"I know, of course I know, but they're not here, and..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes slid upwards suddenly, because just when he looked up, he saw a white patch.

Isn't that... the fat time of that little dream demon?

The dream demon actually opened its wings and flew into the air, it would be fine if it just flew, but he could see her dew point below!

I'm going!

Don't bring this one!

This is the rhythm at Dew Point!

"And this lollipop. I'll give you the lollipop."

Ye Shenyue took out a lollipop from her pocket. She threw the lollipop to the little loli and then he ran quickly towards the place where Hu Meng flew away. This dream demon really doesn't know how to cover it up. Wouldn't it be overlooked by others?


Zi Luoli looked at the lollipop that Ye Shenyue forcibly threw in her hand. It was a little strange.But Ye Shenyue ignored her.

"What a strange man..."

Lolita stared blankly at Ye Shenyue's retreating back, "Well... Forget it, this candy... It's a waste to leave it alone... Let's lick it..."

Soon Loli's eyes were attracted by the colored lollipops.

ps: Thanks to Uncle o, hicker0, sdodudu888 for the flowers and comments.Ask for flowers at the beginning of the month, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly passes, and ask for various requests.

Chapter 0410 Under the glasses that were taken off (two more)

"Hey... Heinoi Hu Meng! Stop for me!"

The boy's voice flew directly to the flying dream demon with penetrating power.

Ye Shenyue got rid of Lolita whom she finally met, and she was chasing quickly towards the dream demon flying in the air. This dream demon was really careless, didn't she realize that she was dew point?

If he is just an ordinary person and an outsider, then when this kind of thing happens, he just needs to find a place to lie down and wait to see the dew point. But now it's not someone else's woman who wants to dew point. This kind of Things must be different.

It must be a different matter!Because that guy is his woman, how can he let his own woman show up and make other men happy?

Gotta get that guy to get him down first!I've only heard of this dream demon that I accidentally clicked on, but she looks like this now, but her nerves are too big!

Safety pants!

Make sure she wears safety pants!

Ye Shenyue ran wildly below and couldn't stop thinking.

At the same time, the dream demon flying in the air has also heard his voice.The flapping wings stopped.


Meng Mo Sang was flying with the worry that she was almost attracted by the man, and she subconsciously stopped in mid-air when she heard Ye Shenyue's voice.The purple-black eyes looked down, like radar, and soon found the speaker.

It was a teenager.

The boy she... didn't know, but was the handsome guy she saw sitting on the bench just now.

The handsome guy actually called her by her name, which means he knew her?And then... tell her to stop?

Could it be that you want to have a relationship with her and then fall in love with her?

"No... No... This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed, I can't betray my feelings."

Although the man below was very fond of her, Meng Mo-sang was strongly overcoming his trembling emotions.

"It must be like this, it must be because I have hallucinations and then I think that person's voice is so like Yashenyue."

Yes, the dream demon is thinking about his lover's appearance, hair, nose, mouth, and eyes... and eyes...

For some reason, Mengmo felt that the eyes of the young man below were very similar to the eyes of his false Ye Shenyue, because Ye Shenyue had never taken off her glasses in front of her.

She had never seen his face at all.

Then, the dream demon is just like this cup.

"how so……"

Why did she feel more and more that the boy below was Ye Shenyue?Obviously, Ye Shenyue should be in the swimming pool at this time, and it is obvious that she has small eyes behind the mosquito coil glasses...

How could you have such a strange fantasy?

The dream demon flew like a lost soul, and it flew faster.

Can't stop.


Ye Shenyue was below, but he didn't know what kind of blow and torment Mengmo Sang had suffered. He only saw Mengmo hearing his voice and then turning around and then... Not only did he not fall, but he flew faster, a pair of Signs to escape here.

I'm going!

What the hell happened to this dream demon?

It's just that she can't be allowed to fly away and then show it. Although no one likes to look up at the sky as leisurely as he does, it's impossible to say that there is no chance.

Then very quickly, Ye Shenyue exerted force when she ran two steps, and in an instant, the strength of her feet reached the limit, but his ultimate strength was not the ultimate strength of Tohka's that would sink the ground, his ultimate strength Is to change the speed to the extreme.

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