This is not on the same level!

The big bad wolf thinks he will lose, how is this possible?Obviously he is also a big monster...

But what is this feeling of palpitations?

"It's been a long time since I came out..."

The vampire who came out of the rivers and lakes stretched, then grabbed Ye Shenyue's collar and dragged him over, "Your childhood has been very nourishing during this time..."

The blood-red and cold eyes fell on Bai Xue and Hu Meng. They felt a little…

Hmm, a little scary.

This is the difference in power. Although they are all monsters, there will be strong and weak points. Even if they are sisters, there are strong and weak points.

ps: It feels like there is no one left, the support... Where is the support?Sure enough, everyone doesn't like watching vampires, right?Or does the world write too much?

Chapter 0421 On the showdown of Bai Mengxiang vs werewolf monster (three more)


Bai Mengxiang glanced at Hu Meng and Bai Xue, "If you want to steal someone else's man, then defeat me first. If you can't defeat me, then just quit obediently, you guys..."

"Give me a good measure of your weight!"

Her long silver hair swayed gently with the wind, and she swung her legs with one hand in a handsome manner. She swung her arms handsomely and said in a tone of unquestionable and unnecessary rejection.

It is full of domineering and demonic power, and the tone is full.


This is all about trying to force other girls to quit!

Bai Meng Xiang Sang, you are so handsome!

It turns out that power can be used like this!

Ye Shenyue felt that she had learned another trick.

But other people didn't react like this. The one who reacted the fastest was Miss Mengmo. She measured her own strength and then the strength of Mengxiang after the seal was lifted, and immediately put on a pitiful expression on her face.

"Ye Shenyue... Meng Xiang bullied me..."

It's impossible for Miss Mengmo to let her quit like this, but this Bai Mengxiang, Mengmo really opened her eyes this time.Unexpectedly, the seemingly useless Moe Xiang has become so powerful. This power is completely against the sky!

Just let her go to a duel with Bai Mengxiang, Meng Mo Sang is not that stupid, because this is a game that will definitely be lost, if you lose and get injured, it's okay, but if you lose and Ye Shenyue like this. The chance to be together then she doesn't want it!

Therefore, to sum up the above, Miss Mengmo finally chose to bring Ye Shenyue up as a shield.

Rather than worrying about yourself, let the man worry about it.

What a smart girl.


However, what was surprising was that Bai Xue came forward all of a sudden.Bai Mengxiang looked at her, she was not afraid, or she even attacked.She waved her hand, and the power of pure ice began to emerge from her feet, grabbing Moeka's feet like tentacles outstretched.

However, Bai Mengxiang, who had regained her vampire power, didn't dodge, or the corners of her mouth were curled up. It was impossible for this kind of trick to trap her.

However, the corners of her mouth were curled up, and it was said that a strong person has a broad heart. Mengxiang is still very authentic in this regard, because she has some fancy for the backbone of this little snow girl, and a mere ordinary monster actually dared to shoot at her.This extraordinary courage is enough to be admired.

But her big monster's bearing was there, she didn't move and let the snow girl take action. The snow girl's trick was very simple, she didn't let her hands become those terrible ice blades, she just froze Mengxiang, It's frozen.

It was like a perfect work of art shining brightly in the blood-red moonlight.

There was a crisp sound of "touch", and it took less than 0.1 seconds from the moment when the ice was frozen until the ice was broken. The ice was completely broken and fell to the ground with a bouncing sound. Mengxiang was crushed by her force before it could melt. ice cubes.

"Little girl Xue Nu, you should know the gap between us, you should check your courage!"

The blood-red eyes of the vampire became even redder, this is...

The excitement of hitting people.

Mengxiang also has revenge!

"Wait... Mengxiang... Actually, Bai Xue didn't mean it..."

Originally, girls are fighting, and it is the most stupid behavior for boys to intervene because he is the source of the girls' arguments, who will be hit if they don't hit him?It's just that watching the girls scuffle is not what he wants to see. If it is Ariel and Chris who are fighting, then there is nothing. The night god will not stop it, because his strength is not enough to persuade the fight. Besides, their strength should be fine, but not now. If Mengxiang is the power of a girl, then Snow Girl can only have the power of a child, and you can guess the tragic fate of Miss Snow Girl without thinking.

"You can't call Bai Xue, but Ying."

However, what is even more surprising is that when Mengxiang hadn't responded yet, Bai Xue interjected faster than anyone else, she was pointing at Ye Shenyue, and his name was wrong again." Besides, if I don't fight you, I might lose my breath if I get kicked by you..."

"But I'm not quitting either."

Bai Xue slowly put on Ye Shenyue's other arm.

Ye Shenyue once again changed from being alone to a situation of hugging from left to right.

That is to say, the two girls rejected Moexiang and it seems... are these actions still provocative?

"These guys..."

A terrifying tic tac toe faintly appeared on Bai Mengxiang's forehead.She wanted to let these two girls know the consequences of angering vampires.


The wolf howl began, a wolf howl of dissatisfaction and anger.

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