But, unfortunately, even though Bai Mengxiang, who suddenly burst out, didn't look at Mr. Werewolf who was eager to bark immediately, the powerful werewolf was ignored again.

... so he was angry.

"Don't be in trouble, come to me if you have the ability."

What an awesome sentence.

Then everyone seems to have just remembered that there is an enemy here that must be hit.

| "However, Chi Ye Mengxiang, you are such a beautiful vampire. Although our attributes are different, you are a monster of power and I am a monster of speed. If we combine together, we will definitely give birth to the best child. That's awesome, I'm going to beat you and make you my woman!"

Bai Mengxiang glanced at the werewolf with her sharp red eyes, and the corners of her mouth were already full of anger,"

Stop kidding, bastard! "

It's an insult to vampires.

Those two girls need a lesson, but this one... It seems that a lesson is needed more!

"We'll talk about your business later!"

Leaving a cool sentence, Bai Mengxiang stared at the huge werewolf, her eyes slightly solemn.But her expression changed, but her strength and speed didn't change. Without thinking, she raised her leg and gave the werewolf a side kick. Vampires are powerful monsters. Every move is accompanied by a whistling sound of wind. It's like breaking the space, if you get hit, it will definitely hurt...

Don't hang up and go to Half-Life.

Moexiang had confidence in her own strength, but she found that the werewolf who seemed unable to react opened his mouth and smiled.

Then her legs fluttered.

"Where are you aiming, I'm here."

The figure of the werewolf disappeared from the spot and when he made a sound, everyone realized that he had fallen five meters away. That was less than 0.1 seconds!

This speed...even a vampire can't react!

"It's fast and very agile."

The dream demon and the snow girl said in unison, and the two people were thinking very similar things. One was thinking that their claws and flying blades couldn't hit the werewolf, and the other was that the werewolf couldn't freeze him even if he avoided him.

Then, the two looked at Moexiang sympathetically, and Moexiang might be about to get into a tough fight.

"It seems that the power of vampires is only the same. The stronger the moonlight, the faster my speed. Tonight is the full moon with the strongest moonlight, which means that I am invincible as a werewolf. Chi Yemengxiang, you should be my woman. ...then I'll kill that obstructing Yashin Yue!"

Chapter 0422 Werewolf VS Vampire Monster Battle (One More)

Kill again!

Ye Shenyue was speechless, this monster world is really savage, even he never thought of killing his rival directly, it seems that he is still too kind, which is in line with the bad guy, Ye Shenyue's heart is There is nothing good or bad, he likes to live according to his own mood, and now the tone and words of this big bad wolf make him very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, everyone wants to bully him if he doesn't show off his arrogance. He really thinks he is a ball that can be pinched around casually!

It's really frustrating.

Since the other party is a barbarian, then use barbarian means to solve the problem.

The Law of the Jungle The winner is king.

So the night god moved, he moved the girl's hand on his arm, "Wait a minute!"

However, just as Ye Shenyue was getting ready to squeeze her fingers, Bai Mengxiang, who was standing on the spot, stopped Ye Shenyue loudly.

"Just a wild dog I can deal with."

It was Ling Xie's tone that was spoken with Ling Ran's attitude.

As expected of a big monster.

"Wild... wild dog!"

The big bad wolf roared immediately, "No matter how you look at me, I'm a wolf anyway, how can you compare me to a wild dog? Very good, very good, Chi Yemengxiang, you are very good, I am angry!"

"I want you to see the consequences of my anger!"

The big bad wolf looked very angry, and his figure disappeared again, but there was a sound of breaking the air in the air. His speed was too fast and his eyes couldn't keep up, because as he said, it is the strongest full moon now.

"...Then I'll beat you to the point of losing your temper."

Bai Mengxiang said coolly and then straightened her posture.

"You still give up on me, as long as the full moon is still there, I will win..." Mr. Werewolf growled.He was circling around Mengxiang, his speed and speed, he was confident that he could attack Mengxiang directly, but he didn't do that now because he was angry and he wanted to give Mengxiang a feeling that she couldn't escape him.

The speed of the angry man is also rising in a straight line.

"That's what I said...but..."

Mengxiang also seemed to be struggling, because... She felt the werewolf spinning in circles, but she couldn't find where the werewolf was.

Maybe what she said just now was too full, and Ye Shenyue should come, but the vampire's arrogance is there, she doesn't want to retreat like this and let the other party look down on it.

At the thought of being looked down upon by vampires, his arrogance also rose in a straight line.

Now, is anger winning or arrogance winning?

"Directly ahead, not lower behind, one meter, seven o'clock."

Ye Shenyue's voice suddenly came over, as if she had suddenly found a rope to save Moeka's life. Without thinking, she followed Ye Shenyue's instructions and kicked back fiercely.


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