At some point, Taeko had already removed the word "classmate".

Mihara on the side noticed this.Shaking his head secretly, he still added, "It's okay today. Next time I can go to a more fun place."


Ye Shenyue originally thought they would complain, but she didn't expect the two girls to be so inclusive!

"Then... see you tomorrow!"

Ye Shenyue beckoned to Tiaozi cheerfully, took Tiaozi's hand and kissed it gently on it, "It's the end of the date."

Now that he arrived at Taeko-chan's house, Mihara was glaring faintly on the side, and Ye Shenyue just kissed her hand and did not continue.Such a lovely and pure Taeko, Ye Shenyue couldn't bear to destroy her, and she gradually got better.

When 410 arrived at Mihara's house, Ye Shenyue proposed to go up and take a seat, but of course Mihara refused in the end.

It doesn't matter if he is rejected, Ye Shenyue's purpose is not that, but to let Mihara kiss him back.

" could I kiss you back!"

Mihara refused, just watched Ye Shenyue step into her house, and in the end, she finally gave in.Now that there is no one at home, what should I do if I let him in, and suddenly the animal becomes violent!

"Only once! Not many thoughts!"

Miyuan just grabbed Ye Shenyue's shoulder, touched his face lightly, and was about to withdraw. She was just being forced!

Deceiving yourself in your heart.But she didn't think about it, if she was forced, why would she even resist?The other party wanted to kiss and really kissed.

She is stealing the bell!

"Stupid... idiot!"

In the end, she stood at the window on the second floor, looking at the back of Ye Shenyue slowly leaving, the arrogant Mihara touched her lips, her expression a little complicated...

"Sure enough...there is one...two...three...five...even more..."

In the small mezzanine of the store, Silas counted silently, with strange colors flashing in his beautiful eyes.

"It seems... there are still many opponents..."

ps: Ask for automatic subscriptions. Now there are 99, and there is still 1 to 100. There are 100 authors in automatic subscriptions, which is 2 words. Although it is pitiful...but definitely not tj

Chapter 0091 Yuki and the cat

The taste of Mihara's lips was still as sweet as before.

Ye Shenyue is also a veteran of these, and the girls have tasted a lot of lips. There is You Sauce's light with a little coldness, Haruna Sauce's soft, Sera's warm, and Silas's passionate , Yuuki's gentle, Taeko-chan's warm and inclusive, and Mihara's.

Mihara's lips are different from hers, and different from her pretending to be cold and arrogant.Soft and soft.

In retrospect, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that he was really worth it, from a hard-working otaku to a prostitute now.

It's just that happiness is happiness, and the problem comes out.Alaya appeared, and such a beautiful life was about to end, and Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a sense of loss.

Ye Shenyue scratched her head, feeling a little depressed, the time was too tight, there were only 10 days left.

Alaya is in a hurry!

And Ariel-chan, why did she suddenly appear?When did she get so good with Silas, Silas was able to contact her!

There must be some conspiracy he doesn't know about!

Intuition told him so.

In 10 days, he really didn't want to leave, and in 10 days, his relationship with Yuuki, Taeko-chan, Mihara and the others hadn't reached the height he expected! 10 days is too fast!

"Huh? That's... Yuuki?"

When Ye Shenyue walked by a street corner, she suddenly found a figure in the small clearing.

She was half-squatting, holding cat food in one hand, and stroking the head of a white kitten in the other.

The cat meows meekly.

"Meow~~" "Haha...Are you happy too? I'm so happy today... actually sitting on the same chair as Aikawa..."

Yuuki squatted half-squatting and said with a smile, the color of happiness appeared on his face, and the white and delicate face became more lovely and dazzling.Of course, it was more of excitement. It seemed that even the kitten felt her excitement, and took the initiative to stretch her head over to let her touch it.

Is this... Yuuki?Is she talking to the cat?

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that he didn't pay enough attention to Youji. He was so happy just sitting in the same chair with him. Youji, what you want... is really too little!

Ye Shenyue looked at Youji, the splendid afterglow of the setting sun fell on Youji, as if she was covered with a golden coat, and the whole person looked holy and lovely.

Yuki at this time is very charming.


Ye Shenyue shouted.

"Ai... Aikawa?"

Yuuki was a little panicked. Seeing Ye Shenyue's figure, she immediately hid the cat food in her hand behind her, as if she would be very embarrassed to be seen by Ye Shenyue.

"Meow~~" The kitten, who was touched by Yuuki just now, stood at Yuuki's feet at the moment, and even its tail stood up, revealing pieces that usually retracted to the original place only when it was in danger. The sharp minions stared at Ye Shenyue vigilantly.

Ye Shenyue has no doubt that as long as he takes a step forward, the kitten will rush up and use its cat attack.

"Xiaoye...don't be like this...he's not a bad guy!"

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