The whole person rushed towards the flying dream demon like a cannonball.Grab, grab her tail, the most sensitive tail, as she turns her head in panic.


Mengmo and Ye Shenyue fell from the sky together. Generally speaking, Ye Shenyue flew up on her own initiative, so she would not be embarrassed when she landed, but the problem was that Miss Mengmo struggled desperately when she was caught by him. She kept kicking him, and Ye Shenyue had to avoid her if she didn't hurt her, so when she finally landed, she was embarrassed.

The whole person has become the flesh pad of the dream demon, and the dream demon is not much better. She gritted her teeth and looked like she was in pain... and the pain was really local...

"Let go... let me go... you pervert..."

The Dream Demon grabbed his chest and got up quickly, but he shouted loudly. In order to avoid other disputes, Ye Shenyue directly used the most primitive method, which was to block her complaints and anger directly with a kiss.

It's just that the actions they were all familiar with in the past aroused strong resistance from Hu Meng.

She froze for a while when Ye Shenyue kissed her, but when she realized she was already kissed.

He was actually kissed like that.

Being kissed, he was actually kissed.

The dream demon burst into tears immediately, but her hands responded faster than her tears.The hand has been thrown out subconsciously. This is the normal reaction of the girl who was kissed by force. She wants to slap the person who forcibly kissed her!


Ye Shenyue was stunned with a slap.

"Hu must be crazy."

Ye Shenyue couldn't remember how long she hadn't been beaten. His heart was strange, it was a kind of feeling of beating birds all day long and finally being pecked by birds.

Chapter 0411 The society is the Ministry of Information! (one more)

"Crazy? I'm really crazy...I'm going to kill you...kill you!"

The dream demon slapped it out, and then the nails on his fingers quickly grew long, sharp and slender, those are sharp nails that can dig out a person's heart and liver, the dream demon's voice was already determined, "You pervert. , actually insulted me, insulted me, and then spoke in Ye Shenyue's voice, people like you... must be killed!"

At this moment, the dream demon is like a broken child, and the voice has been hysterical.

"wait wait wait……"

Ye Shenyue can no longer feel sorry for herself, because the current dream demon is bursting with strong resentment and anger, just like a girl who was abandoned and despaired. Is this a sick girl?No, this is already only sick and not coquettish!

Hu Meng is angry, and has entered a state of hysteria, but no matter how bad Ye Shenyue is, the power in his body is not something that ordinary monsters can easily deal with. Her wrist was still firmly held by Ye Shenyue's hand.

"Hu Meng! You wake up, what the hell happened to you! Hurry up and wake up!"

Could it be that when he didn't know it, this dream demon was attacked by others and became unconscious?


And Mengxiang!

Mengxiang should be with her, so what about Mengxiang?Shouldn't he be attacked too!

"Wake up...wake up, wake monster, don't think that you can use Ye Shenyue's voice to deceive me... hum... Shike can't be humiliated, no... it has been insulted... I will definitely If I kill you..."

Dream Demon didn't know where the strength came from. The slender tail was wrapped around Ye Shenyue's waist all of a sudden, and the tail became tighter and tighter. It seemed that he wanted to use the power of the tail to cut him in half.

This is the rhythm of the fish dying and the net breaking.

This dream demon is already broken!

"What do you mean by using Yeshenyue's voice, I am Yeshenyue! Hu Meng!"

I am Ye Shenyue!

Is it Ye Shenyue?

"You must be lying to me... don't think I'm so easy to lie!"

The tail of the dream demon trying to restrain Yashinyuki's waist suddenly spread out and then tied it back up again.

Hearing her say that, Ye Shenyue's forehead suddenly had a big sweat.

Is it really not that easy to deceive?

"You must be deceiving people, deceiving me to take it lightly, people like you... it's better to be killed... Damn guy, I've been defiled by such a person... what should I do... in my destiny people..."

Dream Demon's mood still seems very low or terrible, this is broken, this is the rhythm of completely broken.


"Hu Meng, what did I lie to you for? I am really Ye Shenyue, like a fake Ye Shenyue! Could it be that..."

Ye Shenyue's expression suddenly became tangled, "Could it be that you don't know what I look like?"

It seems, it seems to be the case, the glasses seem to be in the swimming department, he seems to have forgotten this and then came back like this, and then was misunderstood by Hu Meng... as someone else?

The cold wind blowing the night god month has a kind of messy feeling in the wind.

"Don't try to lie to me... I'm going to kill you..."

The Dream Demon suffered irreversible damage as if it had activated the ultimate self-destruction program.

No way, she wouldn't believe it.

"Eh? You...why are you here? Hu Meng...what are you doing?"

Maybe I agree with Hu Meng a little bit, so this time when I saw Hu Meng sitting on Ye Shenyue's lap, Mengxiang didn't push her away immediately, but just watched the two of them attacking and defending, and then Mengxiang was shocked. He came to this conclusion, "Okay, I've made people wait for so long in vain, and you guys are actually playing games here. It's really too much, I'm angry, I'm angry!"

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