ariel Sandu still has a friend named Kris, and Kris has a friend named Nini. , and then Yu has other friends.

As Miss Yuko said, no one exists alone in this world. Once he appears in this world, he has already been involved with people and things in this world.

It's impossible to be alone.

"Witch? You know witches too?"

Well, Xiao Zi is noncommittal about Ye Shenyue's statement that she wants to make friends with others, but as soon as she heard that he knew the witch, she immediately became infatuated with 487. It can be seen that she still doesn't want to be alone, at least she wants to be with her. The witch's clan makes friends.

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