Minister Mori Qiu Yinying's smile brightened several watts again, "Only this bright red and moist rose is worthy of such lovely girls..."

While talking, the minister sent all the flowers out like a gentleman.


Just kidding.

Ye Shenyue was lying on the table bored, looking at this guy and was speechless.

He himself thought that he was very scumbag, but he didn't expect that there were people who were more scumbag than him.Just the moment he came in, he immediately ignored him, a big living person, and then courted the girls. Did he really ignore him?

The opposite sex is inhuman.

"Ala... It turned out to be Moriqiu-kun. I remembered that there are no third-year students here and Moriu-kun is the only second-year student, so if you have any questions, just ask Moriuchi-kun. No. Okay, it's time...I'm going to a faculty meeting..."

Teacher Maomu originally wanted to stay for a while, but when she saw the bottom of the popsicle while eating, she immediately became nervous.

"Then... that's it... Senqiu-san, please."

Teacher Maomu almost ran out, but the minister Mori Qiu Yinying sat directly and generously in the top position.

"Sure enough, the beauty is going to be matched with safflower. I still don't know everyone's names. Can you introduce me? Well... that one, you can introduce me too."

Sen Qiu Yinying kept a smile, but this smile was only aimed at girls. He was really a person who only had women in his eyes.

Satyr Wolf, this guy is a Satyr Wolf.

Ye Shenyue came to this conclusion immediately after combining the inside story she knew and the current scene. If it is the development of the original book, then this Mori Qiu Yinying, whose prototype is the big bad wolf, is actually a voyeur, and then she blamed the original protagonist. , of course, this is not the most important, because the current Ye Shenyue has replaced the original protagonist, this thing has not happened yet, so there is nothing to be angry about, but this guy's eyes have been fixed on Mengxiang, Hu Meng and others. On Miss Snow Girl?

Why did Bai Xueyi also appear in the end?

Putting this aside for now, Ye Shenyue is not the kind of person who can tolerate other men peeping at their women.

"Heonai Hu Meng, I'm not interested in other men... well... this is my true destiny..."

Miss Mengmo is sitting on the left side of Ye Shenyue, and Mengxiang is on the right. Miss Mengmo looks very lively, because of the influence of the "handsome guy incident" just now, Miss Mengmo's antibody is still very strong, so it is said that this Sen Qiu Yinying is from time to time. There was nothing special about her self-confessed smile.

Moreover, Miss Mengmo, who had already seen Ye Shenyue's appearance, privately thought that her man was more handsome.

"He doesn't call him that... But you can call him Hu Meng's True Destiny in the future... I allow it..."

Dream Demon seemed very happy to be the first to explain, and all of a sudden he had the right to speak.

"Hey...Hu Meng, this is not something that is allowed or can you introduce it like this, if you introduce it like this, then...I also...I also..."

When Mengxiang was on the rooftop, she had already decided that she couldn't step back and lose to Hu Meng, so now that she saw Hu Meng's decision on her own, she immediately grabbed Ye Shenyue's right hand and wanted to remove him from Hu Meng. pull aside...

"I also allow it. In the future, you will be called... just called Yeshenyuejun...I think about..."

Mengxiang's face was a little red, she was struggling with whether she should speak out about her boyfriend boldly or a more explosive man?

There seems to be another one that I prefer to use the word man.

"No, no, it's better to call me naked male at this time... That shiny skin..."

Just when Mengxiang was struggling, the third person they ignored, Miss Xuenu spoke up, but when she said this, why did her pure eyes glow with strange colors?

She is completely trapped in her own world.

"Wait a minute... You can't say what you said! I'll introduce myself. If you can change your name, you won't change your surname, Ye Shenyue is also."

Ye Shenyue was sweating profusely, and Hu Meng's name made people feel a little embarrassed. Meng Xiang hasn't said it yet, but this Miss Bai Xue's "my naked male" is... Absolute No way! , said no, but she really used demon power to create his naked body to duel. If he didn't stop him at this time, then Yashenyue felt that this guy must have the courage to loudly wear a bright red in front of everyone. He called out excitedly.

Naked man, naked man, what a pretentious name!

4.9 Therefore, Ye Shenyue can only reject it completely.It would be nice if there was only one nickname for this kind of thing, so many people would really treat him as an open source!

So Ye Shenyue immediately clapped her hands and refused, but the minister on the side was about to drop his jaw.

This scene...what the hell is going on!

Seeing the quarrel between Mengxiang and the others, Senqiu Yinying felt as if he was suddenly separated, as if he was from another world. Was his eyes really wrong? Didn't he say that all the girls who joined were from his minister? ?

Why did you fall in love with a scumbag guy with glasses?

It would be great if the name of the goddess and the naked man fell on him!

Werewolf Sang wanted to cry but had no tears. He felt that his abacus seemed... wrong.

ps: Thank you for your flowers and comments, the next chapter is the real wolf VS big tail wolf.

Chapter 0414 True Wolf vs Big Tail Wolf (two more)

"Clap clap clap..."

Sen Qiu Yinying was not reconciled, he was really not reconciled, he patted the table hard and finally refocused everyone's attention.

"Cough cough... Now that everyone knows each other, let's introduce the news department. In fact, our news department uses our keen eyes and sense of smell to discover the news in the school and then print the news on the newspaper for students to read. It looks glorious, but it is a complicated thing to discover news alone, so if you want to quit now, there is still a chance..."

When everyone's eyes finally focused, Minister Moriqiu Yinying finally showed the performance of a legitimate person. At this moment, he was serious and serious as if he was a qualified minister.

Seems like someone you can count on and follow his lead.

"We're not going to quit, it looks really fun, doesn't it..."

Miss Xiaomengmo seems to be very motivated, but what she is talking about now is only a scene, in fact, what she is thinking is that she can finally join the 07 club with Ye Shenyue, and then she can use the time together quickly. Enter the wedding hall, and let the real son of fate become a duck number.

"Well, as long as Lord Yeshenyue doesn't object to me, I won't quit, and it seems interesting that I can act as a messenger of justice."

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