So I happily answered the question of the fourth person who did not belong to the three.

"Very good, there will be one, two, three...four...four members...the number is enough, and then I can get the salary of the instructor...I can finally add meals. …”

Teacher Maomu's eyes lit up, making people think that her purpose was to get her salary again as the instructor of the depressed club.

Just knew it would be like this.

Sure enough, you still entered the original club like the original?


"Bai Xueyi? Why are you here?"

Ye Shenyue had already sat up from the ground, Hu Mengzheng was sticking to him, Ye Shenyue looked strangely at the sudden appearance, and then asked Mr. Maomu whether the classmate Bai Xueyi with the camera was breaking the law.

Since the last appointment, Ye Shenyue felt that she hadn't sensed the existence of Snow Maiden. Miss Snow Maiden was often absent from school these two days, and she didn't know if she continued to peep at that location.

Because sitting in the front... that's not allowed to peep, and sitting in the back is not called peeping, but just looking at it openly, this... It really doesn't meet Bai Xue's hobby.

"Of course I'm... I've always been... I originally wanted to join the club with you, but after watching for a long time, there was no club I liked, but now... no need to worry anymore."

Miss Xue Nv raised her camera hanging on her chest, "I have found a club that suits me, and that is the Press Department... In this way, I can keep taking all kinds of shy photos and then write an issue of tracking skills. reported……"

Miss Xue Nu looked very enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

"That's not right, anyway, it's time to write a report on how to suck blood without pain..."

In the end, even Mengxiang seemed a little excited, maybe it was ignited by classmate Bai Xue.

"Okay, then without further ado, I'll take you to the press room's activity room..."

Mr. Maomu looked very urgent but was about to take two steps and stopped, then turned to look at Yashenyue.

"But... By the way, who are you?" With a puzzled expression on his face, it seemed that this was a new student.


Well, Ye Shenyue felt that she still had to put on her glasses first.Otherwise, no one would know anyone without the glasses.


Activity Room.

This is a very formal activity room, and it is empty inside, but when everyone pulls the heavy curtains, the space becomes larger when the outside light enters, and there is a table in the center. Let everyone sit in, you can study and study together after school. There is a blackboard in front of you, and there are decent books around. The atmosphere of reading is still very good, and you can also order a small hot pot here.

It looks...still good.

"Why is there no one in the news agency? Could it be that..."

Little Dream Demon turned in several directions and still didn't find any traces of people or monsters. Could it be that...

"Could it be that this is actually a place for us to meet?"

The corners of Miss Xuenu's mouth were slightly raised, and it seemed that she was quite satisfied, because she didn't like too lively places or her personality was a bit withdrawn, she was indeed withdrawn, otherwise she wouldn't have acted like peeping, peeping, and filming. It was a snap.

"Actually, there is another person here..."

Teacher Maomu's ears moved and said, she was still licking and licking the fish-shaped popsicle in her hand. It's really a cat that likes fish at all times.

"Anyone else?"

Mengxiang sat gently beside Ye Shenyue.

"Well, it's a student from the previous class. He was the bare commander of the original news department."

Teacher Maomu explained, "Eh...I remember his name...what is his name..."

Mr. Maomu's glasses were pushed up, as if he couldn't remember and then tried his best to think. "Ah... not good... the popsicles are about to melt..."

The cat licked the fish-shaped popsicle quickly and quickly.

It seems this is more important.


Your head can't just hold fish!

At this time, Ye Shenyue was not alone in wanting to complain.

"'re here..."

However, at this moment, someone opened the door of the activity room and swaggered in.

ps: Thanks to lzbl993 for the urging vote, I haven't been urging for a long time...

Chapter 413 The Face of Senior Silver

It was a man with a sunny smile on his face like a relaxed and sunny handsome guy.The most marked is his forehead, which is very broad with a red band.

"Very good, just like the legend, he is just a man with glasses. In terms of appearance... he is definitely not as good as me."

Looking at the people sitting in the room, a smile appeared on Sen Qiu Yinying's face. He was observing the members one by one. It was very good. There were three girls and one boy, and the boy was not very tall.

The three girls have their own characteristics. First of all, it is Chi Yemengxiang, whom he has always had a crush on, with long pink hair and a sweet smile, and... the girl with light blue and purple long hair over there is also good, clean, pure and translucent. , By the way, that girl with big breasts is also very cute, how on earth does such a slender body hold up those pair of breasts!

At first, he thought that he was joining ordinary girls, but he did not expect that the quality of the girls who joined now is so high.

The corners of Sen Qiu Yinying's mouth suddenly lit up. He took out three bright roses from behind like a conjuration. In fact, these were roses that had been put aside for a long time, but his speed was very fast, so it looked like he was coming from behind. It turned out to be the same, "The first time we met, you are my new members... Hello everyone, my name is Moriqiu Yinying and I am the head of this news agency, of course you can call me Senior Yin... I'm really sorry for being late for the first event. , but I'm really happy to see such cute girls... Come on..."

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