The kitten was aggressive and seemed to want to bite Ye Shenyue, but Yuuki quickly stopped her.

He squatted down and touched the head of the kitten, and at this moment, it was amazing, the kitten that was like a little tiger in the last second has lost its spirit and only has a cute kitten.

Meow meow, circle around Yuuki.

Yuuki lowered her head with a sad expression, "I'm sorry Aikawa, Saya didn't mean it."

"Yuki likes cats?"

Ye Shenyue also squatted down and stretched out her hand to the kitten. There was also a cat in his house, but that cat was kept by Youjiang and the others. what.

Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of Sera's appearance with cat ears. It seemed that it was not only Sera. He remembered that Feiju in Feiju, the guardian of the catgirl, was also a cat, and her cat-like appearance was also very seductive.

"Ah? This...this...yes! If Aikawa doesn't like it...then I...then I..."

Yuuki was a little flustered, and took out the cat food she had just hidden, as if she was reluctant. As long as Ye Shenyue said nothing, she would abandon this hobby.

"I like cats very much, Yuuki, it seems we have something in common... Come on, this cat's name is... um, Xiaoye, right?"

Ye Shenyue spread her palms and gave the nervous Youji a smile. Youji is really a bit old-fashioned, but this is also one of her cute points.

After having Yu and the others, it seems that he has been ignoring Yuuki.

He also heard the conversation between Yuuki and the cat just now. Just sitting on the same stool with him will make her so happy, Yuuki... She really needs too little.

Really too few.

Maybe among so many girls, she is actually the best satisfied.

A heartache suddenly flashed across Ye Shenyue's heart.

He squatted down and stretched out his hands to the kitten, just a little weird, the kitten's name...

It's called Xiao Ye.

He is Ye Shenyue, who will call him Xiao Ye someday? Could it be that he is also a cat?

Ye Shenyue was really a little weird in her heart.

"Yeah... Xiaoye, darling, go to Aikawa's place..."

Yuuki's peaceful actions made Yuuki even more excited, Aikawa didn't let her give up her interest, and she also liked cats very much.

She has something in common with him!

"Meow~~" The white kitten glanced at Youji, then at Ye Shenyue's outstretched white palm, the little tail moved, and finally ran over.

It turns out that playing with cats is also very good, but I don't know how it feels when I go to the cat girl's world to play Feiju in the future.

Ye Shenyue patted the kitten's head, and her hand felt fluffy.

Ye Shenyue asked Yuuki to grab the kitten, while she put her palm on the cat's belly.

"Hehe... Aikawa really likes cats... I'm so happy."

The pure Yuuki thought that Ye Shenyue also liked cats, so she touched it more.


Yuuki was just unintentional words, just listening to Ye Shenyue's ears, it's not that feeling.

It's hard for him, the old face is really red.

I actually had a bad idea for a cat.


Yuuki is a little unclear, so why is Aikawa suddenly embarrassed?

Of course, the good boy doesn't understand, and of course Ye Shenyue won't say it on purpose. Does he want to tell Yuji that he actually wants a cat monster's chest?

His face is not so thick to be able to say such words!

Chapter 0092 once with Ariel sauce (please subscribe)

"Come out...Aren't you tired of following me?"

After sending Youji home, Ye Shenyue was walking towards her house, and when she was walking to an alley, she suddenly said something in a direction where no one was there.

"Allah~~ Ye Ye has really improved. It's really looking more and more like the original. No matter where people hide it, you can find it~~" Surprisingly, in a place where no one was originally, there was a burst in the air. The space shook, and then slowly walked out a petite and delicate girl wearing a red and black pleated skirt.

The girl did not wear shoes, revealing a pair of small crystal clear feet, the small feet stepped directly on the shoulders of Ye Shenyue, just like a circus performance, doing more difficult movements, but this movement, what do you think? How ambiguous, because she was originally standing on Ye Shenyue's left shoulder with one foot, but in less than a second, when a faint fragrance passed from the tip of Ye Shenyue's nose, the small 06 buttocks went straight. Sitting on Ye Shenyue's shoulders, her two pink, tender pink and tender feet swayed directly in Ye Shenyue's mouth. The most terrible thing was that she kept moving, her tiny buttocks. Except for a thin piece of fat, there is nothing else to block it, it's like sitting on his shoulders without wearing anything!Soft feeling.

Ye Shenyue is a little excited!

"Cough cough... Ariel-chan, Lu~ ordered..."

After 10 seconds, Ye Shenyue reminded.Only the face turned to the other side.It seems to have seen something extraordinary.

"Hee hee~~ Ye Ye will still be shy... This is the same as before."

Ariel Jiang's two pink and jade-like little hands slowly landed on Ye Shenyue's face, and she touched it carefully.

" were talking about...what kind of person was I in the past? Can you tell me about the past?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head around, trying to defeat the big teacher as if it was a tease.

Ariel-chan's fingers were soft and itchy as they touched his face.

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